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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is how do I pronounce A B L E when it comes at the end of a word as a
質問は、A B L Eが単語の最後に来るときに、A B L Eの発音はどうすればいいですか?
suffix when we see the word Able you can say I am able to complete the task we
接尾辞は Able という単語を見たときに、I am able to complete the task we と言うことができます。
are going to pronounce that word with the long a Able however when we add the
はその単語を長い a Able で発音することになります。
suffix to the end of a word we are going to use the schwa sound and we are going
to think about saying a bull like a bull that you would see out in a field so
we're going to make this a schwa a bull and then when we add it to the words
we're gonna say ador a bull agree a bull available Cape a bull now lets try
"牛を愛でることに同意する" "牛の岬で牛を手に入れよう
those all at speed adorable agreeable available and capable so give it a try
people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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