字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント [Life in Japan Theme Song] ハロウィーンと 夫と娘の誕生日も終わり Halloween has passed, the girls' and Nate's birthdays have past, クリスマスの準備です So now we get to decorate for Christmas. 日本に感謝祭はないので 次の行事はクリスマスです Since there is no American Thanksgiving in Japan, we go straight to celebrating Christmas. でも我が家は七面鳥で 感謝祭をします! Although we still do eat turkey and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving! - デコレーション中? - そう! Is this part of setting up decorations? Yep! 靴下の準備 I am doing the stockings. 靴下吊るす準備? いいね! Getting ready to hang the stockings up here? Very cool! - 後で見て - OK I can show you when it's done. OK ライトが点いたね 飾りも付けよう! Oh look! The lights are done and the ornaments are going up! ここからやろう! Hey guys, you should start doing over here. 後ろはいいわよ Not too much in the back... Yeah, because... 誰も見ないし バランス良くね No one's going to see it, but it has to go all the way around. いいね!綺麗だよ! Oh fun, fun, fun! Beautiful! 何か描こうかな I think I'm going to draw something. クレヨン?飾るの? Crayons? Is that an ornament? きれい! Sweet! It was for me. 日米の双方で 感謝祭とクリスマスはありますが Both Japan and America celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, although in different ways. この祝日は 喜びと希望に溢れた特別な日です These holidays have many traditions, but at the heart of these celebrations are true stories full of joy and hope. 2020年も終わりですが 改めてお祝いしたいですね With 2020 coming to a close, it's good to remind ourselves of these things and celebrate once again. - 新しい曲? - うん You're doing a new song Anna? Um hum. みんな!調子どう? Hey everybody! How's it going? 何食べてるの?ママの料理は? What's everybody eating? What did Mama-chan make? 美味しいわ Oh, it's so good! 人の料理って美味しいわ Oh! It's extra good when someone else makes it. ツリーもあって お祝い気分だね With the Christmas tree over there, it's very festive. And when your'e hungry! - 業務スーパーの豚肉? - そうよ! Is this the pork that you bought at Gyomu? It is! 美味しい So good! 急いで食べて これから娘達の塾です So I had a quick bite to eat, and now we take Becca and Anna to jyuku. - 塾って? - 学校と別に勉強するの What is jyuku? Where you do extra school kind-of-thingy. どんな勉強するの? Extra school! What does it help you do? 算数や国語 何でもだよ Math, kokugo, anything. ケンジ先生が褒めてたよ Do you know that last time Kenji Sensei said that you're doing so good 学校よりかなり進んでるって That you're already up to your elementary school level and beyond! 凄いね! Dude! Awesome! Way to go, girls! 狭い路地です These are our little streets! Oh my! 沢山の人 Lot's of people. And traffic. 密集してます And it's all got to squeeze down the same place. - 抜けたよ - 狭い道 Now that's a little better, huh? That's a tiny street. もう広い道だよ That's a tiny street but it gets wider here though. So that's good. 日本の感謝祭は "勤労感謝の日"といいます Japan also has it's own version of Thanksgiving, called Kinrōkanshanohi, or Labor Thanksgiving. 働く人達に感謝する日です It's a day set aside to congratulate others on their hard work and enjoy meeting together. 今日は妹と買い物です OK, today, the sisters are going to go shopping. 子供抜きの買い物の様子を紹介します! And we're going to show you what it's like to do shopping just with moms and no kids. ルイーザね!元気? OK, so we just picked up Luisa, hi baby girl! 今日は子供はルイーザだけね You're the only child that gets to go! 32分の新宿行に乗ります We're going to catch the 32 to Shinjuku. 買い物します! We're going to shop and shop and shop. デビーを待ってます Now we're just waiting for Debbie to come. どこ? Where is she? - すみません - あら! Sumimasem! Whoa- ha ha! やっと来た! We found her! 子供は留守だから ゆっくり見れるわ Since there's no kids, we can shop the adult section. ワーオ! ベンが妬くわよ Whoa! Uh oh Ben, watch out. 素敵なスカーフ Ha ha! 娘が欲しそう Look at these gorgeous scarves! よだれかけ? My kids would want that back pack. 子供抜きでも 買う物は子供の物ばかりね An adult bib. H&Mの 子供服売り場です Even though we're kid free, we still do most of the shopping for the kids. 見て!可愛い! So, 3rd floor of H&M. Children's section. エリアナは12か月?18か月? Oh my goodness! Look at that! So cute! 12か月かしら Do I get Eliana 9-12 months or 12-18 months? ベビー服を物色中です 9-12 because 12-18 she won't fit into next year anymore. 可愛いわ 9-12 months. OK, all these mommies find baby clothes. メンズフロアも見ましょう So cute. 私もこれで映るわね Let's go down, see for the men, checkout, - お腹空いたわ - 私も Then go... Prove that I was on this shopping trip. 昨日ボールを 引っ掛かけましたが I'm hungry already, are you guys hungry? Me too. 今日見つけました Yesterday we were playing here and we got a ball stuck in the tree. 別のボールで落とそうとしたら そのボールが引っ掛かりました But today we came back out and found it. 梯子を使って取ります But now we threw a heavy ball, the girl's heavy soccer ball up there to get it and it got stuck. 取れたね! So now I got a ladder and a big reacher thing to get these balls out. - 両方! - これも! We did it! We got the ball out! 昨日引っ掛かったボールだね Both! And this one! 沢山買いまいた! And that one! That's the one that got stuck yesterday! ご飯にします We've got our purchases, purchases, purchases. 沢山あるわ Now we're trying to scout out a place to eat. 本当 Ohhh, there's lots of places. ここにします Yeah. 下ります We decided we're going to eat here, this place. まだ下がるの? Gotta go down. すごい! Are you sure it isn't down more? Oh my goodness. 小・中・大 This is fun! 唐揚げ丼 Small, Medium, Large... 照り焼きチキン丼 美味しそう Deep-fried chicken rice bowl. 谷底みたい Teriaki deep fried chicken rice bowl, now that looks good. - かなり地下よね - 券を買います We're like in the depths of the belly. 自分でオーダーします I know, we are deep down there! We have to order it on a machine. - ルースはこれよね? - そう There's no one to take your order, you order yourself. 食べましょう Oh, this is the one you wanted, right Ruth? Yes 見て OK, let's go get our food. 美味しそう Oo, look at this! Look at Tia Pri's. 買い物楽しい? Oh my goodness! [Making baby sounds] 女の子だものね Hi Lu Lu. Hi Lu Lu. ハロー! (おならの音) Are you so happy on your little shopping trip? - ビデオで撮れちゃったわよ - 気分良くなった? You get to join all the girls! Yea, because you're a girl. 子供達の好物は? Hello! [Baby farts] Oh! マクドナルド! We got that on video! スケッチャーズは欠かせません Are you going to be happy now that you pooped? プリは金の靴が欲しいみたい What did the kids want to eat on their holiday today? 限定品よ! McDonalds. McDonalds! 楽しかったわ Oh my. スケッチャーズの靴です デビーも買いました It's not a true shopping trip unless you stop at the Sketchers store. お揃いね Tia Pri wants gold shoes. お猿さん!ちょっと怖いわね Limited Edition, you better buy them! 買えたわね Well, we had a very successful trip. 帰りましょう I got my Sketchers. Yeah! Debbie got Sketchers. - これは何? - 素敵なお店 Yea! Two pairs. お金! Oh! There's a monkey! That's a little freaky! 一つあげて Well, we did it! We did it! - お金だよ - ありがとう Now let's go home. 何くれるの? What do we have here, huh? We have a beautiful store. 何でもいいよ Money! マリオ達のおもちゃ You need to give one. OK. 食べ物もあるよ OK, I have some money! Thank you. ヨッシーは? You do I get for my money? いいよ!2つとも? Um, you can get anything that you want. 1個でいいよ Here's the toys — the Mario guys. - パパは大きい方ね - OK And here's all the food. - はい! - ありがとう!ヨッシーだね Could I have a Yoshi please? - 食べ物はいかが? - もちろん! Yep! Do you want two of them? - ピザは無いの - ピザが無いの? Ah, one of them will be fine, thank you. - 何がある? - ちょっと待って I'm going to get the big one because you're a daddy. OK. パンとレタスとトマトは? Here you go! Oh how nice! Now I have a Yoshi! あとお寿司 Now do you want something to eat? Of course! - これ? - そう There's no pizza, I'm so sorry. There's no pizza?! - 魚みたいだね - ポテトは? What is there? Let me see. - ポテトあるの? - 最後の一つ Could I have bread and lettuce and tomato? じゃあポテトで And sushi please. 紙飛行機 This one? Yeah 料理するね It looks like a fish. What about French fries?! - どうぞ! - ありがとう! Do you have French fries? We only have one. 美味しいよ Oh! French fries, please. これで全部だね Kamihikoki (Paper Airplane) ポテトだね I'm going to cook it ok? 食べてみるよ Here you go! Thank you so much! お寿司! Oh, that was so nice! 醤油をつけるよ Oh, here's everything I ordered. レタス… もぐもぐ… French fries. There went the French fries! トマトとパン Let me eat it real quick. 美味しい! Ah! Sushi! ジョシュア カメラ上手だね! I'm going to put it in some soy sauce! - 落とさなかったよ - 偉いね Now some lettuce, munch, munch. 腕が疲れたよ! Tomato and bread. 重かったよね! Ah, oh! So good! - 300円だよ! - OK OK. Joshua the cameraman! Good job, dude! ライター家 祝日の定番は お菓子作りです I didn't drop it! You didn't drop the camera? That's important. 今年は子供と皆でします Yeah, that was hurting my arm! 300 yen please! - 何混ぜてるの? - クッキーの砂糖 I bet! It's heavy! ワーオ! 300 yen please! 300 Yen? OK. 何混ぜてるの? One of the traditions around the Reutter household for the holidays is baking - 黄色かオレンジ色? - 黄色かな And Ruth's getting all the kids involved this year. - クリスマス? - 感謝祭よ What are we mixing here? Frosting for the cookies. - 感謝祭! - クリスマスは早いわよ Wow! クリスマス用じゃないんだね Becster-Booster's got whatsters? - 出来た!どう? - 上手よ Yellow or orange? That looks very yellow to me. - ママ どう? - 上手 It's for all of the stars. No, it's for Thanksgiving. 袋に詰めます Oh, it's Thanksgiving! Gotta get your seasons right. ここに入れるよ This isn't for Christmas yet, is it? No. ママのシャツも黄色だね I did it Mommy! Is it like this? Good job. 七面鳥描くわよ Mommy, is it like this? Good job. 見ていい? Oh look — and it goes in the bags. これはカボチャね 花もあるわよ I'm going to put it right here. 凄いな The yellow is just like mommy's shirt. 七面鳥の写真が見たいわ And mommy made a turkey. 玉子かな? Can I see? いいね! These are pumpkins, and there's flowers. 可愛いカボチャ Oh yeah, look at that! Me?! - 凄い! - 砂糖好きなの How does a turkey look? 塗りすぎちゃ駄目よ I need a picture of a turkey. - 見て! - 可愛い花だね! Oh cool Anna! Is it like an egg? - 僕のクッキーどう? - 可愛いわ Oh, nice egg! 七面鳥かな? Look at that happy pumpkin! Oh my goodness! 頭もあるわよ どうかしら? Wow, that's festive! He loves frosting! - グワー! - 鳴かないわよ OK, don't put too much on, Joshua. We don't have very much. オーブンの中は? Look at this! Oh that flower is nice, Sarah. Good job! パンプキンパイよ Look at my cookie! Is it so cute? So cute. こっちはタピオカよ Oh look at that! The turkey, huh? Nice. 忙しいね! There's a turkey head. Does it look like a turkey head? 本当! Gobble gobble! Not really, but it's supposed to. いよいよ感謝祭です! Getting ready for Thanksgiving! What's in the oven now? 今年は特別な形で祝います Pumpkin Pie. 感謝祭おめでとう! This is a tapioca jello salad. 赤ちゃん達だね Oh my! We are busy! 見て下さい! Busy! 凄いな All of this work was leading up to the main event: Thanksgiving! 前来た時より 大きくなったよ This year we pulled the kids out of school for a day for a very special celebration. アナもベッカも Hi! Happy Thanksgiving! シルビア!手伝う? Look at the baby crew here! Happy Thanksgiving! - 片方手伝ってくれる? - OK Oh my goodness, look! パズチャーチの皆で来ました Oh my goodness. 感謝祭のお祝いです I'm bigger than the last video when we were here. 皆で夕食を囲みます So is Anna! So is Becca! 男子会? Silvia! Do you want me to take the foil over? ファイヤーだね! Sure, I have two actually, you can just keep it there. OK. - "誰?" って感じだったね - 冬の焚火は最高だね So our whole Paz team came out here. Most of us are related! ジョシュア! We're going to celebrate Thanksgiving out here. 男子会だよ Everyone has there own cabins and we're going to have a nice big meal together. ごめん Is this the man zone here? セスとフリスビー? Fire! Man zone, alright! もうちょっと He's like "Who's this guy?" たまに上手だね There's nothing quite as soothing as a good campfire when it's cold out, huh? 上手! Hey, man zone! Hey Joshua! - パズルしてたの? - そう! Manzone! - 終わっちゃった? - もう2回したよ Bad toss. Bad toss. 逆だね Joshua, you playing frisbee with your buddy Seth? 仔犬可愛い! Whoa, kind of. これも! Some throws are better than others. ベッカ 何するの? Oh, good throw! - 焚火! - いいね! Did you guys do a puzzle or something? Yes! 焚火しよう! You did it already? We've done two. - 薪の準備? - うん It's upside-down. やっていい? Wow, look at those little puppies! 細かく裂いて And this one — aw, nice. こう? Hey Becca! What are you going to do? どうしたの? Make a fire! Aw, nice! ごめんね 焚火見ようか? Bye! Hey guys, let's go make a fire over there! 一緒に見よう Are you getting all the firewood ready? Yep. いよいよだね! Can I do it? いいね Rip it up into a lot of little pieces like that. 見てごらん 空気を送るんだ Like this? パパが火を起こしてるよ What's going on? [baby whines] 何かこっちくる Oh, I'm sorry. Hey, let's watch them build the fire, OK? サラの煙対策です Will that make you happy? Let's watch them build the fire. - 私も! - 本当だ! Oh, there we go! I told you! 1号棟です Nice. - 準備? - そう Look at this. You see, just like that. Give it a little oxygen. 偉いね! What do you think? Your dad knows how to build fires, huh? いいね What was that, coming to me? 通るよ! Sarah's not going to get any smoke in her eyes. シルビアが準備してるわ Me too. Oh, you too! チキンの準備しないと Cabin #1 — let's go see. いよいよです! Are you guys helping get setup? Yep. 七面鳥です! Good job! - コストコで仕入れたよ - 助かるね! There it goes. There it goes. 匂いが最高 Toot toot! イエス様 この休日を感謝します So Silvia's almost ready to go over... ご馳走にも感謝します Anyway, I've gotta go undress the chicken. 料理してくれた人に感謝します It's a big moment here! 神様の子供である事を感謝します Got the turkey... The turkey is done! イエス様の十字架の死に感謝します Costco pulls through again... Ah, Costco, thank you! そして復活と臨在に感謝します Walking behind you I can smell it! お父さんの家族になれて感謝します OK, let's pray. Lord Jesus, we thank you so much for this beautiful place that we can have our little vacation, 感謝祭の今日 今年の恵みに感謝します Thank you for this wonderful meal that you provided コロナ渦でも 導いて下さり感謝します And all the people that worked so hard to make the meal イエス様の御名によって アーメン! And most of all Father we just want to thank you that we can be your children, 感謝祭おめでとう! Thank you so much for sending Jesus to the earth, and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, おめでとう! Thank you that He rose again and He lives within each one of us now. ワーオ! So Father we thank you so much that we can become a part of your family, ご飯だよ! And on this day of Thanksgiving, we thank you for all of the blessings this past year, 準備万端だね! And even through all this pandemic, You've been blessing us and protecting us, 誰が作ったの? In Jesus' name, Amen! ジョンとシルビア? Whoo! Happy Thanksgiving! 多分ね Happy Thanksgiving! ポテトもあります Whoa! Whoa! グレイビーソースに ビスケットとチキンも You guys ready for some food?! キャセロールも! Yeah, look, I'm cutting it! Thanksgiving! サラダも凄いです カボチャも! Who made that? 伝統的な感謝祭です Maybe Silvia? John and Silvia? ベッカ 感謝祭どう? Yeah, I think so. ご飯美味しい? There's mashed potatoes. - まだ全部食べてない - そうだね Gravy, biscuits, That's turkey, that's chicken. アントニーは? お気に入りは? Green bean casserole! Ahhh!! - ワーオ! - これが大好き! And all kinds of awesome salads, pumpkins, squash... ご馳走だね! This is very good traditional Thanksgiving here. - 私も食べた! - そうなの? Oh! Becca, what do you think about Thanksgiving? - うん - いいね! Favorite so far? Favorite food so far? 私も食べます!七面鳥にビスケット グレイビーとポテト I didn't taste it all. Oh you didn't taste it all yet. ベッカとアントニー アナもいます What about you Antony? Do you have a favorite? 日米それぞれに感謝祭があり Whoa! This is my favorite! 神様に感謝したり 祝い方も異なりますが Oh, it's a mountain of goodness! 立ち止まって感謝するのは良いですね I got one of those too! You got one of those too? 感謝は健康の秘訣です Yeah. Oh nice. ママに渡して Here is my plate, I've got the turkey, the biscuits, the gravy and potatoes! 2階よ The green beans! Got Becca across from me, and Antony, and Anna! 上がるよ! Both Japan and America have Thanksgiving, 私はここだよ and although we may celebrate it different, at the heart of it is a thankfulness to God for his blessings in our lives. サラだね! Whenever we take a moment to stop and count them all, we realized how truly blessed we are. みんなも! A grateful heart is a healthy heart. 2階もいいね! OK, give it to mommy. - パンケーキを焼いてます - もう出来てるよ Upstairs, your bed's upstairs. もう出来たの? Up we go. 聞こえるかい? I'm the only one over here. イエーイ! Hi Sarah. 家族とZoomです Hi girls! Hi. ルースの 99歳の祖父も元気です Wow, we're camping out upstairs, that's so cool, huh? ビデオで海外の家族と話します Mommy's making pancakes. It's already on the table. こうして話せるのは 素晴らしいです They're already on the table? And some eggs. いとこに何してるの? [Over computer] We got Japan in here somewhere? イジー! Yeah! アナ 凄いね! The whole family is on a big zoom call. 幼稚園生! Ruth's grandfather is 99 years old and healthy, 自転車だね? so we had a video call with her family from all over the world. 今日はゲストもいるね! It's amazing that we can be together in such a way! - どこ行くの? - 公園 What are you doing to your cousin?! Oh my goodness! 行くよ! Wow Izzy! 待って! That's amazing, huh Anna? 素晴らしい日本と友人にも 感謝しています! Youchien sei (Kindergartener) こんなに友人が出来ると 思っていませんでした Oh, that's the bike? You're right, that's the bike. ご視聴ありがとうございます! Alright guys, hey! We have some few extra passengers! I love it! 皆さんの "感謝な事" もコメントで教えて下さい それではまた次回! Where we going guys? To the park 道あけて! There you go. ご馳走の後は運動しないとね Wait! You know what else I'm thankful for? The amazing country and people of Japan! I never could have imagined that I would have so many friends here. As always, thanks for watching and interacting with us! Let me know what you're thankful for in the comments, and until next time, we'll see you on Life in Japan. Bye bye. Yeah. Clear the way! That's what helps Thanksgiving dinner move through.
B1 中級 日本語 感謝 七面鳥 ポテト 美味しい 可愛い 凄い Celebrating Thanksgiving Together in Japan | Life in Japan Episode 84 5 1 Summer に公開 2020 年 12 月 04 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語