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  • picture grilled chicken with crisscrossed grill marks tossed with sizzling corn and vegetables.


  • But this meat has been grown in a lab.


  • Singapore has given us startup eat just the go ahead to sell its lab grown chicken.


  • The company says it's the world's first regulatory approval for so called clean meat.


  • Without the slaughtering of animals, the chicken is grown from animal muscle cells in a lab, the firm said.


  • It's meat will be soldiers, chicken nuggets and that launch details will be coming soon, though, to give this lab grown chicken a try, it may set you back $50 per nugget.

    それの肉は兵士、チキン ナゲットとその打ち上げの詳細はすぐに来るだろう、しかし、この研究室の成長した鶏を試してみるには、それはあなたのバック ナゲットあたり $50 を設定することがあります。

  • CEO Just Static said the cost could drop to match the price of premium chicken when it first launches in a restaurant in Singapore.


picture grilled chicken with crisscrossed grill marks tossed with sizzling corn and vegetables.


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