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  • several weeks pregnant and about to move for a new job.


  • Mexican resident Lupita Ruiz wanted to end her pregnancy despite knowing she could face jail time for having an abortion.


  • She asked friends for help until she found a doctor two hours away who agreed to do it in secret.


  • Five years later, lawmakers in her home state of Chiapas are set to consider an initiative to halt prosecutions of women who terminate their pregnancies, part of a movement sweeping Latin America to loosen some of the world's most restrictive abortion laws.


  • Way talk about it socially amongst ourselves.


  • Now young people and older people talk about it.


  • I can talk about it with my mom.


  • I could talk about it with my grandmother.


  • I think we've advanced socially through collective action.


  • Ruiz herself is active in the movement, helping to craft the CI opposite initiative.


  • While a patchwork of state restrictions apply in Mexico, several Latin American nations ban abortion outright, including El Salvador, which has sentenced some women to up to 40 years in prison.


  • Most countries, including Brazil, the region's most populous, allow abortion Onley in specific circumstances, such as rape or health risk, to the mother Onley.


  • Uruguay and Cuba allow elective abortions, but change is palpable across the predominantly Roman Catholic region in Argentina, roughly one million women came out in 2018 to rally for a legalization bill that Onley narrowly failed to pass in.


  • Pope Francis is home country.


  • The movement spurring new center left Argentine President Alberto Fernandez to propose a new bill last month.


  • Those over to secure an informal cantina.


  • Abortions occur clandestinely, and they put the lives and health at risk of the women who are subject to them.


  • Therefore, the dilemma we must overcome is whether abortions are performed clandestinely or in the Argentine health system.


  • In Chile, activists like Anita Penna are celebrating a vote in October to write a new constitution as a chance to expand upon a 2017 law that permitted abortion to save a mother's life in cases of rape or if the fetus is not viable till in front scenario, Chile is facing a scenario of very substantive social and political change.


  • This is a historic moment for feminist organizations, Yeah, but activists agree there are still a long way to go with restrictive laws entrenched in many countries, as in Brazil, where far right President Jayer Bolson Aro has vowed to veto any pro choice bills.


  • For Penna, it's a reminder to push even harder, telling Reuters quote, No fight is ever finished.


several weeks pregnant and about to move for a new job.


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