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  • Sometimes you watch it and you wonder how much of this has gotten into his head and then all of a sudden there, running the other quarterback out onto the field yesterday.

  • I mean, Jeff, what?

  • What?

  • How would you describe what they did with Jalen Hurts last night?

  • Absolute waste of time.

  • I mean, how could you describe it any other way?

  • You're gonna run him out there, throw past or running back like there's nothing being built by doing that.

  • You're not getting the player better.

  • You're not getting Carson Wentz better and your dance.

  • You're not getting your offense better by running a guy out.

  • Let them play a couple snaps a game that's not developing a quarterback that's not developing.

  • If you're going to send them in, send them in with a game plan.

  • Like, what are we gonna do with Jalen?

  • It hurts to improve our offense.

  • What can he do differently than Carson Wentz to give us a spark?

  • None of that showed last night.

  • Absolute waste of time.

  • Yeah, I was looking for the change of pace, and it didn't really feel like a change of pace.

  • It was a change of personnel and Greg.

  • You were making an analogy in our meeting this morning that certainly ring a bell with me, and I think people will remember the ring a bell with me to greeny 2012.

  • There was a team coming off, really two out of the last three years.

  • They had gone to the A F C championship game that's the New York Jets and had a young quarterback that was pretty successful, relatively speaking in his first two years in Mark Sanchez.

  • And then they go ahead and they bring in, Ah, guy like Tim Tebow.

  • And all they did by bringing in Tim Tebow was undermined Mark Sanchez at that point because Tim Tebow as a fan favorite, they wanted to see him on the field so they'd Sprinkle them in a little bit, one or two plays a game.

  • And then Mark started to play poorly, started to search a little bit, started to lose his confidence and next thing you know, the booze and the and all the negativity got a little bit louder and what's a difficult market to have success.

  • So I think by playing jail in the way they did in last night's game actually undermines the quarterback position, especially for a guy that's searching a little bit on a team that's struggling offensively.

  • So let me go to my insider here in Dan, Graziano and Dan.

  • You have pointed out repeatedly that no matter how frustrated anyone is with Carson Wentz, he's not going anywhere.

  • The contract dictates that, but that may not be the case for the coach.

  • Is he suddenly sitting on the hot seat?

  • Yeah, greeny.

  • I don't think we can sit here on December 1st and say with confidence that Doug Peterson is safe.

  • I think it's it sounds ridiculous, given that he won the Super Bowl three years ago.

  • It was the first one in Eagles history, and you would think you could dine out in Philadelphia little longer than three years on something like that.

  • But go back back to the beginning of the season, all the injuries, all the issues that were going on with the Eagles.

  • What you heard was, there's a lot of pressure on the quarterback and a lot of pressure on the coach to help guide them through this, and neither one has done the job.

  • Carson Wentz has played poorly seems to have regressed, and Peterson's decisions are not working out.

  • And what's worse than that is Look at the Jalen Hurts example.

  • There doesn't seem to be any consistency of message or vision in terms of what they're trying to accomplish their If you're a player on that team or a fan of that team or or work in the front office of that team, you want to be able to look at Doug Peterson.

  • Say, What are you doing here?

  • And have him have an answer, and it just doesn't seem like he has one.

  • So things air turning ugly there in Philly, they're gonna need one of those patented Big Doug Peterson December's to turn this around.

  • Or else this chatter is only gonna get louder.

  • Thank you for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.

Sometimes you watch it and you wonder how much of this has gotten into his head and then all of a sudden there, running the other quarterback out onto the field yesterday.


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Playing Jalen Hurts vs. the Seahawks was an 'absolute waste of time' - Jeff Saturday | Get Up

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    林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 12 月 02 日