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What is trauma?
Trauma is not merely a terrible event, though it is very much that, too.
It is a terrible event that has not been adequately processed, understood and unpicked on that has, through neglect, being able to cast a very long and undeserved shadow over huge areas of experience.
The concept of trauma was first observed in military contexts.
Let us imagine that in bed one night in a country tourney apart by civil war, we hear a car alarm followed a few seconds later by a huge explosion.
Our neighborhood is destroyed and several members of our family heir killed.
We are devastated.
But under pressure to continue with, our lives are unable to reflect adequately or properly to mourn what has happened.
We are forced to move on from a dreadful experience with fateful haste on a lack of emotional assimilation.
And yet the unattended memory of bloodshed, chaos and lost doesn't disappear.
Instead, it curdles into an unknown interior presence We called trauma, which means that in the years and decades ahead, even in the most peaceful circumstances, whenever we hear a car alarm, or indeed any high pitched sound that oven elevators ping for example, we are mysteriously, for reasons we don't really understand, thrown back into our original panic, as if 1000 tons of TNT were about to explode.
Once again, however appalling this could be, psychologists have learned that trauma can as easily be acquired in ostensibly peaceful circumstances.
We don't need to have bean through a war to be traumatized in multiple ways.
Imagine a six year old child who makes an error in a maths exam and takes the news home.
Suddenly, her father, who drinks too much and might be battling depression and paranoia, flies into a rage, shouts at her, smashes a household object and slams multiple doors.
From the perspective of a six year old, it feels like the world is ending.
There is no way to make sense of the moment, beyond taking responsibility for it on as a result, feeling like a terrible human being on from this trauma develops, this one centered around making mistakes.
Every slip up on this person's part threatens to unleash an explosion in others far into adulthood.
Every time there is a risk of an error, there is a terror that someone else will get demented, Lee furious.
Everyone becomes terrifying because one person in particular who was spine chilling hasn't been thought about and reckoned with in memory.
The solution in all such cases is to get a better sense of the specific incidents in the past that have generated difficulties in orderto unhook the mind from its expectations.
The clue that we're dealing with the trauma, rather than any sort of justified fear lies in the scale and intensity of feelings, that descending conditions when there is no objective rationale for them.
It's peace time.
A colleague is kind on, yet still there is terror.
Still, there is self disgust.
Still, there is shame.
We know then that we are not dealing with silliness or madness or indeed genuine danger.
But with an UN processed incident from the past casting a debilitating shadow on um or innocent present as traumatized people.
The memory of the founding incident is within us.
But our conscious minds swerve away from the possibility of engaging with it and neutralizing it through rational examination.
When we can finally feel comfortable and safe enough to dare look back will be able to see the traumatizing moment for what it waas outside of our original panic on our youthful or illogical conclusions that it was our fault that we did something wrong, that we are sinful, liberating ourselves, warming, understanding the specific local and relatively unique features of what is traumatized us on, then growing aware of how our minds have multiplied and universalized the difficulty in part to protect us from an encounter which was once too difficult to grapple with.
We will realize that it was one bomb that exploded and destroyed the neighborhood.
On that, however dreadful this might have bean, there is no reason for all high pitched noises to terrify us.
Similarly, it was one father who screamed at us for making a mistake when we were tiny.
Yet not everyone who is in authority threatens to annihilate us in adulthood.
Countless situations will be frightening so long as individual incidents have not Bean understood and thought through with kindness and imagination, by properly gripping an original event in the claws of our rational adult mind.
On stripping it of its mystery, we will be able to repatriate fearful emotions on render the world less unnerve ing than it presently seems.
Life is a whole won't have to be so terrifying once we understand the bits of it that truly once were.
How to overcome your childhood is a book that teaches us how character is developed, the concept of emotional inheritance, the formation of our concepts of being good or bad on the impact of parental styles of love on the way we choose adult partners.