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  • It's a field whose average pay is between 30 and $40,000 per year, though top photographers could make a lot more than that.


  • And it attracts people who are multi skilled because adjusting the camera, working with light and composing good shots require both technical and artistic ability.


  • CNN sat down with the photographer who snapped up presidential history.


  • My name is Eric Draper.


  • I was the chief White House photographer for President George W.


  • Bush.


  • I took nearly one million photos during my time in the White House, and I was able to capture him not only as commander in Chief, but as ah, father, as a dog owner and as a husband.


  • What a lot of people don't know about the president is he connects with people on such a personal level.


  • Instantly.


  • I believe he has a God given talent with connecting at people, and I watched it for all eight years from a janitor in the hallway to the king of Saudi Arabia who was able to break the ice with people.


  • He was able to instantly read them to start a personal discussion.


  • What was going through my mind on 9 11, I was in complete shock the entire day.


  • I had the advantage of having a camera in my hand and a job to do to distract me, knowing that it was a historic day, knowing that these pictures will be seen forever.


  • But the president was in full reaction mode.


  • Hey, never stopped to look at the television, and he picked up a note pad and he started writing down his first thoughts for his first statement to the nation into the world.


  • In response to the attacks.


  • In this photograph, President Bush had just committed troops to Iraq, and you can still see that decision still weighing on his face as he walked the South long alone with the dogs out of the corner of my eye, I see Vice President Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, the secretary of defense, walking out of the Oval Office, and the president walked over to greet them, and later I found out that they were discussing the start of the timing of the war in Iraq.

    この写真では ブッシュ大統領がイラクに部隊を投入したばかりで その決断が今でも彼の顔に重くのしかかっているのを見ることができます 私の目の前にはチェイニー副大統領と国防長官のドン・ラムズフェルドが 執務室から出てくるのが見えます 大統領は彼らに挨拶するために歩いて行きました 後から知ったのですが 彼らはイラク戦争の開始時期について話し合っていたのですね

  • On January 20th, 2009, after the swearing in of President Obama, you can see the burden of the presidency was just lifted.


  • You could just see it on his face.


  • Immediately, I spent eight Christmases with the Bush family at Camp David and every Christmas, the Bush clan, we get together for a group photo inside the cabin, and it was always fun.


  • And typically I was the only staffer there, and they always made me feel like family.


  • You look back at these pictures and they have historical perspective, especially on days like 9 11 and all those major decisions that the president made.


  • They bring people back to those emotions so they could remember what that time was like.


  • Having an archive like this is very important.


  • Mhm.


It's a field whose average pay is between 30 and $40,000 per year, though top photographers could make a lot more than that.


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