字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Today we're checking out grocery shopping in Japan. 日本のスーパーには From very inexpensive stores to the grocery stores that have everything, 激安店から総合スーパーまで 色々あります Come let's see what goodies we can find! 見てみましょう! [Life in Japan Theme Song] 箱2つ? Ooo, we've got two today, huh? ふじリンゴ! Fuji apples! That's my favorite. 今が旬なのでお買い得です And right now it's apple season, so we take full advantage of the cheap prices. 見ていきます And we are on a mission. 業務スーパーはお気に入りです Of all the grocery stores in Japan, Gyomyu Super is one of our favorites. 苺だね Oooo, strawberries are starting to appear again, yea! ジャガイモ A couple potatoes. すごい! Oh my! - サラが好きそうだね - ママ買っていい? It's what looks good to Sarah. Mommy, can I buy this? 何かしら チョコパンね Let me see which one you got. Chocolate bread. いいわ OK Yes! ジョシュアの好物だね Joshua's favorite, huh? The Chocolate bread. 焼きそばはお気に入りです This is a staple that I love to have on hand because it's for yakisoba. 基本的に炒めるだけで So you buy it, it's the noodles all cooked, all you have to do is heat 'em up. ソースも付いてます And in here is the little package of all the seasonings, 好きな具と炒めるだけで So all you have to do is put in whatever vegetables you want 簡単に調理できます And if you want meat then the noodles and sauce are already all made. 美味しそうなソーセージ ハムとチキンもあるね Sausages that we like. There's good ham here, good chicken here. このハムは美味しいわ! This ham is so yummy — smoked ham. サンドイッチの具にピッタリよ And it's so great to just pop up or put in sandwiches. サラが好きだったわ Sarah used to love these. They're all made meatballs. 調理が簡単で So all you've got to do is get this little package, 熱湯で茹でるだけで And put it in hot boiling water, and it heats it up. 出来上がりよ Then you open the package and they're ready to serve. こっちはチキンで They have two different types of meatballs. They have chicken. これは分からないわ I don't know what that is, but it does not look appetizing. 食べた事ないわ I never serve that one. この量で千円! Big chunk of pork for $10. いいね! Nice! Big ol chunk of pork, huh? 調味料よ And all your seasonings... 醤油も沢山あるわ Tons of different types of soy sauces and sauces. 小麦粉も必要ね Sometimes you just gotta buy some flour. ルースの料理に欠かせないね Ruth and flour go together. これ! We do. Oh this... 日本といえば海苔よね OK this is very Japanese. This is all the different types of seaweed. 種類も豊富よ There's so many types of seaweed. 細いのに太い海苔 Bug. 刻み海苔もあるわ They have skinny ones, fat ones, chopped up ones, ふりかけもあるわ See, it's like tinsel for your Christmas tree. ご飯のトッピングよ And then they have all the furikake. 味を変えられるの These are like toppings for your rice, so plain ol white rice. 本当に沢山 And you can change the flavor of your rice depending on what furikake you get. 妹の好物はたまご味 So, I mean, it's endless. 他にも… 沢山 This is my sister's favorite. It's egg. Egg with seaweed. 小分けされてるのに But then... there's so many. とにかく沢山! They have these little variety packs for kids, すごい And they have oh! Just endless options. シーフードね Pretty cool. 高いわ Look at this seafood stuff. 高すぎる Whoa, and it's takai (expensive)! 天ぷらも沢山あるわ It's very expensive. エビフライもあるわね The thing about here, since tempura is a big thing, you can buy everything all ready. いかリング Like all these shrimp already all breaded for tempura. たこもあるわ Look, like this is probably squid rings... アイスクリーム! Octopus, and this looks like octopus. - ジョシュア - アイス食べたい! Ice cream! Ohh. - 子供の好物です - ナッツが付いてるわよ Joshua! Yeah, that ice cream, that ice cream! ナッツ無しのにしないと What the kids really want. Yea but we don't want it with all of the nuts on it. - 他の探すわ - いい サラ? That's right, we'll get the one without the nuts. アイス決まったかな? OK, let's find the one without the nuts. Right Sarah? カートが一杯です! Well, we found the correct kind. Alright. 日本には糖蜜やコーンシロップが 売ってません And the cart is filling up quickly. Quickly. 特にコーンシロップ One thing I cannot find in Japan is Molasses or Corn Syrup. アマゾンでも見つからなかったわ No Corn Syrup, I've never found Corn Syrup. 2個買おうかしら I can't even buy it on Amazon Japan. Can we get two? 僕が取る! Um, yeah, we better buy two. ありがとう No, I want to get it! 僕が入れるの! Thank you. 抹茶アイスは日本ならではよね No, I'm going to put it in the cart. Oh, excuse me. - 抹茶アイス - 何? Oh, and one thing you probably find mostly in Japan is Matcha ice cream. まだ早いよね! Green tea ice cream. What?! ポテトフライや洋食も沢山あるわ What?! Yep. 地元のスーパーは 限られた面積でも沢山の品揃えです They do have western style things. Lots of French Fries. このお店はコスパが最高です Our local store is tight and small, but this tiny space is full of great deals. 外国品のコーナー? If you can find it here, it's probably cheaper than any other grocery store. 色々混ざってるわね So is this like the international aisle here? これ美味しいわよ! It's all kind of mixed — like this is more international here. オニオンクラッカー Oh, these are good crackers! 大根かな? (※紅生姜です) Onion crackers. Those are good. 焼きそばに使うわ Radishes here? I think these are radishes. これは… 何かしら? That's like what they do with... The Yakisoba. ビールのおつまみかしら? So here they have all these... look at this! I have not a clue in the world what it is. ミミズみたいな見た目 It looks like you eat it with beer! これは豆ね And this looks like earth worms. これも… 分からないわ 面白い! This looks like kidney beans. 切ってある物もあるわね These — ah! I don't have a clue what these things are, but they're very interesting. 大きさも様々 You can get it in a glob, or you can get it broken up. 何かしら You can buy smaller packages, larger packages. 視聴者が教えてくれるかも I have no clue. いつも並んでます Well you'll probably have a lot of people tell you what it is! あっちに並びましょ And there's always a line here. ドクターペッパー! Always a line. Let's go down this aisle. ママが大好きなの Look what I found! Dr Pepper! ここは値段が安いのがいいわ Dr Pepper! My mom would be so thrilled! それ買わないわよ What I like about this store is that their prices are very cheap. でも無い物もあるの But... no, no, no, we're not buying that. ある物については とにかく安いわ They have limited supplies of certain... like they don't have all the options. 助かるわ You can't buy a lot of things here, but the things that they do have are very cheap. いいわ And that's very good. What honey? 欲しい物見つけた? OK. - 最後の一つだったの! - 良かったね! You found what you wanted? Oh nice. 会計は現金だけです That was the last one! ジョシュア 邪魔になるからこっち来て Oh, the last one! Whoa. 袋詰めだね This is one of the few places where you still need cash to check out. 得意よ Joshua, come over here please so people can put their groceries there. ママは袋詰めの達人です Now how good are you at this part, Ruth? 子供もベルトして 荷物も積みました I'm good. Good? パパ! Mommy knows how to bag the food the best way. ジョシュア見て The kids are getting buckled in and all the groceries are put away. Time to move on. もう食べちゃったの? Hey Daddy? Daddy what? 寝ちゃったのかな どれどれ… Joshua's out. Joshua's out?! 起きた! Oh did he eat so much, his tummies so full! サラは? And now he's asleep? Let's just see how much asleep he is oh! Not so much! 起きたかな? Ah! He's awake. 総合スーパーに来ました What about Sarah?! 近所にはライフや小田急OXがあります Is she awake?! Ahhh! アメリカのスーパーと同じ位の 品揃えです Now this store is a nice supermarket. There's many of them in Japan. 消毒ね! But in our area there's this one, there's Life, there's Odakyu OX. えらいわね They're like a regular, American grocery store that has everything 大抵の果物が買えます 今は苺が旬です Oh our hands! Our hands. 10個で800円 Good job. 高い! Oh, you can normally find any fruit here, except if it's really not in season. このメロン… 2300円 But like strawberries are starting, メロン好きだよね? So you get, what? 10 Strawberries for $8. 魚売り場です So expensive! 沢山の魚があるわ So this little melon is $23. 値段は悪くないわね You gotta really like melon for that, huh? サーモンが好きよ Here we get into the fish section. 骨抜きが面倒だから サーモンの切り身が楽でいいわ So you have every type of fish imaginable. パパ!こっち来て! The prices on fish are very good. 何見つけたの? I personally love Salmon, so I mostly go for Salmon. 音楽! And I try to get the Salmon fillet because I really hate picking out the bones. 魚が… もう踊れないね(笑) Daddy! What is it dude? - ゲームオーバーだね - タコもあるわ Come over here! イカもあるわ Oh, what do you see? 切り身で売られてるわね Music! Music? 日本でよく食べる魚 And the fish are... well those fish aren't dancing anymore! 焼き魚で食べるわね Game over for them. See you can get the octopus - 秋が旬なの - BBQで食べたね Or whatever these are called. Squid, maybe. そうね You can get them all chopped up, ready for you. 完食だったわね This is a very common Japanese fish. ブラジル思い出すわ They eat this a lot with BBQs. 魚の種類が豊富な所が And think now in the fall too. We did that at the BBQ, didn't we? ラーメンは日本の定番 We did it at the BBQ. 種類も豊富です They eat the whole thing! カップ麺の種類が凄いわ! ボール型もあるの This reminds me a lot of Brazil. 焼きそばにラーメン 定番の味に… Just very different types of fish. 調味料と 小分けのインスタント麺 In Japan, it's the king, all the ramens. スープの素ね There's every type of ramen imaginable. カレーも外せないわ ルーは箱詰めが基本ね Tons of cup noodles. Tons. 味付きで 後は肉を入れるだけ And you can even get cup noodles in bowls. パパの好物 タコスです! Yakisoba, noodles, then you can buy a little more traditional types. いつもこの店で買います Then you have all your seasonings on this side, you have individuals, you have packages of 5, ベイキングコーナー Then you get into your little more fancier soups. 小さいけど And then there's always curry, 値段も高めだわ And all different types — boxed. Everything's boxed 日本の粉糖は高いわ So you just have your whole seasoning and just add your meat. 200グラムで200円 Here's what Daddy likes. Lots of Taco kits. 100グラムで100円ね This is where we get our Taco stuff when we need it. この小さなバニラで350円 And this is the baking aisle which is, it's not even an aisle. これは便利よ! It's a little section. アメリカにも無いわ Things are so expensive though. お気に入りよ! So like powdered sugar in Japan is super expensive. 具を作るだけでいいの This is probably 200 grams and it's $2. レモンタルトに最適よ So it's a dollar for a hundred grams. チョコのタイプもあるわ And Vanilla. This tiny little thing of vanilla is 350 yen. 美味しいわよ But these, they have some very convenient things. クッキーの型も可愛いわ And maybe they have them in the U.S., I don't really know. ベイキング道具が揃ってるわ I love these little tarts! とにかく可愛いの 必要なくても欲しくなるわ They're already all made, so all you have to do is to add your filling. あら たまごボーロ? This is great for the lemon tart. - うん - ご褒美に欲しいの? And then they have the chocolate ones that all you have to do is add a chocolate mousse to it. 沢山だね And oh my goodness, it's so good. 買うから持ってて 潰しちゃだめよ And then they have these cute, cute cookie cutters. 子供が大好きな お菓子コーナーです All types of little thingies to bake things in. お煎餅が But these are just so cute. I don't really need one, but oh, it's so tempting. すごい品揃え Oh, did you find tamago (egg) balls? 季節物? Yeah. That's what you want for a treat? クリスマスだね That's a lot of them, dude! このチーズは色々味見できるの 美味しいわ You hold it and we'll buy it. Don't squish it though, because you won't like it if you squish it. 日本といえばお弁当です And this is the kids' favorite aisle, because this is the snack aisle. スーパーにも沢山あります So you have tons of rice crackers. 見てみましょう Unimaginable amounts. サラダとフルーツもあります And the seasonal place, huh? 麺やお肉もあります They're getting ready for Christmas. レンジでそのまま温められるわ These little cheeses are so yummy because you can try a bunch of different styles in one sitting. 会計したらすぐに Obentos, lunchboxes, are huge here in Japan. レンジで温められるわ And you can buy them at the grocery stores and they have every single type. - 寿司弁当! - 温めなくていいね So look at a couple of them. そうね 美味しそう! You can get just salads and fruits if you want, - 子供の好物よ - ベッカとアナの好物だね You can get these types that have noodles and a type of meat, サーモンにするわ And all of these little papery plastic things can be heated up in a microwave. 美味しそう! So when you buy it, right outside of the cash register, パパも大好き! every grocery store, every convenience store has a microwave you can use to heat up your bento. お弁当が沢山! Sushi bentos — you don't need to heat those up! 明日用ね No but oh! This looks so delicious! 箱をもっと持って来ないとね This is the type they like. That's what Becca and Anna like, huh? - ここにあったわ - 何? No I think I'll get just the Salmon ones, they like just the salmon. これ最高よ Oh Salmon, yum! ママが買い物を続ける間 パパの仕事は会計と袋詰めです Daddy likes those too! 美味しい! All kinds of bentos. パンケーキ大好きだね? For tomorrow. 美味しい! So we had to go back and get a basket. We weren't planning on getting so much, but... 朝食は目玉焼きとパンです Yes they have it right here. What? この前買いました This bread. These are amazing. 美味しい! Then Dad's job is to finish the checkout, get the things so that mom can keep shopping in another store. いま出たわ Oh yum! 新しいマルエツ見に行くの You guys love pancakes, don't you? 新しいスーパー! Yum! Whoa! 今回は日本のスーパー特集ですが So this is my morning breakfast. Two eggs, and some bread. 近所に新しい店がオープンしました! Some bread that we got the other day. 見てみましょう! Yummy breakfast! みんなスケッチャーズ Hey, so we're leaving our house right now. そうだね! My whole family, we're going to go check out the new Maruetsu grocery store 僕もだよ! New grocery store! - ジョシュアも? - サラのは新品よ So we're putting together this video about grocery stores in Japan, and wouldn't you know it, いい靴だね And brand new grocery store opened up this very weekend right next to us - いいね! - ベッカのと似てる! So we have to go check it out! ♪ 4匹のお猿さん 道でダンス… ♪ Oh yeah! Everybody has Sketchers on. 他にもお気に入りがあります OKスーパーは良いですね Oh yeah. いつも安いです The kids. I have one too! 綺麗だね!見てみよう You have Sketchers on too? Sarah's are new, they're clean. どうだい? Oh yeah, look at those Sketchers Sarah. 食料品店の選択肢が 多いのは助かります Those just jump out! They're just like Becca's. 激安店から高級品を扱う店まで 全てがあります Four little monkeys dancing in the road... 良かったね So there are some other honorable mentions, like OK Grocery stores. We really like OK. 値段は普通ね They've got great prices. It's always really cold in there too. 業務スーパーより高いわ Oh, very cool. Checking out our new grocery store by us. 品揃えは良いわ How about this? Very cool. 駅近だから 語学学校の帰りに寄れるわね Food is essential for life, so it's nice to know there are a lot of options when it comes to grocery stores in Japan. それは便利ね Everything from fast and convenient to inexpensive and practical to fancy and expensive, it's all here and available. いいね Well alright. We've got the lay of the land. 楽しかった? It seemed pretty average priced. みんなでモグモグ! I wasn't... it wasn't like Gyomu. 日本のスーパーを見てきました But they had a lot more options, I think, than Gyomu. 質問をぜひコメント下さい! It's very conveniently located, so when I get back from language school, if I need something, "いいね!" と "チャンネル登録" お願いします! また次回お会いしましょう! I can stop at a grocery store on my way home. Yeah, that's nice. Nice, huh guys? Everybody's like munch, munch, munch! Drink, drink, drink! So that's a look at how we do our grocery shopping here in Japan. Do you have any questions or comments? Leave them below, And as always, thanks for liking and subscribing. We'll see you next time on Life in Japan. Bye bye.
B1 中級 日本語 沢山 スーパー 日本 ジョシュア 美味しい サラ Japan's Grocery Stores | Life in Japan Episode 83 6 1 Summer に公開 2020 年 11 月 29 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語