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German airline Lufthansa says it will become the first airline to operate a CEO to neutral cargo flight over this coming weekend.
The carrier said on Friday the flight would be made possible by using so called sustainable aviation fuels or bio fuel.
Peter Gerber is the chairman of Lufthansa Cargo Group.
ピーター・ガーバーはルフトハンザ カーゴ グループの会長です。
I'm flew a flight to become CO two neutral if like in this case, it uses biofuel, which already includes CO two Way bought this biofuel on it was filled into the tank together with our partners on.
私は、この場合のように、それはすでにCO 2ウェイを含むバイオ燃料を使用して、CO 2中立になるために飛行していますが、それはそれが私たちのパートナーと一緒にタンクに充填された上でこのバイオ燃料を購入した上で、CO 2ウェイを含む。
Then the flight could take off.
However, Gerba isn't expecting biofuel to become used more widely anytime soon because he says it's between three and six times more expensive than conventional kerosene.
Global oil demand has been crushed by the events of this year, with BP saying it may never recover to pre crisis levels, leading to the closure of refineries.
That's prompting some owners toe opt for cleaner alternatives, converting plants to produce biofuels.
Europe's annual biofuel production capacity is currently three million tons, with Barclays analyst Joshua Stone predicting in October that that is set to increase toe eight million tons per year.