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  • No one drinks a goblet of wine like you do on Game of Thrones, so in character of course.

  • I am wondering if you would like to do somethingand I know you agree to do this already so thank you in advance.

  • We have goblets. This is goblet. And weve got some wine.

  • I thought it would be fun to talk to each other Game of Thrones style.

  • Alright so, shall we begin? Yes.

  • Shall I pour the drink or…?

  • Don’t touch it.

  • Okay don’t touch it. Youve already begun.

  • That's a lovely tie. It's a shame it's around such a worthless neck.

  • Well, thank you for coming today.

  • I know you have a busy schedule doing sex with your brother, must be so exhausted.

  • So, you host a television program, how fun!

  • You should do it while it lasts.

  • You know you are so good on the show.

  • Is it a challenge to play Cersei or you just naturally suck the life out of every room you entered.

  • You have such a way with words.

  • I wonder if you would be as clever when I have your tongue ripped from your throat.

  • So it's so nice having you on the show. It's a pity that this is the last time.

  • The last time. I believe your wife must say that to you every night.

  • Nicely done. You are the master.

No one drinks a goblet of wine like you do on Game of Thrones, so in character of course.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

レナ・ヘディとジミー・キンメルがゲーム・オブ・スローンズのスタイルを語る (Lena Headey and Jimmy Kimmel Talk Game of Thrones Style)

  • 5555 239
    Christina Sun に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日