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  • Meet Mr. Nice Guy. You think you're nice?

  • This guy is REALLY nice.

  • Well, I try to do what's right.

  • He's so nice that if good people get to Heaven, he'll be the first in line!

  • Aw shucks.

  • So Mr. Nice Guy, have you kept the Ten Commandments?

  • Pretty Much!

  • Do you mind if we take a look at them and maybe see how nice you really are?

  • Uh... OK.

  • Great, here's one: "You Shall Not Lie".

  • Mr. Nice Guy, have you ever told a lie?

  • Well, yeah. Who hasn't?

  • What do you call somebody who tells lies?

  • A liar.

  • Alright, how about another commandment... "You shall not steal".

  • Have you ever stolen anything, even once?

  • Nope.

  • But... you just told me you're a liar!

  • Well, I did steal some candy once when I was a kid.

  • And what do you call someone who steals?

  • A thief!

  • Alright, let's try another one. "You shall not commit adultery".

  • Oh, that's easy. I'd never cheat on my wife.

  • Hi handsome!

  • Oh Baby!

  • Jesus said if you even look at a woman with lust, you've already committed adultery with her in your heart.

  • Oh... um, right.

  • One more. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain".

  • Have you ever used God's name to curse?

  • Oh my (beeeep)!

  • That, Mr. Nice Guy, is called blasphemy.

  • God gave you life and breath and everything you have! And you've dragged his name through the dirt.

  • So, by your own admission... you're a liar, a thief, a blasphemer, and an adulterer at heart.

  • And that's just four of the Ten Commandments.

  • OK, OK, so I'm not perfect.

  • Actually, it's worse than that.

  • Suppose we could put a chip in your brain that would record all your private thoughts for an entire week, and then play those thoughts on a giant movie screen for all your friends and family to see.

  • That would be embarrassing!

  • Yeah, I know. The Bible says God knows everything, even the secret thoughts of your heart.

  • Well... compared to some people, I'm a saint!

  • Yeah that's true. But the standard is God's law, not other people.

  • Besides, even if you sin just five times a day in one year... that's 1,825 sins.

  • And if you live to be seventy years old, you'll have broken God's law over 127,000 times!

  • You'll have to answer for every sin on Judgment Day when the Bible says, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

  • But... God will forgive me. Right?

  • Well, let's try that in court.

  • Hey, look. I know I keep breaking the law, but hey, can't you just, you know, let it slide?

  • Only a corrupt judge would buy that.

  • A GOOD judge would say: Justice demands that you pay for your crimes.

  • God's not a corrupt judge. He's a holy, righteous judge. He hates sin!

  • Jesus warned that on Judgment Day, everyone who had sinned against God will justly end up in a terrible place called hell, and there will be no escape for all eternity.

  • Well, then, how can ANYBODY get to heaven?

  • There's only one way.

  • God loved the world so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to live a perfect life.

  • He never sinned, not even once.

  • Then, Jesus offered to take the punishment for guilty sinners.

  • He was whipped, and beaten, and nailed to a cross, and died so that justice would be served and sinners could go free!

  • Then, Jesus rose from the grave and defeated death!

  • You can't earn eternal life. It's God's gift to everyone who will humble themselves and come to Jesus.

  • He'll forgive you, wash you clean, and give you a new heart.

Meet Mr. Nice Guy. You think you're nice?


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B1 中級

あなたは良い人ですか? (Are You A Good Person)

  • 3610 145
    Tina Piger に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日