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  • and we're starting with news from China, which says it has given $2.1 billion worth of debt relief to developing countries.

    中国からのニュースです 中国は21億ドル相当の債務救済を 開発途上国に与えたと言っています

  • Assed part of its trillion dollar belt and road initiative, China has financed large infrastructure projects throughout Africa that critics say have left many poor countries overloaded with debt.


  • Thank you, it's been called the railway to nowhere.


  • Kenya celebrated the opening of this train connecting its capital Nairobi, in the port city of Mombasa in 2017.


  • Built in finance fate, China, it has now become a symbol of the controversy over China's presence across the continent.


  • China has loaned over $100 billion to African countries, is part of its transcontinental infrastructure program known as the Belt and Road Initiative.


  • Many African countries were already crippled under the weight of the money they owe China.


  • For projects like the money losing Kenyan railway.


  • Now, the coronavirus pandemic has made it nearly impossible for many to keep up with debt payments.


  • Angola is the biggest debtor to China after taking on billions in loans to build roads and hospitals.


  • Ethiopia's next followed by Zambia, which this month became the first country to default on its debt in the pandemic.


  • Kenya's $9 billion in debt comes largely from loans for the railway, critics say efforts to help poor countries by freezing repayments air only, delaying a broader reckoning over Africa's unsustainable debt load.


  • China's $2.1 billion in payment extensions covers only a tiny fraction of what African countries.


  • Oh, and the agreement struck last week by G 20 leaders to defer repayments until mid 2021 offers only a brief reprieve for many nations come out.


and we're starting with news from China, which says it has given $2.1 billion worth of debt relief to developing countries.

中国からのニュースです 中国は21億ドル相当の債務救済を 開発途上国に与えたと言っています

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