字幕表 動画を再生する
hey guys sam and audrey here and today we thought we'd try a different format and bring you along
for a week in the life in canada in this week's episode we'll go on a day trip to niagara falls
今週のエピソードでカナダでの生活の中で1週間あなたを連れて行く と思い
and do some wine tasting i'll attempt to plan a surprise getaway for sam we'll explore a new to us
ました。ナイアガラフォールズへの日帰り旅行に行き、 ワインの試飲をします。サムのサプライズゲッタウェイを計画しようと
island in toronto canada and we'll do some other fun stuff around the house like binge watch the
思います。トロントカナダの 新しい 島 を探索 し、家の周りで他の楽しいことをします。たとえば
latest season of the crown share one of our latest hobbies and just catch up on life in general
so join us and chime in over in the comments letting us know what you've been up to lately
hey guys hello it is friday sushi day sushi day we decided to have date night yes so we ordered
こんにちは、金曜日の寿司の日です。寿司の日です。デートの夜にすることにしました。 寿司 を注文しました。 これも家族と共有しますうん、家族の夜、家族の夜、
some sushi which we're also going to share with my family yup um so family night family night for
寿司を食べて、マッキートレイを手に入れました。基本的には、さまざまな種類 のサーモンの
sushi so we got a a mackie tray basically it's like got an assortment of all different kinds
品揃えを手に入れました。 これは、とにかく私にとっての販売機能でした。また 、昨日撮影して
lots of salmon which was the selling feature for me anyways yeah about you also i think it's pretty
いたのはかなり 面白い と思います だから私は髪をしました今日のメイクはデートの
funny that yesterday we were filming so i did my hair i did my makeup today is supposed to be date
夜 になるはずです そしてそれはあなたのラウンジウェアのようなものですこれは 私たちにとって
night and it's like lounge wear your be this is the honest interpretation of a normal date
通常のデートの 夜の 正直な解釈 です私たちはかなりカジュアルですええとても面白いものは
night for us we're pretty casual we're pretty casual yeah so something interesting is that
when we're at home when we're not traveling we actually don't eat out that often we don't even
go out once a week maybe once a month maybe maybe maybe we normally cook at home yeah and so this is
しない ので、これがある ことを食べない旅行していない時 ということ
a real treat we're gonna just enjoy this it's honestly spontaneous this wasn't even planned
本当のご馳走私たちはこれを楽しむつもりですそれは正直に自発的ですこれは それをさらに楽しくする 計画さえ あり
which makes it even more fun and uh yeah it's friday night it's raining it's
ませんでした そしてええとそれはそれをさらに楽しくしますそしてええとそれは雨が降っていますそれは
cold let's get some sushi and let's enjoy let's go to the mall go pick up our order
hello it is officially winter oh my gosh yeah it is so cold out look at what we got
こんにちはそれは正式に冬ですああ私のおやおやそれは私たちが得 た ものを見てとても寒いですそれは
it's huge guys it's like uh it feels like
i don't know like it feels like twice the weight of a pizza i thought you were gonna save a baby
um but yeah i find it so weird that the mall is super busy it's on a friday it is a friday it is a
friday night but there's also a pandemic going on but like it was hard to find parking maybe maybe
金曜日の夜ですが、パンデミックも起こっていますが、駐車場を見つけるのが難しかったので 、 おそらく レストランが再びオープンしたの
the restaurants have opened up again yeah i've been paying attention and people are shopping
かもしれません ええ私は注意を払っていますそして人々は買い物をしています
people are shopping there's a movie theater so and there's a grocery store so i guess that's part
of it but yeah you get you get no sign of uh of people staying in right now no i think people have
、それはその 一部だと思い ますが、ええ、今は人々が滞在している兆候は見られません。人々は
had enough it's crazy busy on the on the road as well it's the traffic is i've never seen it like
十分に忙しかった と思います。 道路で忙しくて、交通量も多いです。 朝食でも
this even in brampton i just feel like every year gets a little busier here a little crazier yeah
こんな風に見たことがない 私は毎年少し忙しくなっているような気がしますええお
let's go home well sushi time huh the sushi is here the spicy salmon cheers
we've already put a pretty good dent in it huh while we're upstairs
with the family so this is what's left over i mean what was like 60 something pieces oh i
家族と 2階 にいるので、これが残っています。つまり、60個のピースのようなものでした
i suggested 30 something and somebody thought it wouldn't be enough
。30個の何かを提案しました。誰か が、夜に軽食をとるのはいつでもいいことを知って
you know it's always nice to have a snack at night and also maybe breakfast and lunch tomorrow
いるだけでは不十分 だ と思いました。 多分朝食と昼食明日
hello so time for a little update on what i've been up to while sam's not
around because this is meant to be a surprise um but basically this week we wanted to go away
これは驚きのことですが、基本的に今週は離れて 、あなたたちのためにもっと小さな家を撮影し
and film some more tiny houses for you guys we've got this whole series going on on the channel
たいと 思いました。このシリーズ全体
where we stayed in like off-grid cabins and suspended tents and container homes and we
は、オフグリッドのキャビンや吊り下げられたテントやコンテナの家のように滞在 したチャンネル で 行われ、
wanted to do more of those but when i went on airbnb i realized a little problem now that winter
それらをもっとやりたかったのですが、airbnbに行くと、冬 がこれらのほとんどに到着
is arriving most of these tiny homes don't have heating like some of them have little wood stoves
しているので、小さな問題に気づきました そのうちのいくつかは少し薪ストーブを持って い ますが 、彼らは
but basically a lot of the listings that i had saved to my favorites have been taken
その左のように 感謝するまで晩春アップ等からの季節にのみ利用可能ですので、
down because they're only available seasonally from like late spring up until thanksgiving
so that left me with a little bit of a conundrum um yeah the selection was very meager and
停止 されている ように小さな家を加熱する必要はありません。 少し難問がありますええ、選択は非常に貧弱で、
basically the ones that are available are quite expensive like we're talking over 300 a night um
so instead i started looking at downtown to see if they had any hotel specials going on and they
do so i found this really nice hotel in downtown toronto canada that not only was having a sale but
私は販売を持っていたが 、彼らはまた、無料の部屋のアップグレードUMを提供していると私は
they're also offering free room upgrades um and it was a really good price so i ended up booking that
、それは私たちがしているつもりだ と予約を終わったので、それは本当に良い値段だった
and that's what we're gonna be doing later on this week i'm trying to keep this trip a surprise
but honestly sam asks so many questions it's impossible to keep any information away from him
ちょっと やります 今週後半にやっているので、この旅行をサプライズにしようとしています
um he just gets too excited so yeah i'm trying to keep this a surprise we are leaving soon
が、正直なところ、サムは非常に多くの質問をします。彼 は興奮しすぎ て、情報を彼から遠ざけることは不可能
we are leaving on wednesday yeah so maybe we'll include a few clips of that in this
week in the life video but yeah i'm looking forward to a little getaway
に出発します。水曜日に出発します。 今週はライフビデオ にそのクリップをいくつか含めるかもしれません
just doing something different you know something outside of our daily routine and
が、日常の外で何か違うことをしているだけで 、ちょっとした休暇を楽しみにしてい ます。
just taking a break from editing and being in front of the computer for hours on end
それは楽しいだろうよう に 私 は非常に多分私は基本的にこれは
so that'll be fun i'm very excited maybe i'll show you a picture of where we're going basically this
私が予約したホテルで 、あなたに私たちが行っているところの写真を紹介します興奮して
is the hotel i booked this is one king street west and it looks nice
終わりに時間のコンピュータの前に編集しているから休憩を取ります これは西のキングストリートの1つで、見栄えが良い
so yeah i have booked this place for two nights we're obviously gonna be filming some videos
bringing you guys along and yeah i'm thinking of turning it into like a little foodie adventure
あなたたちを連れて行く いくつかのビデオ を 撮影するつもり です、そしてええ
for sam because he had his birthday last month and we didn't really go away to celebrate or do
anything like that we just had a family lunch with artisanal pizzas which was a lot of fun
小さな食通の冒険のように変えることを考え ていますお祝いをしたり 、そのようなことをし
but i figured this could be like a belated birthday celebration so yeah we'll be going for
たりするために 、職人技のピザを使った家族でのランチを 食べました。 とても楽しかったです
two nights i've been researching restaurants i found pizzerias and i'm trying to think
が、これは遅ればせながらの誕生日のお祝いのようだと思ったので、 2泊します。レストランを調べています。ピッツェリアを見つけて、
what else we could do while we're there i was thinking of like a virtual reality session um
そこにいる間に他に何ができるか 考えようとし ています。バーチャルリアリティセッションのように考えて
and playing some games or axe throwing um i don't know if someone would actually be into that
so i'm kind of researching a few different options but either way it'll be a fun trip so see you soon
so i'm trying not to give too much away because i still have to film the bedroom tour
the bedroom makeover this is the bedroom you're welcome actually your bedroom like you were
over it was all for you for me you were welcome just kidding come come a bit closer so you're
冗談が少し近づいてきて、 実際にフレームに入って いるので
actually in the frame okay there we go there we go cheers okay cheers drinking wine laptop is open
、そこに行きます。歓声を上げます。歓声を上げ ます。 ワインのラップトップを飲んで
and let's tell the people a few times a year i'd say maybe three times a year or less yeah or less
we binge watch certain shows as soon as they're released november 15th the crown yeah season four
one of them was the crown and i remember how i got introduced to it you had already watched season
one this is like three or four years ago and we both got extremely sick when we were visiting
1を 見ていたのですが、 これは3、4年前のことで、 ウェールズ を訪れたときに2人とも非常に病気になり
wales do you remember in cardiff yes like it was like like we were we were not just it wasn't just
ました。カーディフで覚えていますか?そうだったように、私たちがそうであった ように、ほんの少し
like a little bit of the flu like we had sore throats we had like fevers we had headaches
だけではなかったの です。喉の痛みのようなインフルエンザの痛み熱のような頭痛
like we could barely get out of bed i believe we booked an airbnb for maybe a week and we just
がしたベッドからほとんど出られないような 頭痛 がした私たちはおそらく1週間airbnbを予約し、
stayed indoors and watched netflix non-stop we maybe filmed two days two and a half days but but
屋内にとどまり、netflixをノンストップで見た と思います 2日2日撮影したかもしれません半日ですが
the amazing thing about this place was they had a home theater yes like they had a projection they
had a projection screen they also had a like an amazing sound system and we were just like i don't
持っ ていたように彼らは プロジェクションスクリーンを持っていました彼らはまた素晴らしいサウンドシステムのようでしたそして私たち
know if out of a score of 100 i'd say our energy levels like 15 to 20. and so i i ended up watching
all of uh season one with you yeah and then we started watching something uh related to it was
world war ii but it was like um in color no no no no it was the like um it was a show about ladies
um okay yeah is that cold again i don't know i i forget the name of that show but the point
is we really got hooked on the crown and since then every year when they release the new season
we just dedicate a day sometimes we need two days to watch every single episode and it's all we can
私たちはただ捧げます時々私たちはすべてのエピソードを見るのに2日を必要としますそしてそれは私たちが 考える
think about that's right so i remember season two we ended up watching here while we were at home in
ことができるすべてです それで私 はトロントカナダの旅行の間 に家にいる 間に
between trips in toronto canada yeah season three was last year on our second trip to argentina
ここで見たシーズン2を覚えています ええシーズン3は去年の2番目でしたアルゼンチンへの旅行
we were in yes we were in baraloche in a beautiful log cabin we still haven't uh released that series
yet those are coming so those are coming yeah that's uh so a bit of a sneak preview and then um
we just we're binge watching season four now yeah so i mean my goodness it just it almost
makes me feel a little bit old we're already about season four that means we've been watching
four years the next season isn't coming out next year they're gonna make us gonna be 20. 2022 in
、次のシーズンが来年は出てこないので、4年を 見ていました 。彼らは私たちを20歳にするつもり
case you're wondering oh my gosh but anyways yeah we we load it up we binge there's 10
です。おやおや、とにかくそれをロードします。 今シーズンは
episodes this season um probably approximately 45 minutes to an hour per episode so we've got
10の エピソード があります。 おそらく、エピソードごとに約45分から1
about eight to ten hours of uh fun ahead of us cheers to that so guys let us know if there is a
show out there on netflix or amazon prime that you love to binge yes we might need some inspiration
あなたは私 たちは あなただけの私たちは、あなたがしてきたどれかを知りたい見
we don't want to know what shows you just watch we want to know which ones you've been
て、あなたの場合は 何を示し知られたくない
and if you don't binge please don't judge us too harshly because we do we do we do [ __ ]
いくつかのインスピレーションが必要な場合がありますどんちゃん騒ぎyesに愛していることはNetflixやAmazonプライムにそこにショー が ある場合、私たちは知っています ビンジ ウォッチング しないでください私たちを厳しく判断しないでください私たちはそうします[__]
so audrey how do you feel being back in niagara falls good it's nice to be visiting again i think
the last time i was here was maybe 10 years ago wow do you remember who you came with i think
前回ここにいたのはおそらく10年前だったと思います。あなたが誰と 一緒に 来たのか覚えています か。妹や友達
with my sister and some friends oh cool summertime in the summer so you've never been here when it's
と 一緒に夏は涼しい夏 だ と 思い ます。」 寒い 時期にここに来たことはありません
been the cold huh yeah bundled up all bundled up yeah you're dressed the warmest yes your
dad has no hat you've got like a winter hat on and you've got your gloves it's like five degrees okay
あなたは湖のナイアガラを持って近くに そう
then of course you've got the vineyards nearby you've got niagara on the lake
and so yeah we're gonna just basically walk around a little bit more and then
what we're hoping to do in the afternoon is visit a vineyard that's the plan do a little bit of a
試飲 する計画なので、
so yeah we were saying this is one of the top 10 wines we've had not just this year but ever
i think it's the best canadian wine i've ever had yeah yeah yeah actually absolutely
good quality wine yeah on the drive-in didn't it say this has been voted the number one
small vineyard yeah i don't doubt it i don't doubt it it's that good have a look it's that good yeah
小さなブドウ園に 選ばれたとは言わなかった rdええ、私はそれを疑うことはありませんそれはそれが良いことだと疑うことはありませんそれは良いですええ
hello hello hello hanging out at my new office thank you audrey we came over to your new office
こんにちはこんにちはこんにちは私の新しいオフィスでぶらぶらしていますありがとうオードリー私たちはあなたの新しい オフィスにやって来ました私たちは
office we came over to your new office and i thought it might be fun for you to tell people
あなたの新しい オフィスにやって来ましたオフィスと私はあなた が編集しているものにあなたが取り組んでいることを
what you've been working on what you've been editing so for the last like almost two months
人々に伝えるのは楽しいかもしれないと思った ので、ほぼ2ヶ月間
and i had already been working on this for months prior to this basically uh at the end of last
year we went back to argentina for a second round not just argentina uruguay too and chilly chilly
that's right so we started off um with your dad we arrived in buenos aires and then we went back to
the cordoba area and then we started heading north for the first time so we went to the province of
コルドバエリア に戻って 始めました。初めて北に向かったので、 トゥクマン
tukuman and then we headed up further north to salta which is an amazing area and then we went
州に 行き、さらに北に向かって素晴らしいエリア である サルタに向かいました。さらに北
further north it's even more rugged to huhui and that was the end of our northern exploration then
we came back to buenos aires for a night and we spent uh slightly over a week in uruguay we went
to colonia and we also went to montevideo and we did a lot of foodie things yeah which was tons
of fun and then we said goodbye to your dad and we headed back to northern patagonia where we spent a
little bit of time in baraloche kind of catching up on work binging on the crown season three
we did a bit of filming as well and then we went and visited one of our best friends in argentina
を過ごしました。 それから、アルゼンチンの バレンタインとエルボゾンの
valentin and elbozone yeah that was a really fun day so much fun hardly any filming but going out
親友の1人を訪ね ました。楽しい日とても楽しい撮影はほとんどありませんが、 毎晩
every single night and coming in at like one or two in the morning yeah that was so much fun and
出かけて 、朝の1、2時 くらいに 来て、とても楽しかっ
then we went all because the last time we went to patagonia we didn't make it to the far south which
is some say the most interesting part and we did get to go to the far south this time how far south
いくつかの最も興味深い部分を言うていると我々ははるか南に 私はどのようにあると信じて どのようにはるか南
samuel well to the end of the world to ushuaia the world's most southern no the world's southernmost
サミュエルもウシュアイアは世界で最も南の無い世界最南端の 都市 に世界の終わりに 、この時間を行くために手に入れたの
city i believe is how it's described and i mean that's the gateway for boating expeditions to
はるか南へ それは説明されており、私はそれが 南極大陸 へのボート遠征の玄関口
antarctica so yeah we're talking really far south and we didn't make it to antarctica but
だから、私たちは本当にはるか南で話しているので 、 南極大陸には到達しませんでし
in order to cross to tierra del fuego which is the southernmost province in argentina you have to go
through chile because the province is an island basically we also some other highlights in in the
チリを通過 する必要があります。 島基本的には、 はるか南に
far south is we went to el chalten and el calafate in el calafate you see the the most impressive
ある他のハイライトもいくつかあります。 エルチャルテンとエルカラファテのエルカラファテに
glaciers oh just unbelievable and then we did the world-class hiking in el chalten which if you're
行ったところ、信じられないほど 最も印象的な 氷河 が見えます。 その後、エルチャルテンで世界クラスのハイキングをしました。 「
familiar with the brand patagonia it's the the basically the logo the mountain we hiked the logo
それは あなたがそうそこに行く 、我々はロゴをハイキング山は、
we hiked the logo there you go yeah and then we crossed over to the chilean side and we did
我々はロゴをハイキングし、我々はチリ側に渡った 基本的にはロゴのブランドパタゴニアに精通し
another spectacular hiking destination yeah guys we're so excited we're going to be releasing this
直す と、私 たちは とても興奮している別の見事なハイキング先ええ男をし
series really soon for you um and it's going to be the most breathtaking and scenic series we filmed
ました 私たちは あなたのために この シリーズをすぐに リリースする予定です 、そしてそれは私たち
anywhere in the world i can honestly say that i mean we've been to some beautiful places in canada
が世界のどこでも 撮影した最も息をのむような景色の良いシリーズになる
and other parts of the world but just to have so many different episodes where it's different to
rain where it's a different different scenery we've never done anything quite like this so
や世界の他の地域では、 雨とは 違うエピソードがたくさんあるので、
we're really excited for this series to come out and um yeah i'm i've basically done the the first
このようなことをしたことがないので 、このシリーズが出て、うーん、本当に興奮しています。ええ、私は基本的
cut of all the episodes so i'll be handing that over to audrey and she'll be putting the final
にすべてのエピソードの 最初の カットを 行った ので、それをオードリーに渡し、彼女は
touches on it yeah that's coming soon yeah and we're hoping um we're hoping to get it out more
それに 最後の仕上げをします ええ、それはすぐに来ますええ、私たちはええと私たちを望んでいます「
frequently than our first year series in argentina we're going to be releasing i don't know hopefully
several episodes per week right yes that's the goal is that is that the goal boss yes
週に数回のエピソード がうまくいけばわかりません。 そうです。目標は、目標のボスがそうです。
so anyways yeah that's what i've been working on um here at my office and we're really excited
とにかくそうです。私がここで私のオフィスで取り組んでいること、そして私たちは すぐにそれを出すことに
to be getting that out soon so i hope you guys are ready for another round of argentina coming
本当に興奮 しているので、皆さんがすぐに来るアルゼンチンの次のラウンドの準備ができていることを願っています
up soon okay so this evening we're going to be trimming sam's beard riveting stuff
this is what youtube has come to but yeah when sam found out we're going to toronto canada instead
これはyoutubeがやってきたものですが、サムfのときはそうです森の中ではなく 、 トロントのカナダに行って
of into the woods into the wilderness on a tiny house escape he realized maybe he wants
、小さな家の脱出で荒野に 行くつもりです。 彼は 、プリムとカフのプリムとクワフをプリムと咳
to prim and cough prim primp and quaff what's the expression there primp and quaff primico
をしたいと思っている ので、プリムとクワフのプリミコの表現は何ですか 。あごひげが少し膨らみ始めたので
so we're gonna give his beard a little trim because it has started to puff out so maybe we can
have a little chat with him here on his barber's chair slash computer chair um so yeah you're gonna
をすること が できるかもしれませ ん。そうそう 、次のビデオで彼の驚きの旅行はそうではないこと が わかり ます。
find out in the next video that his surprise trip isn't so much of a surprise because sam
これは私たち が すべてのビーイングこと を私に尋ねる停止今やっていることである
is just not good at handling surprises and being patient and he just has to ask a million questions
多くの驚きのSAMは 驚きを処理し、患者であることでちょうど良いではない
until you break down and you're like enough this is what we're doing now stop asking me
ので 、彼はちょうど あなたが壊すまで 万の質問をしなければならない
so all that being said i invite you to come on over to the chair and bring the trimmer
とあなたは十分に似ています 椅子に来てトリマーを持ってきてくださいと言った
oh yeah where's the trimmer here are the goodies okay
and by the way i normally do shave my own beard this is just something fun for camera the audio
it's fun well i ended up getting this this this this hair and beard kit because it's kind of
それはとても楽しいこれを手に入れてこれをこの髪にしてardキットそれは 掃除
like cleaning yeah so i don't have to go for the complete shave yeah hopefully there's enough power
の ようなものなので、完全に剃る 必要はありません ええ十分な電力があることを願っ
oh you haven't charged it uh we'll see did i use this no i used your dads did you use my dad's this
is a new one no i have longer and shorter longer okay you have nine let's try six six is short
no three is short here we go are you ready i'm ready i don't think i've used this one oh oh okay
hey before you like take half my face off you see how that works yeah it just moves it up and
down okay you you pick the setting it has little numbers so it's just basically it rolls like that
上下に 動かし ますさて、あなたはそれが小さな数字を持っている設定を選ぶので、それは基本的にそれはそのように転がり
oh my gosh that sounds scary but you know why it's because it wasn't fully on let's see see
okay okay i forgot do i go down do i go off oh hey like this okay okay okay
try not to take my face off okay that'd be nice anything you want to tell us about
as i play barber here um well yeah it's been a long time since we've gone to toronto so toronto
ここで床屋をしているので、 ええと 、トロントに行ってから久しぶり です。あなたが言う ように、トロント
as you say um it's literally been ages i think the year we ended up going the most was when we went
は文字通り何年も 経ってい ます。私たちが一番行ったの は、クリスマスマーケットに
and did the christmas market you remember that year yeah what year was that were we in university
行ったときだった と思います。その年を覚えています か。 大学に
it was either that year or the year before and we ended up going to the christmas market
and then also the year we ended up getting married we went in
そして、結婚した年に 家族と会い に行った
to meet family and then we also filmed the city guide i think that year so that may have all been
後、シティガイドも撮影しました。その年は 10か月以内 だったので、 4、5回 くらい
within like 10 months we may have gone into the city like four or five times in the last
は街に行ったかもしれません。 あなたは そんなにこれを楽しむwhy'd
four in the last three or four years i i haven't been into toronto at all except you know to the
実際の トロント カナダ 以外ええブランプトンにおそらく近い、実際に街ではありません空港
airport that's not actually the city probably closer to brampton yeah than actual downtown
に知っている以外、最後の3〜4年の 最後の 4 の IIは、 オハイオ州の
toronto canada why'd you enjoy this so much oh i was saying earlier it's kind of like cleaning you
すべてのトロントにされていません さっき言ったのは、掃除のような
know like how you see something become tidy when it was like all messy and disorganized are you
are you insulting my former beard well it's just it was getting very big my wolverine beard yeah
what do you guys think do you prefer the cleaned up beard or did you like the wolverine one huh
いただけなのか。 dだと思うoきれいにしたあごひげが好きですか、それともウルヴァリンが好き
i'm not sure everyone agrees with you audrey some people might have well i i like the beard i do
but you've had it for a while and it was getting really messed up to be honest it's kind of nice to
shave it off every once in a while although i think when we go back and do a cabin stay
たまに剃り落とすの はいいことです が、戻ってキャビンステイをするときは
i'm gonna make it nice and long done how's that that looks i haven't actually seen myself yet but
it feels good let's go have a look oh wow it's definitely shorter
so today is thursday and this is a little behind the scenes of the vlog in canada that
ので、今日は木曜日です。これは、 昨日水曜日にここに到着したトロントで撮影
we are shooting here in toronto we got here yesterday wednesday but it's been nice
し ている カナダのvlogの舞台裏 です
you know to get away from the regular routine and just do something a little different be out here
exploring the city hey sam hi her hey this is the perfect day in toronto video we're working
で街を探索 してください。 ちょっとサムこんにちは彼女ちょっとこれは私たちが取り組んでいるトロントのビデオで完璧な日で
and we're having a fantastic day we're exploring an island we've never been to
we had the most amazing views of downtown toronto and yet we feel like we're out in
、ダウントゥの最も素晴らしい景色を眺めることができましたwn torontoと
the middle of nowhere yeah and the weather is cooperating today it's so much warmer so
はいえ、私たち はどこにも行かない ような気がします。
much warmer yeah we've had some good food since we've been in toronto and fun to continue that
今日の天気は協力的です。とても暖かいです。とても 暖かいです。トロントに行ってからおいしい料理を食べてきました。それを続けるのは楽しいです。
so would you say this is a weekly bi-weekly monthly shop how often are we going to lcbo well
だから、これは毎週隔週の毎月の店だと思います か?基本的 に最近
basically what's going on these days is uh your dad and i are on a little bit of a diet
and one of our tiny indulgences is that we're giving ourselves a little bit of table wine
so when this gato negro runs out that's usually when i go to the lcbo i usually get three or four
飲んでいるので、このガトネグロがなくなると、通常はlcboに行くときに 、これらのうち 3つまたは4つ を
of these and they usually last for the month we just have like a tiny little glass at night
入手 し、通常は1か月間持続し、夜は小さなグラスのようになります。
so we had one dry uh-huh uh yeah we had to restock i just got back
and i should explain for people who don't know what table wine or vino de mesa what we call in
そして私たちが アルゼンチンで 何と呼んでいるテーブルワインやヴィーノデメサを知らない人のために説明する必要があります
argentina it's basically kind of like a cheaper wine that you'd have with your everyday meal like
それは基本的に安いワインのようなものですあなたは それが正確に超派手なものではない よう
it's nothing super fancy exactly so this wine is a little bit pricey in canada compared to europe and
に あなたの毎日の食事で持っているでしょう、 それでこのワインはlですカナダではヨーロッパや 南アメリカに
south america so this bottle here 1.5 liters which is the equivalent of two normal bottles of wine
比べて少し高い ので、ここのこのボトルは1.5リットルで、通常の2本のワインに相当します 。14.95です。
is 14.95 and normally for one bottle of i don't know like mid-range wine in canada you would pay
that amount so this is like half that price yeah it's just one of those twist tops we usually get
in the low sometimes cabernet sauvignon but this uh yeah that's what i ended up getting so this
低い時々カベルネソーヴィニョンで 得るそれらのツイストトップの1つです が、 これ は
is the table wine but the exciting stuff is in the green bags here hey guys i'm exhausted that's
私が最終的に得たものなので、これ はテーブルワインですが、エキサイティングなものは緑ですここのバッグちょっと疲れましたそれ
a very long walk probably walk like 30 or 40 minutes each way
and carrying all this back now it's really hard to find wine from uruguay and in fact in ontario
そしてこれをすべて持ち帰ります今ウルグアイからワインを見つけるのは本当に難しい です そして実際にオンタリオ
they're out but look i got the the arizona this is the one we had last summer yeah but this one's
a reserve this is a 10 reservoir oh yeah that's awesome that's the brand we found in new brunswick
予備です。これは10の貯水池です。そうそう、 去年の夏にロードトリップをしたとき
when we did a road trip last summer we picked that one up in um edmondson yeah yeah it's the most
に新しいブランズウィックで見つけたブランド です。ええと、エドモンドソンでそれを選びました。ええ、それは最も
random place to find a bottle of wine from uruguay now this one i think he'll like audrey look how
cute that is little bowtie what's this this one's from chile okay i ended up getting it well there's
は小さなボウタイが どれほど かわいいかこれはチリからのものです大丈夫私はそれをうまくやったのです
a couple reasons i mean i have to admit that was pretty cute but the price was good 11 bucks i
think it's 11.99 and it's a pinot noir it's a kind of a grape variety that we don't normally drink
11.99だと思います。ピノ・ノワールです。通常 はチリから
from chile we usually have cabernet sauvignon merlot or is it carbonary yeah we usually
は飲まないブドウの品種です。 通常はカベルネ・ソビニョン・メルロットを持っていますか、それとも通常
have that and i found two wines from portugal because we're thinking of doing a portuguese
はそれ を 持っています。ポルトガル 料理のビデオをバカラオのビデオ
food videos oh a bacalao video yeah so we have domino from duaro todo along the donor river
でやろうと思っているので、ポルトガル産のワインを2つ見つけまし た。ドナー川沿いのドゥアロ・トドのドミノが
river and then we also have um and that is a that one's not a reserve and then we have babu
あります。それから、ええと、それは予備ではありません。それから私たちは リザーブである
babu which is a reserve where's that one from it's also from portugal oh cool oh it's a 2016
バブバブを持っています それはポルトガルからのものですああクールああそれは2016年
nice a bit of a vintage so yeah two table ones and actually you have a bit of the table wine
のちょっとしたヴィンテージなのでそうそう2つのテーブルワインそして実際にはあなた も時々
sometimes too i do yeah dinner time we drink some red our tiny indulgence is that we take a
テーブルワインを少し持っています 私もそうですディナータイム私たちは小さなインドを赤く飲みます贅沢なのは
little micro square of dark chocolate and we get a half of a cup of red wine well thanks for bringing
、ダークチョコレートの小さなマイクロスクエア を取り、 赤ワインの半分のカップを手に入れたことです
the wine for us yeah and we are restocking our collection yeah our collection is looking pretty
。ワインを 持ってき て くれてありがとう。 コレクションを補充しています。コレクションはかなり
mighty fine and uh let's keep it that way okay so we've been doing a bit of a fun family project
素晴らしい 見た目です。 続けましょう。そういう風に大丈夫なので 、今年 はちょっと楽しい家族プロジェクトをやっています。これをやっている
this year it's mainly my dad and i who are doing this but basically we've started a collection of
のは主に私の父と私ですが、基本的に私たちは ワインを本当に楽しんでいるので 、 ワインラベルの コレクションを始めました。
wine labels because we really enjoy our wine i feel like sam and i have finally developed a
そして私はついに ワインの味を 開発しました が、しばらく時間がかかりましたが、南アフリカ
taste for wine it took us a while but you know we're there after a few trips to south africa
とアルゼンチンチリ への数回の旅行の後に私たちはそこにいることを知っています
and then argentina chile we've had some really good wines so yeah this is kind of like the new
私たちはいくつかの本当に良いワインを持っていたので、ええこれは新しい 小さな もののようなものです
little hobby that we've got going on so whenever we finish a bottle of wine we set it aside and
then when we have a group of like 10 to 15 we put them in the oven and we remove the labels
and i'm just gonna show you a few of the bottles that we've consumed over the past year maybe it's
been two years now because this album is looking pretty full um but yeah that's something we've
been doing behind the scenes for fun so here are some that we had this past winter this was
が楽しみのために舞台裏でやっ て きたことですので、ここに私たちがこの過去の冬に持っていたものが あります
a really nice wine from australia 19 crimes and this one was recommended by my uncle who's also
これは オーストラリア19の犯罪からの本当に素晴らしいワインでしたそしてこれは私のによって推薦されました
a big wine lover he lives in peru and he really likes this argentine wine amigo or the enemy
彼はペルーに住んでいる大きなワイン愛好家で もあり 、このアルゼンチンのワインアミーゴまたは敵が本当に好きです
these two spanish ones are from um a video that we filmed a while
これらの2つのスペインの ワイン は、私たちがしばらく
back where we made paeda a spanish dish and yeah
前に 撮影したビデオからのもので、 パジャマをスペイン料理にし ました。カナダからのライフビデオでは、 近くの目的地 への楽しいミニゲッタウェイがいくつか
that was our week in the life vlog from canada we had some fun mini getaways to
nearby destinations but we also spent plenty of time hanging out at home in our pajamas because
balance let us know if you guys enjoyed this format and if you'd like to see
もっとビデオ を見たいかどうかを教えてくれます。
more vloggy videos of life lately thanks for watching and wishing you a great week