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did you know that you and your computers speak different languages?
It doesn't speak Spanish or Swedish or Chinese.
It speaks in ones and zeros.
You can't communicate directly with your computer, but that's where your operating system comes in.
The operating system, or OS, is the program that lets you interact with your computer Together.
The operating system and computer hardware form a complete system that determines what your computer could dio.
There are many different operating systems.
Two of the most common ones are Microsoft Windows and Mac OS Windows comes preloaded on most personal computers, while Mac OS runs on all new max operating systems aren't just for desktop and laptop computers.
最も一般的なものの2つは、Microsoft WindowsとMac OSです Windowsは、ほとんどのパソコンにプリロードされています, Mac OSは、すべての新しい最大のオペレーティングシステム上で実行されている間、デスクトップやラップトップコンピュータのためだけのものではありません.
Mobile devices run mobile operating systems like Apple IOS or Google Android, which are designed for interactions with smaller touch screens.
モバイルデバイスは、Apple IOSやGoogle Androidのようなモバイルオペレーティングシステムを実行しており、より小さなタッチスクリーンとのインタラクションを想定して設計されています。
Before downloading a new program or application, be aware that it may not be available for your operating system.
Some applications work on all devices, while others only work on certain ones.
So get to know your operating system to see how it works and what it could dio G.
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