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  • Good morning. So magic is an excellent way

    翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Yasushi Aoki

  • for staying ahead of the reality curve,

    マジックは現実の先を見る —

  • to make possible today


  • what science will make a reality tomorrow.

    科学が描く 未来を

  • As a cyber-magician, I combine elements of illusion


  • and science to give us a feel of how future technologies


  • might be experienced.

    イリュージョンと科学を組み合わせ 未来の技術がもたらす世界を

  • You've probably all heard of Google's Project Glass.


  • It's new technology. You look through them

    Googleの「プロジェクト・グラス」を ご存知でしょうか

  • and the world you see is augmented with data:


  • names of places, monuments, buildings,

    それを使うと 見ているものに情報が付加されます

  • maybe one day even the names of the strangers that pass you on the street.

    例えば 場所や史跡 建物の名前です

  • So these are my illusion glasses.

    将来 すれ違う人の名前まで 表示されるかも知れません

  • They're a little bigger. They're a prototype.


  • And when you look through them, you get a glimpse


  • into the mind of the cyber-illusionist.


  • Let me show you what I mean.

    サイバー・イリュージョニストの 心の中がのぞけます

  • All we need is a playing card. Any card will do.


  • Like this. And let me mark it so we can recognize it

    必要なのはトランプです 1枚とって ―

  • when we see it again.


  • All right. Very significant mark.


  • And let's put it back into the deck,


  • somewhere in the middle, and let's get started.


  • (Music)


  • Voice: System ready. Acquiring image.


  • Marco Tempest: For those of you who don't play cards,

    声「システム起動 映像を取り込み中」

  • a deck of cards is made up of four different suits:


  • hearts, clubs,

    カードは4種類 ―

  • diamonds and spades.

    ハート クラブ —

  • The cards are amongst the oldest of symbols,

    ダイヤ スペード です

  • and have been interpreted in many different ways.


  • Now, some say that the four suits


  • represent the four seasons.

    一説によると 4種類のカードは

  • There's spring, summer,


  • autumn and —

    春と夏 —

  • Voice: My favorite season is winter.MT: Well yeah, mine too.

    秋 そして ―

  • Winter is like magic. It's a time of change,

    「冬は 好きな季節です」 僕もそうだよ

  • when warmth turns to cold, water turns to snow,

    冬はマジックのようです 冬は変化の季節 ―

  • and then it all disappears.

    寒くなると 雨は雪に変わり

  • There are 13 cards in each suit. (Music)


  • Voice: Each card represents a phase of the 13 lunar cycles.

    カードは種類ごとに 13枚ずつあります

  • MT: So over here is low tide,


  • and over here is high tide,

    こちらが干潮 ―

  • and in the middle is the moon.

    こちらが満潮 ―

  • Voice: The moon is one of the most potent symbols of magic.


  • MT: There are two colors in a deck of cards.


  • There is the color red


  • and the color black,


  • representing the constant change


  • from day to night.

    絶え間なく入れ替わる ―

  • Voice: Marco, I did not know you could do that. (Laughter)


  • MT: And is it a coincidence that there are 52 cards

    「そんなこともできたんですね」 (笑)

  • in a deck of cards, just as there are 52 weeks in a year?


  • (Music)

    一年が 52週なのは 偶然の一致でしょうか?

  • Voice: If you total all the spots on a deck of cards,


  • the result is 365.


  • MT: Oh, 365, the number of days in a year,


  • the number of days between


  • each birthday.


  • Make a wish. (Blowing noise)


  • Voice: Don't tell, or it won't come true.

    願い事をして (吹き消す音)

  • MT: Well, as a matter of fact, it was on my sixth birthday


  • that I received my first deck of cards,


  • and ever since that day, I have traveled around the world


  • performing magic for boys and girls,

    その日から 世界中で マジックを披露してきました

  • men and women, husbands and wives,

    男の子や女の子に ―

  • even kings and queens. (Applause)

    男性や女性に 旦那さんや奥さんに ―

  • Voice: And who are these?MT: Ah, mischief-makers. Watch.

    王様や王妃様にも (拍手)

  • Wake up.

    「誰ですか?」 ジョーカーだよ 見ていて

  • Joker: Whoa.MT: Are you ready for your party piece?


  • Joker: Ready!MT: Let me see what you've got.

    「わあ」 準備はいいかい?

  • Joker: Presenting my pogo stick.MT: Ah. Watch out.

    「いいよ!」 何ができるんだい?

  • Joker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, oh! (Music)

    「じゃあいくよ ホッピングだ」 気をつけて

  • MT: But today, I am performing for a different kind of audience.

    「わっ わっ わー!」

  • I'm performing for you.

    でも今日のお客さんは いつもとは違います

  • Voice: Signed card detected.MT: Well, sometimes people ask me


  • how do you become a magician? Is it a 9-to-5 job?

    「サイン入りカードを発見」 こう聞かれることがあります

  • Of course not! You've got to practice 24/7.

    マジシャンになる方法は? 仕事は9時から5時まで?

  • I don't literally mean 24 hours, seven days a week.

    違いますよ! 毎日24時間 週7日練習です

  • 24/7 is a little bit of an exaggeration,

    ただ 24時間 週7日は 額面通りではありません

  • but it does take practice. Now, some people will say,

    24時間 週7日は ちょっと大げさかも

  • well, magic, that must be the work of some evil


  • supernatural force. (Laughter) (Applause)

    こう言われることもあります マジックは超自然的な

  • (Music)

    悪魔の力に違いないって (笑) (拍手)

  • Whoa.


  • Well, to this, I just say, no no.


  • Actually, in German, it's nein nein. (Laughter)

    でも そんな話には「ノー ノー」 ドイツ語だったら ―

  • Magic isn't that intense. I have to warn you, though,

    「ナイン ナイン」です (笑)

  • if you ever play with someone who deals cards like this,

    マジックは それほど 深刻なものではありません

  • don't play for money.

    でも カードを こんな風に配る人とプレーするなら

  • (Music)


  • Voice: Why not? That's a very good hand.


  • The odds of getting it are 4,165 to one.

    「なぜ? いい手ですよ この手が来る確率は

  • MT: Yeah, but I guess my hand is better. We beat the odds.


  • Voice: I think you got your birthday wish.MT: And that actually leaves me with the last,

    確かに でも僕の方が強い 逆転勝利です

  • and most important card of all:

    「願い事が叶いましたね」 そして最後に残ったのは

  • the one with this very significant mark on it.

    一番 大切なカード ―

  • And unlike anything else we've just seen,


  • virtual or not.Voice: Signed card detected.

    これまで見てきた どれとも違います

  • Digital MT: This is without a question the real thing.


  • MT: Bye bye. (Music)


  • Thank you. (Applause)


  • (Applause)

    どうもありがとう (歓声)

  • Thank you very much. (Applause)


  • (Applause)

    ありがとうございました (拍手)

Good morning. So magic is an excellent way

翻訳: Kazunori Akashi 校正: Yasushi Aoki


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級 日本語 TED カード マジック マジシャン 音楽 願い事

TED】マルコ・テンペスト。他に類を見ないサイバーマジックのカードトリック (他に類を見ないサイバーマジックのカードトリック|マルコ・テンペスト) (【TED】Marco Tempest: A cyber-magic card trick like no other (A cyber-magic card trick like no other | Marco Tempest))

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    Laura Hung に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日