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Hey, you want to be a farmer?
Here's a couple of acres.
Welcome to watch Mojo.
And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 action movies you forgot were awesome for this list will be looking at the badass flicks that have been unfairly overlooked.
そして今日、私たちは私たちのピックをカウントダウンしているトップ 10 アクション映画を忘れていたこのリストのために素晴らしいだった不当に見落とされている悪い映画を見ていきます。
Yes, yes, please note will be leaving out martial arts films because they deserve a list of their own.
Is there another action packed movie you wish got more attention?
Let us know in the comments now on to the Top 10.
Number 10 3 10 to Yuma.
10番3 10番をユマに
A decade before he made the definitive Wolverine movie with Logan, James Mangold got Batman together with Superman's dad for a bit of good old fashioned gunslinging.
Yeah, Russell Crowe is a dangerous outlaw who lawmakers will pay good money to see brought to justice.
ええ、ラッセル・クロウは危険な無法者です 誰が国会議員は正義に持って来られたのを見るために良いお金を支払うことになります。
Christian Bale is a rancher, too poor to say no to a payday, no matter how dangerous the assignment.
And in an Old West setting where everyone has a score to settle and a gun to settle it with, their journey is far from easy.
Like a lot of modern Westerns, it didn't really get the attention it deserved But thanks to two magnetic leads and six shooters of Plenty 3 10 to Yuma is a fantastic throwback to a bygone era.
This video is brought to you by the new Motorola razor.
The flip herbal pocketable icon is back, and this time it's five g ready Discover mawr at the link in the description Number nine.
フリップハーブポケッタブルアイコンが戻ってきて、今回は5つのgの準備ができています 説明番号9のリンクでmawrを発見する。
The Man from Uncle, Another modern take on old school action, The Man From Uncle is a Cold War caper about a pair of elite spies from either side of the divide who are forced to work together.
He said, Don't kill your partner on your first day.
I know what he said.
What does it mean?
Of course, when agents the size of Henry Cavil and Army hammer butt heads, they're liable to level entire city blocks and the two end up crashing their way through Italy.
もちろん ヘンリー・カヴィルとアーミーの大きさのエージェントが ぶつかり合うと 街全体を平らにする責任がある そして2人はイタリアを通り抜けて 衝突することになる
So it's no trouble.
Unless you continue to question my actions.
You've actually thought this through.
Would you like to finish what we started?
Even when they aren't throwing haymakers at each other?
彼らがお互いにヘイメーカーを 投げ合っていなくても?
The constant bickering and one upsmanship between this Herculean odd couple makes the man from uncle an absolute riot, and with supporting cast that includes Alicia Vikander, Elizabeth DeBakey, Jared Harris and Hugh Grant.
This is well worth seeking out, but I've spoken to your superiors, and now that we're all such good friends, they've kindly agreed to let me keep the team together for a while.
We leave in our we're going.
Number eight FX.
The action genre is overflowing with tropes and cliches, but that creates plenty of room for meta movies like FX to turn the whole thing on its head.
How was your great?
Nobody dies like you.
Roland Tyler is a special effects experts stuck plying his trade on low budget gore fests.
Everything changes, however, when the Justice Department offers him a fat stack of cash to help stage the assassination of a mob informant so we could disappear into witness protection.
しかし、司法省が彼に大金を提供した時 全てが変わる マフィアの情報提供者の暗殺に協力するために 目撃者保護のために姿を消すことができた
Just think about it.
Just think about it, please, however, after a sneaky double cross, Tyler finds himself in the middle of his very own B movie, where the bullets in the blood are far to Rio.
Widely praised by critics for its smart take on the genre, FX never quite seem to find the audience it deserved.
Number seven haywire.
Steven Soderbergh has pretty much proven that he could make a stone cold classic in any genre, from heartwarming tales about male strippers to eerily accurate pandemic predictions and basketball centric sports dramas shot entirely on iPhone.
So when he decides to make a no holds barred action flick, you know it's gonna be good.
What I mm.
A star Gina Carano brings her bone breaking talents to this tale of a former black ops agent on a bloody quest for revenge.
How a film that sees Carrano ragged Allen the likes of Channing Tatum, Ewan McGregor and Michael Fassbender didn't become a smash.
It we'll never understand.
Still, it's one of the slickest action thrillers in recent years.
Number six Shoot him up.
6番 彼を撃て
Action Cinema, like all of cinema, is in a constant conversation with itself as newer movies reuse, remix and subvert those that came before while watching John Woo's seminal action thriller hard boiled Michael Davis was so struck by a scene in which the hero takes part in a gun battle while protecting a baby that he decided to build a whole new film around it.
The result sees Clive Owen's badass drifter teaming up with Monica Bellucci is Prostitute with the Heart of Gold to protect a little one from a crew of assassins and henchman led by Paul Giamatti.
It's amped up all action style divided critics at the time, and so it's struggled at the box office.
But fans of Wu's over the top kung fu stylings would be remiss not to check it out.
I am Dad.
Stop Part of it, You go right.
一部を止めて 右に行って
Number five.
The Rundown Back in 2003, Dwayne Johnson was still trying to crack Hollywood with movies like The Rundown, which saw him playing a bounty hunter who travels to Brazil for one last job, using Johnson's W W E days to full effect.
The Rundown 2003年に戻って、ドウェイン ジョンソンは、最後の仕事のためにブラジルに旅立つ賞金稼ぎを演じ、ジョンソンのW W W E時代をフルに活用した『The Rundown』のような映画で、まだハリウッドに進出しようとしていました。
The rundown both some truly bone crunching fight scenes while offering an early indication of the comedy chops and charisma that would one day make him pure box office Gold Thunder Lightning years.
Sadly, that wasn't the case in 2003, and the film failed to recoup its budget, but it's a fun jungle romp that is even mawr interesting in retrospect.
Number four.
Smoking Aces Like horror films, the great thing about action movies is that they're casts are often a fascinating grab bag of up and comers, ailing stars, A listers and non actors.
喫煙エース ホラー映画のように、アクション映画の素晴らしいところは、彼らがキャストが多くの場合、アップとカマー、病気のスター、A listersと非俳優の魅力的な福袋であるということです。
Smoking Aces is one of the best examples of this, bringing together all stars like Ray Liotta, Ben Affleck, Chris Pine and Ryan Reynolds, along with the likes of Common and Alicia Keys for a good old fashioned bounty hunt.
Bond on Buddy Israel expires in 18 hours.
This jumble Who posted the bond?
The same guys who hired me former law firm walked out the door after he made bail, As we see on an informant with a $1 million price on his head and a whole bunch of folks on his trail, that's all the plot the movie really needs to set up a thrilling Siris of high octane collisions worth checking out for the cast alone?
Doubly so for all the fun they have trying to murder each other.
互いに殺し合おうとしているのを 楽しんでいるからだ
Number three Cliffhanger.
When you've already got one of the most beloved action franchises of all time to your name, it's easy to imagine how your other efforts might get overlooked.
But though it may not have been a Titanic franchise like Rocky or Rambo, Sly Stallone's cliffhanger still has an awful lot to recommend it.
All right.
This includes a zany rock climbing related heist plan, John Lythgoe playing a psychotic British crime boss and some great set pieces from action maestro Renny Harlin, who brought those same talents to The Long Kiss Goodnight a few years later.
Oh, the whole film is a goofy blast, and Stallone star Power at the time was enough to make it a commercial hit, but it seems to have been somewhat for gotten since.
Remember shit, Give your Arms elected the vehicle at all.
Number two.
Last Action Hero You want to be a farmer?
最後のアクションヒーロー あなたは農家になりたいですか?
Here's a couple of acres like FX, but a bit more family friendly.
Last Action Hero uses the unwritten rules, tropes and cliches of action cinema to provide a clever deconstruction of the genre while also serving up plenty of explosive action.
When a young boy is sucked into an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, the muscle bound super cop is the Onley, one that can save him.
Holy Cow!
A movie essentially a Schwarzenegger movie about Schwarzenegger movies, Last Action Hero is able to skewer the silliest aspects of eighties action cinema well, also acting as a heartfelt tribute to it.
If God was a villain, he'd be meat.
It failed the land with critics or audiences at the time, but has been undergoing a steady reevaluation in the years since.
No secret for you.
Before we unveil our topic, Here are a few other action packed honorable mentions.
Red Cliff, a k a.
Chibi An epic reminder that John Wu is still one of the greatest action filmmakers ever.
Chibi ジョン・ウーが今もなお史上最高のアクション映画監督の一人であることを思い起こさせる壮大な物語。
Okay, Yeah.
Rolling Thunder Oblique bloody story about a Vietnam vets Eventful Return Home Ricochet Ah, criminal tale of revenge that goes to some shockingly dark places.
ローリングサンダー 斜め上の血なまぐさい話 ベトナム退役軍人の出来事 帰国リコシェ ああ、衝撃的な暗い場所に行く復讐の犯罪譚。
This is no fun.
That's better.
City on Fire Chow Yun Fat became a star with this undercover thriller The Gray Liam Neeson Fighting Wolves.
That's it.
That's the movie.
Oh, yeah.
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Number one edge of Tomorrow.
Groundhog Day is a classic movie in which Bill Murray relives the same day over and over and slowly learns to better himself.
But you know what?
Groundhog Day didn't have Giant mech suits fighting weird squid like aliens in a battle for humanity's survival?
That's what.
Fortunately, Edge of Tomorrow is here to correct that oversight.
幸いなことに、Edge of Tomorrowはその見落としを修正するためにここにいます。
Tom Cruise plays a hapless media relations professional who finds himself on the front lines alongside an iconic super soldier like officer, played by Emily Blunt.
Let's start.
I'm trying to save you.
We're getting slaughtered.
You need to get us off this beach.
Each time Cruz dies, the day resets, giving the pair plenty of chances to work out a way of ending the war with some stunning battle sequences that mix World War two iconography with sci fi weaponry.
Edge of Tomorrow is one of the best action movies of the last decade.
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