字幕表 動画を再生する
# Trying to make it real compared to What? #
# ♪何と比較して本物にしようとしているの?#
- Yes! - Thank you. Very nice.
- はい!ありがとうございます。
I told you I Was hot tonight.
(Man) Lookin' good.
(Second man) Let's go, this is for Ginger.
Let me have 100 on your hard ten. Thank you.
- Hard ten. - Here We go noW.
- 頑張れ- さあ、行くぞNoW。
(Excited chatter)
- Oh, I'm sorry. - Sorry, the dice.
- あ、ごめんなさい。- サイコロでごめんなさい。
Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
(Ginger) Thank you, sir. (Man) You Were great.
- Take care, Steve. Take chances, drive fast. - Thank you very much.
- 気をつけて スティーブチャンスを逃さず、速く走れ- ありがとうございました
Ginger, honey, this is for you, love. Thanks for your time.
- Come on. - What's the matter?
- 勘弁してくれよ- どうしたの?
I made a lot of money for you, I Want my cut.
- I've seen you stealing from me. - Look at the stack of chips.
- あなたが私から盗んでいるのを見たわ- チップの山を見て
- I Want my half. - I Was Watching you all night.
- 私の半分が欲しい- 一晩中あなたを見ていました。
- I Want my money. - Your bag is full of chips.
- 金が欲しい- カバンの中はチップスで一杯だ
- I didn't steal anything from you. - Get lost, Ginger. Get lost!
- あなたから何も盗んでないわよ- 失せろ、ジンジャー失せろ!
- Get lost? - Yes.
- 迷子になったのか?- そうですね。
- Well, hoW about that? - Come on!
- それはどうなんだ?- 勘弁してよ!
(Excited shouting)
# Slippin' and a slidin', peepin' and a hidin'
# #スリッピン'とスリッピン'と覗き見'と隠蔽'。
# Been told a long time ago
# ♪ずっと前に言われていた
# I've been told baby you've been bold
# ♪ I has been told baby you've been bold ♪
# I Won't be no fool no more
# ♪I Won't be no fool no more
# OW! #
# ♪ OW!#
(# Mickey And Sylvia: Love Is Strange)
# Baby
# ♪ベイビー
# Oh, baby # Hey-yay
# ♪ Oh, baby ♪ Hey-yay
# My sWeet baby # Oh-oh
# ♪マイ・スイーツ・ベイビー ♪おーおー
# You're the one #
# ♪ あなたがその人なのよ ♪
'What a move. I fell in love right there.
'But in Vegas, for a girl like Ginger, love costs money.'
しかし、ラスベガスでは、ジンジャーのような女の子のために 愛にはお金がかかります。
# What's different about her
# ♪彼女の何が違うの?
# I don't really knoW... #
# I don't really kno...#
I'm gonna go poWder my nose.
# No matter hoW I try
# ♪何をやっても
# I just can't make her cry #
# I just can't make her cry #
'Ginger's mission in life Was money.'
I'll be right back.