字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント We're taking advantage of a special holiday to spend a night in Tokyo as a family. 連休を都心で過ごします The rain was constant all night long, 雨続きの夜でしたが but when you're with the ones you love, there's always some fun to be had and plenty of new things to see. 大好きな人と一緒だと 楽しい時間に変わります We go shopping, 買い物に play a Japanese arcade, ゲームセンター have a pajama party パジャマナイト and check out a great aquarium. 水族館も行きました Come along with us as we take a family holiday in Tokyo. 都心で家族旅行です! [Life in Japan Theme Song] ベッカ 何してるの? Beccster Booster! Whatcha working on? - 漢字テスト - テストなの? Kanji test. Kanji test today! 昨日の教会どうだった? So Becca, what was yesterday at church? すごい髪型したの! Crazy hair day. Crazy hair day! 色は落ちた? Did you get all of the crazy hair color out? まだちょっとある No! No? It's still kind of in there! 私は落ちたわ I got mine out. ママは落ちたんだね Momma chan got hers out! 10分で洗い落とせたんだよね She only spent 10 minutes washing her hair! シャンプーが青くなった! The shampoo got so blue! I know. 洗ってたら "青い?!" って Like when I was washing it "What?! Blue!" パパのベーグル 焦げちゃったね Daddy accidentally burnt his bagel. 明日は"文化の日"なので 日本っぽいことをします! Tomorrow is a holiday. It's culture day, so we're going to explore some Japanese culture! 日本語勉強はどう? How's the Japanese studying going? 難しいよ Difficult, you know. ただいま! I'm home! 先生がジョシュアを褒めてたよ Joshua, your sensei said you did something today awesome. What did you do? 麦茶飲んだ! I drank Barley Tea. 初めての麦茶! どうだった? You drank some Barley Tea for the first time! How was it? 美味しい Good. 銅像かしら? I think there's a statue in my house. 突いてみるわよ Let me go poke it and see what happens. 喋ってるわよ Oh no, it's starting to make noise. ハグしましょ! Big hug! Hi, my little boy! ホテル行くわよ Are you ready to go to a hotel? 着替えてきて Yes?! OK, let's change your clothes! ホテル行くの? We're going to the hotel, right? ベッカとアナを拾うよ Let's go pick up Becca and Anna! おかえり! Hey, welcome! - 楽しみ? - うん! Are you guys excited? Yes, so excited! Too excited! 大きい! Oh, that's so huge! Oh my! ホテルだよ! That is a hotel. みんな Alright guys 楽しみ? Exciting! 見てごらん Look at that, Dude! そこにいて OK, stay right there! パジャマパーティーできるね! It's going to be like a big slumber party in here! ベッドが4つ! Hey, look at this! 1, 2, 3, 4! パジャマもあるわ They even give us pajamas. パジャマが2つ Two pajamas for us. 見てごらん And look, oh! すっかり夜だね Night has fallen on the city. 車に戻りました 雨です We've come back to the car, it's raining tonight. 駐車スペースを探します So we're going to go find our parking spot, 屋内で何かできるといいです And then hopefully be able to do some things inside here. そうだね? Right guys? Yea man. モールに行きます 女子が楽しみにしています And go to a mall! Well the girls are excited. 見てごらん! Oh look at this! My goodness. すごいわ It's intense. マック!ポテト! McDonalds! Oh, French fries! ポテトがほしい? Joshua just wants the French fries, huh? マックだね So McDonalds it is, huh? 祝日だね 明日は何の日だっけ? It's a special day off. What's the holiday tomorrow? Anna, you told me. 教えて What is it? 文化の日 Culture Day 祝日の日 Public Holiday そうだけど Yea, I said that, but... ママは "文化" って言うし ベッカは "祝日" って言うから 混乱したよ Mommy says "culture," Becca says "holiday," I just don't know which is which. 水ほしい I need water! 喉乾いた? You need water? パパ フード被る? Hey Daddy, you should put your hoodie on. 青信号だよ Oh look, it's green, let's go. 大きなスーパー A big, humongous store. 車が沢山だね Hey! Are there so many cars? うん! Yea, look! Holy cow. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... 可愛い靴下だね アナのお気に入りは? Aw, look at the cutie cutie socks. Anna-Cakes, what's your favorite one? この可愛いの! This cute guy. 何見つけた? Joshua, what did you find? これは? What is it? マリオが運転してるね! It's Mario driving his cart, huh? 見て! Watch this! 鏡があるけど 開けると… There's only a mirror, right? But if you open this... ルイージに追突した?! Oh! Did I shoot you, Luigi?! ルイージ 行け! Go Luigi, go! Oh, good job, Luigi! 上手!パパ抜いたね! Good job, Luigi! Oh, you passed me! いいリズムです! These girls got good rhythm. 上手です! The girls' got rhythm. 雨降って来たね Wait for it... 東京メガイルミに 行く予定でしたが My goodness! Walking through the rain! Ewww. 雨が凄いので 屋内で過ごします So tonight we had big plans to go to Tokyo Mega Illumination to see all the lights, パジャマパーティーをします! but it's just raining too much! So what do you do when it rains so much? みんないいね! You have a pajama party! みんなピッタリ? ジョシュアも? Oh My Goodness Gracious! パパ見て The pajamas fit? Even you, Joshua?! - 見て! - サラ! Let's show Daddy. - パジャマパーティー! - 静かにね I'm going to show... Whoa, Sarah! - パジャマパーティー! - パパも着て Pajama Party time! OK, not so loud! サイズ合わないかも Pajama Party time! Daddy, put your pajamas on. パパ! Oh, I don't think it'll fit, but I'll try, OK? みんなおいで Daddy! Daddy, watch! パパが一番下 Everybody over here, ready? ちょっと待って Daddy on the bottom here. パパの隣! Ho ho, wait a second! みんなで "パジャマ!" I'm going to sit by Daddy. - パジャマ! - パジャマパーティー2020! Everybody say "Pajama!" 追い出されない様に 静かにしよう Pajama! Pajama Party 2020! パーティーはどう? Yeah! - ベッカは? - いいよ Shhhh! 楽しい? We don't want to get kicked out of the Pajama Party, no! パジャマ着てるの 初めて見る What do you guys think of Pajama Party 2020? ジョシュア!お揃いだね Huh, Beccster? It's good. ちょっと… Pretty cool? ブカブカかな? This is the first time I saw you wearing pajamas. - 見て - ママ ないよ Look at Joshua. Joshua's wearing the same thing! ベッカ ケースどこ? He's like barely... サラ!動いて! Like barely. You're swimming in them, huh Dude? 3, 2, 1! Watch this! I can't find it, Mommy! ママちゃんは 女王様です 3, 2... Hey Becca, where's my case? 翌朝 Hey Sarah, move, move, move, move 可愛い馬だね Watch! 3, 2, 1! 何描いてるの? And momma the supervisor, from her queen throne here. タコ The next morning いいね! A nice little horsey. 食べないでー! What are you guys drawing here? 名前を書いて Octopus. Octopus? 次に描くの That's good, isn't it? 晴れました! We're going to be so sad, don't eat us! Don't eat us! 太陽見える? I also going to draw my name. どうかしら 明るいけど And then I'm going to draw you! - そうだね - 晴天だわ Look! It looks... Sunny! - いいね! - 神様ありがとう! Even sunny, huh?! ホテルは楽しかった? I'm not sure about the sun. It's bright though. バイバイ Yea, it is. It's clearing off. 出掛けようか? That's pretty cool! Praise the Lord! 行くよ! Well the hotel was a fun, fun time, huh guys? 帰るの? Bye bye hotel. - まだよ - 楽しい事するよ! Bye, bye hotel, let's go explore now? ブックオフです ルースが楽しそう! Let's go exploring! OK, let's go! Here we go! すごい! And then we're going back?! 女子は買い物 こちらはおやつです We're not going home yet, No, we've got a lot of fun stuff to do yet today. ワッフルよ Oh my goodness! Ruth is happy — she found another Super Bookoff Bazaar. ワッフル! Oh boy! 美味しそう! While the girls are shopping, we are waiting for our food, right? ジョシュア Here's your waffle. - 300円ショップで買ったヘアバンドです - 100円ショップ Waffle! Waffle! - スリーコインズじゃなくて? - そうよ Oh yum! - 美味しい? - アメリカンワッフル最高! Joshua - ワッフルメーカー買いたいわ - もちろん Anna, with her new headband that she got at the 300... 100 yen store. 年齢順 It was a 100 yen store? The 3 coin store, huh? No, the 3 coin store. 並んでみたの? Oh yeah! Good? Good. American Waffles are good! いいね Mommy wants to buy a waffle maker. Oh, Daddy approves. サラ?おやつは? Youngest to the oldest. - 食べた! - もう完食? Oh, youngest to oldest? すごいな! 腹ペコだったの? Sure enough. ジョシュアは チョコスコーンだね! Sarah, where'd your food go? どんな味? I already ate it! You already ate it! うーんと… Oh my goodness! Were you just the hungriest?! チョコレート And Joshua! Chocolate chunk scone! 子供は遊ぶのに夢中だね Yes! What's it taste like? おやつにも Like... 私はコーヒーがあればいいわ Chocolate. 泥だらけになる前に 行きましょ Kids could care less where you are, they just want a good playground. 行くわよ! And food. And food, and they're happy. 楽しい買い物に I'm the same way: give me a good cup of coffee, I don't care where I'm at! 次は水族館! I don't want to stay too long here, they're going to get soaked. 水族館! OK, let's go! お魚さん見るよ! OK, well we had some fun shopping. 楽しみ? Now we're going to go to the Aquarium. 新しい友達に会いたいな The aquarium! Aquarium! また新しい友達! To see fishies. Alright. 楽しみだね That should be fun, huh? 祝日なので混んでます I want to make a new friend, like I did in the SeaWorld episode. 駐車場は50分待ちです Oh that's right. I made a friend, I want to make another friend. 別の駐車場に止めて 入館します! Alright, let's see what kind of friend you'll make this time. 公園だね Because it's a holiday, there was huge line. 来た! The guard said maybe 40, 50 minutes just to wait to get in to park. いいね! So we found another parking place real close on the other side of the park. And now we're going in. すごいね! Ah, look at this park! サラが出てきました! Oh, here they come! ジョシュアも Whoa yes! 手を握って! Awesome! That was cool! ベッカ 速い! Sarah emerges, hey Sarah! 高いね And there's Joshua. 良く出来たね! Hold my hand, baby, come. Doggie. サラもだね! Fast, Becca すごいよ サラ! It's so high, huh? アナは楽勝だね You did it Dude! Awesome! 沢山の魚! Wow, and here goes Sarah! パパ 見て! Good job Sarah! 道順が分かったね And Anna — no problem for Anna. 魚が私を見つめてきて 他の魚にキスしたの The fish, the fish, oh, the fish! 本物の湾岸みたいね Look at this, Daddy! そうだね この辺そっくりだね Oh cool. Now we know our way around. - "どうぶつの森" にもいるよ! - 回ってるね There was one fish looking at me, and one fish came a kissed the other fish. 変なの! It makes it look like it's in the bay. イソギンチャクよ Yeah it does. That's probably what it looks like in the water around here. ニモのお家ね We got that fish on Animal Crossing. Do you? They just go around and around in a circle. 他の魚が捕まることがあるの That's crazy! トンネルだね! Aren't those crazy? They're Sea Anemones. 鏡がすごいね That's what Nemo lived inside of. 変な感じ? You know they would get zapped if someone else hid? みんないる? It's a sea tunnel, Dude! Whoa! 水槽に入るよ Whoa, look at all the mirrors! すごい! Oh that's crazy! すごい! There's a few of us around here. Hello. あれ見て! We're entering a water tank. 上だよ! Oh my goodness! 来るよ! Oh my goodness! どうぶつの森みたい! Whoa, look at that go! 亀もいるね Look, look, look! 餌付けする? Here he comes whoa! 次行くわよ It's like Animal Crossing! 行っちゃった There's the turtle you made friends with. Whoa! あれ見た? You're going to feed him your hand for lunch?! 本物? OK, shall we go? OK let's go now. そうよ! Whoa, there he goes! 亀が沢山いるよ Do you see that one? 何が見える? パパにも見せて Oh! Is that a real one?! これを見てたんだね Yeah! ジョシュア ランチだよ Look Anna! It's a bunch of turtle friends! 真上見て! What are you seeing in there? Let me stick my head in there real quick! 怖かった! 近付いたら逃げるの Whoa! That's what you're seeing. オレンジ色だね! Joshua- I found our lunch today — look! アナがクラゲと泳いでる! Right up there. サラもだね! It's so scared! I got so close to it and he moved away. ママちゃんは休憩中です Whoa! He's super orange! 可愛いわね Anna's swimming with the Jelly Fish! 色鮮やかね Sarah too! Sarah jumped in now. キスしてるみたい Momma chan found a seat. あれ見て! Oh, those are pretty! 噛み付いたわね They're so colorful and so interesting. どれ? It's like kissing. It is like kissing. 構ってほしいのかも Oh look at that one! - 可哀そう - "もう行くよ" って感じだね Oh! He bit 'em! いじめっ子みたい What? Which one? タコスの皮みたい They like need them. Oh look, see! ジョシュアのお気に入りは? Poor thing. He's like "I'm getting out of here." あれ He follows him. He does. He's like a little bully. - 私は… - サラは? It's like a soft shell taco. - あの白いの - 白い魚? Which one is your favorite, Joshua, in here? 羊みたい That one right there? 顔が面白いね My favorite one... What's your favorite one? 羊みたいでしょ? See that little white one over there? That little white one?! そうだね! It looks like a sheep to me. タコだよ Oh my goodness, it does! Look at the face on that thing! すごい! I know! It looks like a sheep! - 何見つけた? - アザラシ Oh my goodness, that's crazy! アザラシ? Whoa, look at that octopus! 見えるかい? Oh my goodness! 水の下かな? Whoa! What did we find? A Seal! 来たね!見た? The seals? - 楽しい! - 良かったね! Can you see the seals, dude? No. 友達だね! They might be under the water. 回って! Whoa! There it was! Did you see it?! - 今日一番のお気に入り? - うん! That was so fun! That was cool, Dude! ベッカ サメだよ! Oh! You made a friend! 見たかったの? Do a flip! 指食べられちゃうかな? Hey is that your favorite maybe so far? Yea! ご飯にしましょう Look at the shark! Look at that, Becca! ご飯を注文してます Is this what you wanted to see?! 日本語上手ね! Are you going to see if he wants some fingers for lunch? 御馳走です OK, let's go find some food! 私はまだ Everybody's choosing what they're going to munch on. ベッカはまだだね Joshua, Joshua, what is this? サラ 美味しそうだね! Chopsticks チョコかけたよ! Fork 顔にも付いてるよ It's a fork, isn't it? ポッポコーンかな? What is this? 祝日の締めくくりは ポップコーンだね Knife! "大草原の小さな家" を観てます Knife! And this? 楽しいね Spoon 明日は4時限だけ! Wow, your Japanese is good! いいね! Our feast has arrived, huh? Mmmmmm. パパの誕生日! Not mine. 明日で42歳です! Just not Becca's yet, ahh! Oh Sarah, look at that! Oh cool! I have chocolate on my pancake. You sure do, wow! And on your face. Oh, I see proof of popcorn! Oh what a way to end our holiday today with some popcorn And watching Little House on the Prairie. Oh my goodness, how fun. And tomorrow is only 4 classes! Oh nice! And it's your birthday! And it's my birthday! Happy birthday to me! I turn 42 tomorrow!
B1 中級 日本語 パジャマ ジョシュア サラ パパ ベッカ すごい Family Holiday in Tokyo | Life in Japan Episode 81 7 1 Summer に公開 2020 年 11 月 13 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語