字幕表 動画を再生する
how everyone and welcome to Samsung Galaxy impact.
Today we're taking another giant step forward.
It fits right in my palm, on snugly in my pocket.
On the cover display shows me all the information.
I might need it a glance when I'm ready to use it.
All I have to do is flip it open on.
I get a full size 6.7 inch screen with hardly any basil.
The Galaxy Z flip comes in three gorgeous colors.
Mary, purple mirror, black and in select countries, a mirror gold.
Get notifications of a text alarm or a call.
All the essentials are right there on the cover display.
You can even take a selfie without opening up the phone.
It's so durable you can fold and unfold your phone over 200,000 times with the world's first hole punch camera.
In a foldable display, you get the same sprawling, expensive screen you've come to expect from galaxy smartphones.
We built a free stop hinge so it can stay open at different angles, just like your laptop.
We call it flex mode.
If you're watching YouTube and you want to leave a comment, you can watch on the top half of your screen on comments on the bottom.
You can even prop your phone up by itself on video chat or take a selfie handsfree profit here on the podium.
We're going to take a selfie, so open the camera app on ready her cheese.
It could be yours from February 14th and it's available starting at $1380.
Uh huh.
That's kind of a mixed response at 64 megapixels as twenties revolutionary camera system takes smartphone photography to the next level when you need to get closer or want the subject to be the only thing in the frame you need zoo With galaxy s 20 space zoom, you could get up to 30 times closer, thanks to as 20 super High resolution, you can capture videos in stunning eight K.
それはあなたが近くに取得したり、被写体はあなたが動物園で必要なフレーム内の唯一のものであることを望む必要があるときに20代の革命的なカメラシステムは次のレベルにスマートフォンの写真撮影を取るように64メガピクセルで混合反応のようなものです ギャラクシーの20宇宙ズーム、あなたは20スーパー高解像度としてのおかげで、近くに30回まで取得することができ、あなたは見事な8 Kで動画をキャプチャすることができます。
In fact, we built an entire A K ecosystem.
実際、私たちはA K全体の生態系を構築しました。
You can shoot a K footage from the camera in your pocket, upload it to YouTube over five g network and use tap you to cast it to your ATC led TV, record a video, then scroll through the footage to find the perfect moment.
あなたのポケットの中のカメラからKの映像を撮影し、5つのGネットワークを介してYouTubeにアップロードし、あなたのATC led TVにキャストするためにあなたをタップ使用して、ビデオを記録し、完璧な瞬間を見つけるために映像をスクロールすることができます。
And with a single click, you'll get a 33 megapixel still photo with amazing resolution.
And thanks to the galaxy s twenties, incredible storage capacity to a terabyte and a half.
Using a micro SD card, you'll have plenty of room for all your favorite photos and videos.
With S 20 you can share files with upto five friends at the same time without even having to pay your devices.
S 20を使えば、デバイスにお金を払うことなく、最大5人の友人と同時にファイルを共有することができます。
A que video to promote to sharing is available on all three models of the galaxy s 20 Siri's and for the people won't even mawr of serious professional photographers who need the best of the best.
We're proud to introduce the galaxy s 20 ultra.
You want high resolution?
It has an unbelievable 108 megapixel AI camera so you can capture scenes with a level of detail you've never experienced.
The folded lens allows for up to 10 x hybrid optic zoom.
Now multiply that with the 10 X digital zoom and you can magnify shot upto 100 times.
今すぐ10 Xデジタルズームとそれを乗算し、ショットを最大100倍に拡大することができます。
We're streaming today's event with s 20 devices.
Give it up for the camera crew.
Okay, but the galaxy s 20 Google do will be natively integrated right into your contacts and phone and messages.
さて、しかし、ギャラクシーの20 Googleは、あなたの連絡先や電話、メッセージにネイティブに統合されます。
We've worked with Google to integrate their software with our hardware, bringing new duo features to galaxy smartphones, starting with the S 20 and the Galaxy Z flip displays on all three s 20 models have 120 Hertz Refresh rate for incredibly smooth gameplay.
我々は、Googleと協力してハードウェアとのソフトウェアを統合し、新しいデュオ機能をギャラクシースマートフォンにもたらし、3つのすべてのS 20モデルのS 20とギャラクシーZフリップディスプレイは、信じられないほどスムーズなゲームプレイのための120ヘルツリフレッシュレートを持っています。
Yes, 20 also comes with up to 16 gigabytes of RAM, and it's powered by next generation memory technology.
Samsung L P D D R.
サムスンL P D D R.
Five Xbox game studio is bringing forth a street to smartphones for the very first time across galaxy devices.
This is just the beginning of our gaming partnership with Xbox trained Jamie.
We are working closely together to create a premium cloud based game streaming experience.
From March 6, you could get a galaxy S 20 of your own and all three models will be available in blazing Fast five G were also police announced that effective today, we are reducing prices on the galaxy s 10 and soon as 10 users would get some other great features through software updates.
3 月 6 日から、あなた自身の銀河 S 20 を得ることができるし、すべての 3 つのモデルは燃えるような高速 5 G も警察が発表した効果的な今日、我々 は銀河 s 10 の価格を削減しているし、すぐに 10 のユーザーは、ソフトウェアの更新を介して他のいくつかの素晴らしい機能を取得するだろうと発表しました。
And today we are reimagining how you listen to your favorite music on the go introducing galaxy butts plus, but plus don't just have one speaker.
They have to optimized for a high note, one for base, with speakers almost 40% larger than before.
They don't just give you more sound.
They give you better sound, thanks to our partnership with Spotify.
With one simple long press on the side of your butt, you get recommended song space on your music history instead of the standard to mix.
These butts have three.
So even if you're calling from a crowded street, your butts plus will pick up your voice and with advanced connectivity.
Bloods Plus let you switch quickly between devices with a simple tap on the media panel on your phone.
Bloods Plusでは、携帯電話のメディアパネルをタップするだけで、デバイスを素早く切り替えることができます。
You can do it all without leading to unfair and repair your devices buds, plus also work seamlessly with IOS.
Just download the galaxy wearable app from the APP store to customize your music experience.
With wireless charging and wireless power share.
You don't need any cords or connectors.
Once your bud plus Aer fully charged, they'll ask the whopping 11 hours, and with the charging case, you can get another 11 hours for a total of 22.
You can get a pair of your own on February 14 $449.
Finally, we want Android to work for everyone, No matter their abilities, Live caption automatically adds captions to content that, even if the content didn't come with captions original, if you're one of the 450 million people worldwide who are deaf or hard of hearing, we think this capability is a game changer.
By the way, Live caption works entirely on device through a combination of three machine learning models.
We think it's a great application of machine learning techniques to create helpful experiences for everyone.
And in the decade ahead, we will continue to read the growth off the industry and to change the way you experience the world.
Thank you, thank you.