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the Brooklyn Nets and made what I think can only be described as a very surprising outside the box.
ブルックリン ネッツと私が思うことは、ボックスの外に非常に驚くべきこととして記述することしかできませんでした。
They hire Steve Nash, two time MVP Hall of Famer with no coaching experience as their new head coach.
I want you to hear what Jay will said about it.
Jay Will is very close to the Net.
You know, he's very close to Durant.
He had this to say on our morning show.
K Jay Z here was J will look, the reality comes down to who ultimately will Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving trust They had to put their stamp on this relationship in order for it to come to fruition.
I originally thought this was going to be tie lose job to lose, but ultimately I like this Steve Nash hired.
And you have Steve Nash, who has a great affiliation with Kevin, worked out with Kevin doing a lot of player developmental stuff with the Golden State Warriors when Kev was out there in the bay.
And that relationship, ultimately as a point guard respect level with Kyrie.
I'm shocked, but I love the move guide, So J Will loves the moves.
Wendy, what do you think of it.
I think Sean Marks, the general manager, had toe thread a needle through ah, through a narrow I because, um, he had to hire somebody, as Jay Will said.
ジェネラル・マネージャーのショーン・マークスは ジェイ・ウィルが言ったように 誰かを雇わなければならなかったから 狭いI字路に針を通したんだと思う
That would.
I'm not saying that Durant and Kyrie had to put a stamp of approval on it, but if they didn't have respect for that person from Day one, it was not gonna have a chance.
And by the way, in my view, this is one of the hardest coaching jobs in the league because there's enormous expectation and you have two players that are going to be hard to coach, not because they're petulant or their subversive, but because the nature of who they are, the nature of their personalities, they're going to be a challenge to coach together.
So Sean Marks had to get somebody that they would trust and b get somebody who he had a positive relationship with.
ショーン・マークスは信頼できる人物を 見つける必要があった 肯定的な関係を持つ人物を
He couldn't just hire who they wanted, and I'm sure, and look, he made the coaching change back in February, so he's had my gosh six months to figure out this move, and I'm sure he went through numerous scenarios.
欲しい人を雇うことはできなかったし 2月に監督交代をしたんだから 半年かけてこの動きを考えたんだろうし
And so he found a guy who has the respect.
He found a guy who he has a relationship with.
They were teammates on the seven seconds or less sons, and he found a guy who, um, you know, he's going Teoh is going to sort of make a splash, which is important in New York, and they care in Brooklyn about connecting with the community.
And Steve Nash has lived at times in his life in Brooklyn.
The thing is, is that you're rolling the dice with a guy who has never been a head coach before.
Um, there is a long history of these types of hires, from Steve Kerr to Derek Fisher to Mark Jackson.
Um, you know Isaiah Thomas?
Some of them have been successful, a Jason Kidd.
Some of them have been successful in some of them have not.
I have no idea how it's gonna go, but I understand how they got here.
One of the first things you said there is the one I agree with the most.
There's enormous pressure because if Kevin Durant is all the way back healthy and that's a bad injury, so we can only hope that he comes all the way back to being the extraordinary player that he is probably the second best player in the world.
If he comes all the way back to that than, in my opinion, anything short of the NBA Finals is a disappointment.
彼はすべての方法でそれに戻ってくる場合は、私の意見では、NBA 決勝戦の短いものは失望です。
Look at the East right now.
Look at Toronto that this is a team that lost Kawai.
They had a magnificent season, but they're on the verge of losing here, and they're certainly not outstanding.
Look at Milwaukee.
They're in trouble there, clearly flawed around the M, V P and Yonas.
そこらへんは明らかにM、V P、ヨナスあたりに欠陥があって困っている。
Boston is good.
Miami is.
Who is it that Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving won't be expected to beat next year?
So, to me, Wendy, of those guys, air healthy, the bar is set at NBA Finals for the Nets, and that is a very tough expectation.
And I think that they should go for that because you don't know how long these guys were going to be healthy, for.
They are healthy now.
They're going to be healthy coming into next season.
So one of the things that is believed out there is that the Nets may be in the market to make a big trade this summer.
Some teams because of the financial challenges of next season, are not gonna have a lot of flexibility while Joseph Side, the owner of the Nets, is one of the richest men in the world.
In fact, a couple of weeks ago he liquidated $3 billion in stock.
People were so curious as to why he did it.
They thought he might be buying the trying to buy the New York Mets.
But this is a guy who does not have financial challenges.
He can go forward with it.
So I say, even with the inexperienced head coach, for the reasons that you just said for the the, uh, the window that might be opening in the Eastern Conference, I think you go for it with a healthy two young stars and see if you can steal a championship in 2021.
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