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in June, we announced the Mac is taking another huge leap forward by transitioning toe Apple silicon.
And we promised that the First Mac with Apple Silicon would arrive by the end of this year.
そして、Apple Siliconを搭載したファーストMacが年内に届くことを約束しました。
Well, that day is here.
We are incredibly excited to announce our first step in this transition with our first chip designed specifically for the Mac, and we call it M one.
Our approach with them one was to deliver industry leading performance and features while relentlessly focusing on power efficiency.
M one is the first system on chip or Assoc for the Mac.
M oneは最初のシステムオンチップかAssoc for the Macです。
Until now, a Mac needed multiple chips to deliver all of its features.
It had ships for the processor Iot.
Security on memory now with them.
These technologies are combined into a single associate, delivering your whole new level of integration for more simplicity, efficiency and amazing performance.
And one also features our unified memory architectures or um, a N one Unified.
また、統一されたメモリアーキテクチャ、つまりN one Unifiedを特徴としています。
It's high bandwidth, low latency memory into a single pool within a custom package.
As a result, all of the technologies and this so she can access the same data without copying it between multiple pulls off memory M one is the first personal computer chip built using the interested leading five nanometer process technology.
その結果、彼女は複数の間でそれをコピーせずに同じデータにアクセスすることができますので、技術のすべてとこれは、メモリM 1をオフにして興味をリードする5ナノメートルのプロセス技術を使用して構築された最初のパーソナルコンピュータチップです。
Anyone has a massive 16 billion transistors on.
We use all of these transistors to give em one amazing performance on leading edge technologies.
The incredible performance Off M one starts with the CPU, which features two types, of course, high performance on high efficiency.
驚異的な性能を誇るオフM oneは、2種類の特徴を持つCPUから始まり、もちろん高効率で高性能。
Each performance core is designed trying a single task or thread as efficiently as possible while maximizing performance.
And everyone has four of these incredibly fast, high performance course toe hand the lighter workloads more efficiently.
Anyone brings high efficiency course to the Mac on anyone has four of these efficiency course, which on their own deliver similar performance as the current generation dual core MacBook Air at much lower power.
誰もがはるかに低い電力で現在の世代のデュアルコアMacBook Airと同様のパフォーマンスを提供する上で誰もがMacに4つの高効率コースを持っています。
Everyone has our latest performance controller that determines in real time where cordons for maximum performance and efficiency.
Now, what about graphics?
It's the most advanced graphics processor we've ever created on with upto eight of these GPU course, anyone is capable of executing nearly 25,000 threads at the time.
We pack our chips with powerful custom technologies on one features.
Our most advanced neural engine.
With the 16 core design, it's capable of executing a massive 11 trillion operations per second.
Finally, and one integrates our latest generation secure enclave.
It's faster than ever and brings best in class security to the Mac.
For the first time ever, we've been able to design Mac OS for our own silicon.
史上初めて、自社のシリコンでMac OSを設計できるようになりました。
Big Sur introduces a bold new design, powerful updates for APS like safari and messages and the latest improvements to our industry leading privacy features.
Big Surは、大胆な新しいデザイン、サファリやメッセージのようなAPSのための強力なアップデート、業界をリードするプライバシー機能の最新の改善を導入しています。
Your Mac now instantly wakes from sleep, just like the iPhone and iPad.
Things you do every day, like launching APS, are nearly instantaneous.
And Safari, which is already the world's fastest browser, really shines on Apple Silicon.
It's now 1.5 times speedier at running JavaScript and almost two times more Responsive.
JavaScript の実行速度が 1.5 倍になり、レスポンシブ化がほぼ 2 倍になりました。
Fixer also features Advanced Power Management, which intelligently allocates tasks between em, one's performance and efficiency cores automatically optimizing for lightweight tasks like reading a note or performance intensive tasks like playing a game.
Fixerはまた、高度な電源管理機能も備えています。これは、ノートを読むような軽量なタスクやゲームをプレイするようなパフォーマンスの高いタスクのために自動的に最適化する em、パフォーマンスと効率のコア間でタスクをインテリジェントに割り当てます。
So your Mac gives you quiet performance and even better battery life.
For years on Iowa's, we've worked to continuously advance the state of the art for computer security and with M one.
アイオワの何年もの間、私たちは、コンピュータのセキュリティのために、M oneを使用して継続的に最先端の技術を進歩させるために働いてきました。
We're bringing this architecture to the Mac.
This includes not only hardware verified, secure boot and automatic high performance encryption for all your files, but also new security protections built deep into the code execution architectures of M one.
これには、ハードウェアで検証された安全なブートと、すべてのファイルの自動高性能暗号化だけでなく、M oneのコード実行アーキテクチャに深く組み込まれた新しいセキュリティ保護も含まれています。
Of course, we've optimized all of our APS for M one from every app that comes with Mac OS toe every other app made by Apple.
もちろん、Mac OSのtoeを搭載したすべてのアプリの中から、Appleが作ったすべてのアプリのAPS for M oneを最適化しています。
Now Mac os Big Sur has incredible technologies that enable you to run a greater range of APs than ever before.
今やMac os Big Surは、これまで以上に広範囲のAPを実行することを可能にする信じられないほどの技術を持っています。
First, our universal APS simply put, universal APS are the fastest, most powerful APS you could get.
Universal APS include a native binary version built for Apple Silicon, as well as a native version for Intel processors.
Universal APSには、Apple Silicon用に構築されたネイティブバイナリバージョンと、Intelプロセッサ用のネイティブバージョンが含まれています。
The to come together into a single app that you can download from the APP store or from the Web, meaning that one app can run on all of your max for existing APS that haven't yet upgraded to universal Big Sur includes an amazing new technology Rosetta to on M one systems.
1つのアプリは、まだユニバーサルビッグサーにアップグレードしていない既存のAPSのためのあなたの最大のすべての上で実行できることを意味し、APPストアからダウンロードすることができます単一のアプリに一緒に来るためには、M 1システム上に驚くべき新技術ロゼッタが含まれています。
Rosetta seamlessly runs APS built for Intel based Macs, so even without an APP update, you can keep working on that fusion 3 60 project and get to the next level in your favorite game.
Rosettaは、IntelベースのMac用に構築されたAPSをシームレスに実行するため、APPのアップデートがなくても、Fusion 3 60プロジェクトで作業を続け、お気に入りのゲームで次のレベルに到達することができます。
And these new max could do something that no Mac has ever done before.
For the first time ever, you can run your favorite iPhone and iPad APS directly on your Mac.
So now we have all the technologies we need for the next generation of Mac, and it's time to introduce the First Mac with M one.
というわけで、次の世代のMacに必要な技術はすべて揃ったので、そろそろM oneを搭載したファーストMacを紹介しましょう。
This is the new MacBook Air with them.
彼らと一緒に新しいMacBook Airです。
MacBook Air is the most popular Mac with eight incredibly powerful cores.
MacBook Airは、信じられないほど強力な8つのコアを搭載した人気のMacです。
The CPU soars to a whole new level of performance.
That's up to 3.5 times faster than the previous generation.
And with the world's fastest integrated graphics that feature upto eight cores, Air delivers up to five times faster graphics performance.
Now let's talk about that neural engine with 16 cores.
Machine learning workloads are up to an astonishing nine times faster than the previous air, and even storage gets a performance boost with SSD s that are up to two times faster, thanks to the M one storage controller and latest flash technology.
機械学習のワークロードは、従来の空気と比べて最大9倍という驚異的な速さになり、M oneストレージ・コントローラと最新のフラッシュ・テクノロジーのおかげで、ストレージでさえも最大2倍の速さのSSDを使用してパフォーマンスを向上させています。
But also remarkable is that with the industry leading efficiency of the M one ship, combined with the Power Management and Mac OS Big Sur.
しかし、また驚くべきことに、電源管理とMac OS Big Surと組み合わせて、M 1隻の船の業界をリードする効率であるということです。
The new air delivers all this performance without a fan.
So no matter how intense the task, MacBook Air is completely silent.
そのため、どんなに激しい作業をしても、MacBook Airは完全に沈黙しています。
And that same incredible efficiency also delivers extraordinary battery life with up to 15 hours of wireless Web browsing and up to an amazing 18 hours of video playback that's six hours longer than before.
So we're excited that with M one, Apple's latest image signal processor comes to the Mac.
ということで、M oneでAppleの最新の画像信号プロセッサがMacに登場したことに興奮しています。
This I S P delivers better noise reduction and greater dynamic range for sharper images and more detail in shadows and highlights.
このI S Pは、より鮮明な画像とシャドウやハイライトのディテールを向上させるために、より優れたノイズリダクションとより広いダイナミックレンジを実現します。
A swell has improved auto white balance combined with ML enhanced face detection, so you look more natural on your face time calls.
In fact, everything looks stunning on the 13 inch retina display, which now supports P three wide color and with the Secure Enclave and M one, combined with Big Sur, Air, delivers best in class security with features like Touch I D.
実際には、すべてが今ではP 3ワイドカラーをサポートし、セキュアエンクレーヴとM 1、ビッグサー、空気と組み合わせた13インチの網膜ディスプレイ上で見事に見えます、タッチI Dのような機能を備えたクラスのセキュリティで最高のを提供しています。
And even with this gigantic increase in performance along with its new features, the air still starts at just 9 99 and for education, it starts at just 8 99.
そして、その新機能と一緒にパフォーマンスのこの巨大な増加でも、空気はまだちょうど9 99で開始され、教育のために、それはちょうど8 99で開始されます。
But that's not all, because today we're bringing em one to another beloved night.
This'll is the new Mac Mini today.
これは、今日の新しいMac Miniです。
M one comes to Mac Mini, bringing a seismic shift in what an ultra compact desktop could dio with the eight core CPU and M one.
M oneがMac Miniに登場し、8コアCPUとM oneを搭載した超コンパクトなデスクトップがダイオウできることに地震的な変化をもたらします。
Mac Mini delivers up to three times faster CPU performance than the previous quad core version.
Mac Miniは、従来のクアッドコア版と比較して最大3倍のCPU性能を実現しています。
And the eight core GPU gives the Mini a gigantic six fold increase in graphics performance with em one.
そして、8つのコアGPUは、ミニにem 1でグラフィック性能を6倍に向上させるという巨大な効果をもたらします。
Bringing the neural engine to Mac Mini machine Learning workloads take a quantum leap forward with upto 15 times faster ml performance than the previous generation.
ニューラルエンジンをMac Miniマシンラーニングのワークロードに導入することで、前世代と比較して最大15倍のパフォーマンスを実現し、飛躍的な進歩を遂げました。
And with the Mac Minis advanced Thermal design M one is unleashed, easily sustaining its breakthrough performance.
そして、Mac Minisの先進的なサーマルデザインM 1は、その画期的な性能を簡単に維持しながら解き放たれます。
While the many stays cool and quiet when it comes to conductivity, there's an array of Iot, including two USB C ports that now support both Thunderball and us.
多くの滞在クールで静かな導電性になると、今サンダーボールと私たちの両方をサポートする2つのUSB Cポートを含むIoTの配列があります。
Before to connect a wide range of peripherals, including the pro display XDR at a full six K resolution, Mac Mini now starts at just 6 99.
解像度6Kのプロ向けディスプレイ「XDR」など、さまざまな周辺機器を接続できるようになる前のMac Miniは、現在、わずか699ドルからとなっています。
That's $100 lower than the previous generation.
That performance is so good that it's also an excellent choice for another one of our most popular mouth.
Here's the new 13 inch MacBook Pro 38 core CPU delivers up to 2.8 times faster performance when it comes to graphics 38 Core GPU is upto a whopping five times faster on when it comes to machine learning.
ここでは、新しい13インチのMacBook Pro 38コアCPUは、それが機械学習に来るときにグラフィックス38コアGPUが最大5倍高速化されているときに最大2.8倍のパフォーマンスを提供しています。
Performance is spectacular, thanks to the neural engine.
ML is up to 11 times faster than the previous generation.
The new MacBook Pro also features and active cooling system.
新しいMacBook Proには、冷却システムも搭載されており、アクティブな冷却システムも搭載されています。
Thanks to the efficiency of M one running Big Sur, the new MacBook Pro delivers up to an incredible 17 hours for wireless Web browsing and up to 20 hours for video playback.
Big Surを実行しているM oneの効率性のおかげで、新しいMacBook Proは、ワイヤレスでのウェブブラウジングには最大17時間、ビデオ再生には最大20時間という驚異的な性能を発揮します。
The new Pro also has studio quality mix with an improved signal to noise ratio, and it benefits from the M ones.
Advanced Camera ESP with Big Sur and the Secure Enclave.
You get best in class security features like activation lock and finally, with its two thunderbolt ports with us before support, The new pro connects to more peripherals than ever, including the pro display XDR at full six K resolution on With all this performance and new capabilities.
アクティベーション ロックのようなクラスのセキュリティ機能で最高を取得し、最後に、サポートの前に私たちとその 2 つのサンダーボルト ポートで、新しいプロは、これまで以上に多くの周辺機器に接続します, フル 6 K 解像度でプロ表示 XDR を含むすべてのこのパフォーマンスと新しい機能を持つ。
The new pro is still just 12 99 and just 11 99 for education.
We're also proud that these products have been carefully designed to support our Net zero carbon goal.
You can order the new MacBook Air Mac Mini and MacBook Pro starting today, and they will all be available next week.
今日から新しいMacBook Air Mac MiniとMacBook Proの注文ができ、来週にはすべてのモデルが発売されます。
And Mac OS Big Sur will be available this Thursday.
そしてMac OS Big Surは今週の木曜日に発売されます。
Thank you for joining us.
Stay safe, stay well and have a great day.
But first, let's set the mood you touch.
How cool is that?