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after Democrat Joe Biden was declared winner of the US presidential race, Republican President Donald Trump and his allies made one thing clear.
He does not plan to concede any time soon.
The president, who was seen golfing for the second day in a row on Sunday, has spent months trying to undermine the election results with unproven allegations of fraud and pledged over the weekend to go forward with a legal strategy that he hopes will overturn state results that gave Biden the win.
They've delivered us a clear victory.
Elections officials in states across the country have said there has been no evidence of significant fraud, and legal experts say Trump's efforts are unlikely to succeed.
Judges have already tossed out Trump campaign cases in Georgia, Michigan and Nevada.
Trump is the first incumbent to lose a re election bid in 28 years.
Asked on CBS Face the Nation on Sunday if it's time for Trump to concede, Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, whose state pushed by and passed a 270 Electoral College votes needed to secure the White House, said that all ballots should be counted, but that the outcome likely wouldn't change 70 million Americans voted for Donald Trump, and they and the president deserve to have this process play out now.
それはトランプが譲歩するための時間だ場合は、日曜日にCBSの顔国家に尋ねられた, ペンシルバニア州の共和党上院議員パットトゥミー, その状態によって押され、ホワイトハウスを確保するために必要な270選挙人投票を通過, すべての投票がカウントされるべきであることを言った, しかし、その結果はおそらく7000万人のアメリカ人はドナルド-トランプのために投票し、彼らと大統領は、このプロセスが今プレイアウトを持っているに値する.
I understand.
Yesterday, the media projected how this is going to end and the media projection is probably correct.
But there was a reason that we actually do the count.
As of Sunday, top Republicans in Congress had still not acknowledged the former vice president as the winner.
But while they have been silent, former President George W.
Bush, a Republican, said he had spoken with Biden and congratulated him on his victory.
In a statement, Bush said that while Trump has the right to pursue legal challenges, Americans can have confidence that the election was quote fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld and its outcome is clear.