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this is Lift off the Nine and Creek that welcome toe watch mojo.
これはリフト オフ ザ ナインとクリークは、つま先の時計のモジョを歓迎します。
And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Elon Musk creations and inventions and then starts falling and then just falls like a skydiver, and it's just controlling itself on.
そして今日、私たちはトップ10のエロン・ムスクの創造物や発明のための私たちのピックをカウントダウンしています そして、落下を開始し、その後、ちょうどスカイダイバーのように落下し、それはちょうど上で自分自身を制御しています。
Then it turns and lance Solar roofs that look better than normal roof generate electricity.
Last longer Receiving cash is cash.
最後の長さ 現金を受け取ることは現金です。
Those air just a large number of Ben Franklin's.
For more videos on business, entrepreneurship and success, check out our channel Context TV.
ビジネス、起業家精神、成功に関するその他のビデオは、私たちのチャンネルContext TVをチェックしてください。
For this list, we'll be looking at inventions and innovations from Elon Musk and his companies.
We've ranked them based on their impact potential and stage of development, which Elon Musk creation wowed you the most.
Let us know in the comments Number 10 Neural Link.
Founded by Musk in July 2016, this neuro technology company would likely rank higher if it weren't still in its infancy.
So this is a health and happy pig with a implant that is two months old, two months old and working well based on what we've seen so far, though neural link has the potential to change the world with its implantable brain machine interfaces.
The company is currently developing a sewing machine like device that will implant electrodes threads into the brain.
Right now, we're inside a computer program.
Is it really so hard to believe?
According to Musk, the neural link chip will enable people to stream music to their brains, enhance abilities and aid those with brain disease.
Some neuroscientists have expressed doubt about its capabilities.
A lot of ways it's kind of like Ah Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires, but must believes that this Fitbit in your skull, as he calls it, could be the answer to treating paralysis, depression, blindness, deafness, seizures and much more.
I'm going to learn judge it.
Number nine Hyperloop Like neural link.
9番 ハイパーループのようなニューラルリンク
The Hyperloop remains in its early stages, but this project could revolutionize transportation as we know it.
First publicly mentioned in 2012, this system would allow pods to travel through low pressure tubes at rapid rates this year to New York.
A Hyperloop.
I think you probably wanna go underground the entire way because it's a high density area.
Normally, it would take about six hours to drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco.
Even a plane would take over an hour.
If Hyperloop lives up to the buzz, though, it would only be a 35 minute ride for passengers.
Hyperloop is just one of the many interesting ideas coming out of Musk's, ironically named boring company.
Not only was a car elevator prototype successfully tested, but they also made and sold 20,000 flamethrowers, which was renamed Not a flamethrower to appease customs.
自動車用エレベーターの試作に成功しただけでなく、税関をなだめるために火炎放射器をNot a flamethrowerと改名し、2万台の火炎放射器を製造・販売した。
The kids love this one.
Number eight Space six Starship Again.
8番 スペースシックス スターシップ・アゲイン
We don't want to jump the gun on a creation still in testing, but this one has got us excited in the works.
Since 2012 Space Sixes, Starship spacecraft and Super heavy Booster may fulfill Musk's longtime goal of landing on Mars.
Described as the world's most powerful launch vehicle, Starship is powered by six Rapture rocket engines.
Starship aims to transport humans and cargo to the Red Planet.
Although we're getting ahead of ourselves and then starts falling and then just falls like a skydiver and it's just controlling itself on, then it turns and lands before the Space six Starship System boldly goes to Mars missions to the moon or being planned in 2023 Japanese billionaire Yusaku Masala hopes to become Space X's first private passenger to take a trip around the moon.
我々は自分自身を先取りしているが、その後、落下を開始し、それはちょうどスカイダイバーのように落下し、それはちょうど上に自分自身を制御している、その後、スペース6宇宙船システムが大胆に月への火星ミッションに行くか、または2023年に計画されている前に、それはターンと着陸 日本の億万長者ユウサクマサラは、月の周りの旅行を取るためにスペースXの最初の民間の乗客になることを望んでいます。
We think will be very exciting to have a base on the moon, even if it's just a science space.
As for Mars, Musk wants to pull off a uncrowded mission by 2024 Number seven StarLink, Another Space X project.
StarLink has its pros and cons.
This satellite Internet constellation aspires to deliver almost universal service by late 2021 or 2022.
As incredible as that sounds, there are some problems.
Given the thousands of small satellites involved, StarLink could create long term space debris resulting in collisions, while Space X did attempt to rectify this by lowering the satellite orbits.
The 340 miles StarLink has also been tied toe light pollution, limiting our view of the stars to reduce brightness.
A sunshades structure was announced in April 2020.
Space X is currently launching satellites in batches, which will hopefully allow enough time to work out the kinks.
If all goes well, StarLink may provide Internet access around the globe.
And one day on Mars.
Number six ex dot com x dot com Might not be ringing any bells, but you're definitely familiar with what it became.
ナンバーシックス EXドットコム Xドットコム 聞き覚えがないかもしれないが、それが何になったかは間違いなく知っているはずだ。
I think x dot com could absolutely be a multibillion dollar bonanza.
Back in November 1999 when people were still using dial up Internet, Musk founded one of the first online banks.
No more than five months later, x dot com merged with a Silicon Valley based software company, Infinity.
それから5ヶ月以上も経たないうちに、x dot comはシリコンバレーに拠点を置くソフトウェア会社Infinityと合併した。
Through this merger, a little company known as PayPal was born.
So this is an A T M.
これはA T Mなんですね。
What we're gonna do is transformed the traditional banking industry.
Later sold to eBay for $1.5 billion PayPal remains one of the most popular online payment systems.
Even before he was a household name, Musk was helping to shape the tech world in innovative ways.
I say the real payoff is the sense of satisfaction.
Having created the company that I sold, Musk bought the domain name x dot com back in 2017.
売却した会社を作ったムスクは、2017年に戻ってドメイン名「x dot com」を購入しました。
But if you try visiting the site today, well, let's just say that X marks the spot.
Number five Space X Dragon capsules.
The Space X Dragon pulled off a historic feat in 2012, becoming the first private spacecraft to rendezvous with the International Space Station.
A Falcon nine and crew Dragon go NASA Go Space bag.
ファルコンナインとクルードラゴンが行くNASA Go Spaceのバッグ。
This reusable cargo craft was succeeded by the Space X Dragon to which had two variants essentially a new and improved version of Dragon One cargo dragon can transport over £7000 For those of us who have been living with switches from the sixties for all these years to see a modern interfaces, something that's pretty exciting.
この再利用可能な貨物船は、スペースXドラゴンによって継承された ドラゴン1貨物ドラゴンの本質的に2つの亜種の新しい、改良されたバージョンを持っていたには£7000以上を輸送することができます 現代のインターフェイスを見るために、これらのすべての年のために60年代からのスイッチと一緒に生活している私たちのために、かなりエキサイティングな何か。
Crew Dragon, meanwhile, is capable of taking seven individuals into space and can remain docked for 210 days.
The first crewed flight occurred in May of 2020 transporting two NASA astronauts to the I S s and returning them safe and sound.
In August, Falcon nine has landed.
This'll is the first Falcon nine to carry humans to orbit.
これは人類を軌道に乗せるための 最初のファルコン9です
Previously, NASA was reliant on Russia's Soyuz to transport crew to the I S s.
So the Dragon capsules herald a bright new era in American space flight number four Solar city.
While Solar City was founded by brothers Peter and Linden Drive in 2006, they got the idea from their cousin Elon Musk solar roofs that look better than normal roof generate electricity last longer.
With musk serving as chairman, Solar City started producing solar panels and solar shingles.
By 2015, it was being reported that Solar City had produced the world's most efficient rooftop solar panels.
From the vantage point of the street, it looks completely opaque.
But as the angle changes, it goes from transparent to opaque.
The following year, Solar City became a subsidiary of Tesla, which claims that Tesla's solar has the lowest price in the U.
It's also among the country's top providers of solar power systems.
Even designing on entire solar roof renewable energy is a key component in reducing climate change and in conjunction with Tesla's Solar City may play a significant role in our future.
Number three Tesla Energy Storage.
3位 テスラのエネルギー貯蔵
Speaking of Tesla's, the company has made enormous strides in home and commercial energy storage.
With the Power Wall and Power Pack, they can store energy from both solar and the grid.
You could take a four bedroom house, and you can have you empower the your fridge, the sockets and lights for a day.
In one of the company's most ambitious endeavors, Tesla used power packs to build a 100 megawatt battery in 2017, the world's largest lithium ion battery at the time.
The horns dale power reserves save the South Australian government.
Million's conventional generators can't match the way the battery make small adjustments to power supply to keep the grid at the right frequency.
When Musk was asked on Twitter about helping South Australia with electrical issues, he promised the battery would be ready in 100 days or it be free.
Tesla delivered in 63 days.
Tesla is already out doing themselves with the mega pack, which will make Moss landing California home to the largest battery storage facility in the world.
Number two Space X Falcon rockets Space six has repeatedly revolutionized space transport since it was founded in 2002, in no small part thanks to their Falcon rockets.
ナンバー2 スペースXファルコンロケット スペースシックスは2002年に設立されて以来、繰り返し宇宙輸送に革命をもたらしてきました。
Fred Stage left off Indication Way Space X Falcon one launch vehicle.
Falcon has cleared the tower.
When the Falcon One launched into Earth's orbit, it became the first privately developed liquid fuel rocket to do so.
Of course, Falcon one was practically a prototype compared to the Falcon nine, which Space six promotes as the first orbital class Reusable rocket.
Okay, Although this two stage rocket is only partially reusable, Space six is able to fly back the most expensive parts and save countless dollars in the process.
Falcon nine is powered by Merlin engines, which were made with recovering and re use in mind.
And in case you were wondering, yes, the name was inspired by the Millennium Falcon.
She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts.
Kids before we unveil our topic, here are a few honorable mentions.
Zip to the first significant enterprise Musk co founded.
Ah, year ago, Musk sold his software company ZIP To, which enabled newspapers to publish online for $400 million cash Blast Our musk coated this game at age 12 and sold it for $500.
ああ、一年前、ムスクは新聞が4億ドルの現金のためにオンラインで公開することを可能にした彼のソフトウェア会社のZIPを販売した ブラスト 私たちのムスクは12歳でこのゲームをコーティングし、500ドルのためにそれを販売しました。
Musk Foundation provides solar power energy systems in disaster areas.
Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk Foundation, is planning to give new laptops toe all 7th and 8th graders in the Flint Community Schools District during restructuring next year.
Want more mojo context TV produces original high quality videos on business, entrepreneurship and politics.
But from a different point of view, the battle is being fought between Netflix and YouTube.
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If you want exclusive interviews with industry leaders in depth media analysis and documentaries with a fresh take on the state of business, check out context TV number one Tesla Electric Cars.
Welcome to the cyber truck unveiled.
Tesla may not have invented the electric car, but they did give these vehicles a second wind from their sleek designs to their quality performance.
There's a lot about Tesla's electric cars that stand out.
It's no wonder why the Tesla Model three became the best selling electric car ever in March 2020 with over 500,000 units sold.
Tesla batteries can reportedly last more than two million miles an electric cars, which might be their greatest advantage.
The software is also constantly being upgraded, with innovations like Tesla's autopilot, which is on its way to making full self driving a reality.
These vehicles are making a huge impact by reducing fossil fuels as well.
The electric car has officially arrived, thanks in part to Mr Musk.
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