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♪ [music playing-- no dialogue] ♪ ♪
Hi my name is Lisa Heiser, I am a graduate dietetics student at
Eastern Illinois University.
Today we're going to talk about the my plate food guide.
Who knows what a food guide is?
Well food guides tell us how much of
different kinds of food to eat.
"My plate" is the current food guide here in the United States.
This is a representation of what the "My Plate" looks like kind
of reminds you of your dinner plate right?
Well that was the whole point when creating my plate so we
know exactly how to assemble our plates.
The my plate is broken into five sections the dairy section, the
grains section, the protein section, the vegetables section
and the fruits section.
Now that we know all the different sections of "My Plate"
let's try to figure out where some example foods
would go on our plates.
First we have cereal, thats right that
would go in the green section.
This one's kind of tricky ...
nuts, yup that's a protein.
Milk that's a dairy.
What about carrots?
Yup carrots are a vegetable, and a strawberry
yes strawberry is a fruit.
And rice, rice is a grain.
And the steak, steaks are protein.
And what about yogurt?
Yogurt's a dairy.
And corn, corn is a vegetable.
What about pears?
That's right pears are fruits.
Here's another tricky one, beans.
Hmmmm, yup beans are a protein.
What about bread?
Yup you got it, breads are grains.
And peas, peas are another vegetable.
What about grapes?
You got it, grapes are a fruit.
What about chicken?
Yup chicken's a protein.
And pasta, that's right pasta's a grain.
And cheese, you got it cheese is a dairy.
And asparagus yup that's our vegetables too,
one of our vegetables.
And an apple, yup that's a fruit.
Okay now that we all know which foods go into different sections
of the "My Plate", let's see what each section is all about.
"My plate" was created so that we don't have to count and
measure portions all the time.
Just look at your plate and make a healthy plate based off what
the my plate food guide is showing you, but some plates are
bigger than others.
So we want to go over exactly how much in measurements you
should get every day because if your plates are too big and you
consume too much then it can lead to over consumption and too
many calories is unhealthy.
This is the vegetable section, the vegetable section should
make up about 30% of your plate.
You should get about two and a half to three
cups of vegetables every day.
Next is the fruit section, fruits should make up
about 20% of your plate.
You should eat about one and a half to
two cups of fruit everyday.
Now to the grains, grains should make up about
30% of your plate everyday.
You should eat about 5 to 6 ounces of grains throughout the
day, but how much is an ounce of grains you ask?
Well if you're going to eat bread then an ounce is one
slice, if your going to eat pasta or rice or cooked cereal
like oatmeal then an ounce is a half of a cup.
When you eat dry cereal like cheerios
then an ounce is about one cup.
Now going on to protein, most people get enough protein
everyday, but what we don't get is enough variety.
We should be eating lean meats such as chicken and fish and
turkey and occasionally we can eat beef and pork.
We also get protein from nuts and beans too.
We should eat about 5 to 6 ounces of
protein everyday just like grains, but
again you ask how much is an ounce of protein?
Well the answer is about a table spoon of peanut butter or one
egg or a fourth of a cup of dried beans.
Some meats such as chicken, fish, and beef you'll have to
weigh on a scale.
Dairy is the last section of "My plate", most people don't get
enough dairy in their diet.
We should eat or drink about three cups of dairy everyday.
Dairy comes in all sorts of forms milk, yogurt, cheese are
all excellent sources of dairy.
Now that we all know approximately how much of
different foods we should eat everyday,
let's assemble a healthy plate.
We've got fish going into our protein section, rice that's
going to be our grains, and some green beans and cauliflower for
our vegetables, and some pears for our fruit.
As you can see we have 20% protein, 30% grains, 20% fruits,
and 30% vegetables and our cup of dairy.
One of the biggest points of my plate that is really important
to remember is that half of your plate should be
fruits and or vegetables.
Now let's look at some examples of plates and some different
choices that you could make.
The "All American Diet" cheese burger and french fries, but is
this plate healthy?
Nope it sure is not, can you you tell what is
missing from this plate?
Vegetables that's right, so the next time you go to fast food
restaurants like Mcdonalds, Burger King, Sonic, or Wendy's
instead of ordering french fries try a side salad and maybe only
eat half of the bun.
This would make your plate look much more like "My Plate" which
is much healthier for you.
What about when you're sitting down for a snack say you get
some crackers and cheese maybe a little meat, can you tell what
you're missing?
That's right fruits and vegetables you are all
getting so good at this.
So the next time you go to make your snack don't forget your
fruits and vegetables.
So tonight when you go to fill your dinner plate remember "My
Plate" and that half of your plate should be fruits and
vegetables, and the other half divided into grains and proteins
and don't forget your glass of milk.
Now that we all know about "My Plate" and how we should fill
our plates I wish you all happy and healthy eating.
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