字幕表 動画を再生する
Here's how to cut out an image in Photoshop SEC GOTO file.
PhotoshopのSEC GOTOファイルで画像を切り抜く方法をご紹介します。
Open and open your image.
Click on the object Selection tool from the toolbar on the left Select quick selection tool.
左のツールバーからオブジェクト選択ツールをクリック クイック選択ツールを選択します。
Click the box for sample all layers.
If you're working with a composite image, you can also click enhanced Edge.
For a more precise edge selection, click Select subject in the upper toolbar.
For less up to date adobe Photoshop versions, you'll have to manually outline the subject in the foreground.
最新のAdobe Photoshopのバージョンが少ない場合は、前景の被写体を手動でアウトライン化する必要があります。
Photoshop has multiple tools, such as the lasso tool marquee tool and the Magic Wand tool for outlining your subject.
If you would like to smooth the edge of the area, you are cutting, Click select and masks in the tool bar above your picture while your chosen area is selected but not yet cut out.
Your selection will open in a new dialogue box with options to refine, affect the edge detection and multiple other options for tailoring your selection to your specific needs.
Now that you have your area selected, you have a few options.
Simply press, delete or backspace on your keyboard.
If you want to remove this part of the photo entirely if you like to use your selected area elsewhere.
Select cut from the edit me.
edit meからカットを選択します。
Open the image you like to put your cut out into, then select pays from the edit menu.
You can also use the keyboard shortcut Command X for cutting and command the for pasting.
また、キーボードショートカット「Command X」で切り取り、「Command X」で貼り付けを行うこともできます。