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  • Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden took a narrow lead over President Donald Trump in the battleground states of Georgia and Pennsylvania on Friday, edging closer to winning the White House in a nail biting contest as a handful of undecided states continued to count votes.


  • Winning Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes would put the former vice president over the 270 he needs to secure the presidency.


  • While taking just Georgia's 16 electoral votes would put him on the cusp of victory.


  • Biden also maintained slim advantages in Arizona and Nevada.


  • He would become the next president by winning Pennsylvania alone or by winning two out of the trio of Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.


  • Trump's likeliest path appeared narrower.


  • He needs to hang onto both Pennsylvania and Georgia and also overtake Biden in either Nevada or Arizona.


  • The shift in Georgia came hours after Trump appeared at the White House to falsely claim the election was being quote stolen from him.


  • His campaign is pursuing a Siris of lawsuits across battleground states that legal experts described as unlikely to succeed in altering the election outcome.


Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden took a narrow lead over President Donald Trump in the battleground states of Georgia and Pennsylvania on Friday, edging closer to winning the White House in a nail biting contest as a handful of undecided states continued to count votes.


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