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Welcome toe watch Mojo.
And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 new PS five hardware and software features for this list, We're taking a look at new abilities, accessories and innovations from Sony's next Gen console.
そして今日、私たちはこのリストのためのトップ10の新しいPS 5ハードウェアとソフトウェアの機能のための私達のピックをカウントダウンしている、私たちはソニーの次の世代のコンソールからの新しい能力、アクセサリーやイノベーションを見ている。
Are you guys psyched for the PS five?
As much as I am, let us know down in the comments Number 10 to PS five models.
Yeah, it's not uncommon for PlayStation consoles to release a couple of different models over time, but Sony is giving us two different versions of the PS five up front.
For traditionalists who will always stand by physical media, the base model comes complete with an optical disk drive that's compatible with blue ray and DVDs.
If you don't care about having physical copies of your games, I want to save $100.
The digital edition is the way to go.
That's the one that I pre ordered.
Games that were digitally purchased on your PS four can be transferred to your PS five digital edition.
Just keep in mind that the console has a storage space of 825 gigabytes on an SSD, meaning you'll eventually need to purchase additional storage.
You'll also want a strong Internet connection for the digital version.
Number nine Media Remote Control.
ナンバーナイン メディアリモコン
The PS five will have a few nifty accessories, including an HD camera with 10 80 p capture capabilities, a built in stand and the ability to change your background outside of games.
PS 5は、10 80 pのキャプチャ機能を持つHDカメラ、内蔵スタンド、ゲーム以外の背景を変更する機能など、いくつかの気の利いたアクセサリーが用意されています。
Most of us will primarily used the PS five for streaming.
If you're not satisfied with using your game controller, toe watch shows and movies, you might want to consider picking up a media remote control with a Chris design.
The remote can be used to turn on your PS five and navigate through a wide variety of APS, including Netflix, Disney plus YouTube, Spotify, Apple TV Plus and Twitch.
リモコンを使ってPS 5の電源を入れ、Netflix、Disney plus YouTube、Spotify、Apple TV Plus、Twitchなど、さまざまなAPSをナビゲートすることができます。
Amazon Prime Video.
Who, Lou Peacock and My Canal will be available after launch.
It also comes with the essential features that one would expect from a regular TV remote, such as volume control.
Number eight improved Blue Ray unit Blue Ray Capability has been a staple of Sony home console since the PS three.
8位 改良型ブルーレイユニット ブルーレイケイパビリティはPS3の頃からソニーの家庭用ゲーム機の定番でした。
Sony really upped its game, however, with the PS five base models ultra HD Blue Ray, featuring four K resolution.
The console will appeal to Blue Ray collectors just as much as game collectors with previous PlayStation consoles, the sounds and vibrations made when disc spin up could occasionally take a toll on our blue ray experience.
The PS five aims to improve this by surrounding the blue ray drive in a sheet metal case and adding double insulation.
PS 5では、ブルーレイドライブを板金ケースで囲み、二重の絶縁性を持たせることで、これを改善しようとしています。
We could definitely do with less of that stressful spinning noise while trying to watch movies.
Number seven Cooling System.
ナンバー7 冷却システム
The PS five has been cited as Sony's biggest console ever, as well as the biggest modern console.
PS 5はソニー史上最大のコンソールとして挙げられているだけでなく、現代最大のコンソールとしても挙げられています。
The console size can be largely attributed to its cooling system, which includes a double sided air intake fan that's 45 millimeters thick and 120 millimeters in diameter.
The system also has a heat sink modeled after a heat pipe, which Sony compared to a vapor chamber.
The liquid metal thermal conductor will additionally ensure long term, stable, high cooling performance, according to Sony.
The huge cooling system will naturally attract dust, but Sony thought ahead by adding to dust catchers so any dust gathered can be conveniently vacuumed up through these two holes.
You may need some extra room for your PS five, but Hopefully, this means we'll have to worry less about overheating.
Number six Tempest, three D audio Tech.
6番 テンペスト 3番 Dオーディオテック
The first goal was great audio for everyone, not just dryer users or sound bar owners or headphone users.
That meant audio had to be part of the console.
It couldn't be a peripheral.
Sony is striving to make the PS five their most all encompassing console yet, with The Tempest Engine, a major step forward in three D audio technology.
ソニーは、3つのDオーディオ技術を搭載した「The Tempest Engine」を搭載し、PS5をこれまでで最も包括的なゲーム機にするために努力しています。
This chip makes it feel as if sounds are coming from all around.
This isn't the first time that Sony has tinkered with such tech as the PlayStation VR headset could simulate sound from 50 different sources.
ソニーがこのような技術をいじったのはこれが初めてではなく、PlayStation VRヘッドセットは50の異なるソースからの音をシミュレートすることができます。
A tempest engine, however, supports hundreds of sound sources taking three D audio to the next level.
Whether you're swinging through New York as Miles Morales, exploring the Forbidden West as Alloy or cruising down a track in Gran Turismo, seven gaining environments are about to get even more immersive.
Ah, heroes, just someone who doesn't give up Number five Pulse three D wireless headset.
ああ、ヒーロー、5番パルス3Dワイヤレスヘッドセットを 諦めない人がいるだけだ。
If you want to experience the full effect of the Tempest engine, the Pulse three D wireless headset is a must have.
テンペストエンジンの効果をフルに体験したいなら、Pulse three Dワイヤレスヘッドセットは必需品です。
This accessory was made to take full advantage of three D audio technology, allowing players to truly escape into the game.
The headset is built with dual noise canceling microphones that will make it easier to hear other players online and block out your real world surroundings.
The product is only made more enticing bites, polished design with comfortable, your pads and headband sweetening the deal.
The headset isn't just compatible with the PS five MPs four but certain PC and Mac OS devices as well.
ヘッドセットはPS 5 MPs 4だけでなく、特定のPCやMac OSデバイスにも対応しています。
It'll even hook up to your PlayStation VR headset, making the game all the more riel.
PlayStation VRヘッドセットにも接続でき、ゲームをより一層楽しめるようになります。
Number four backward compatibility.
Can you kill something that big?
If the PS four had a drawback, it was the lack of backward compatibility.
Sure, PlayStation now helped fill in the gaps, but it's just not the same for collectors of physical media.
The PS five is finally giving fans what they've been asking for, at least to a certain degree.
Old copies of PS one PS two MPs three games won't be compatible with the PS five, but the library of PS four titles you've racked up over the past seven years won't be going toe waste.
PS1 PS2 MP3の古いコピーはPS5には対応していないが、過去7年間に積み上げたPS4タイトルのライブラリは無駄にはならない。
99% of PS four games will work on PS five, and you can even transfer save data between the two consuls.
If you missed out on the PS four and don't feel like tracking down an assortment of discs, the PlayStation plus collection has you covered at PlayStation four and PlayStation for pro titles rely on is still available in backwards compatibility modes.
あなたはPS 4で逃したとディスクの品揃えを追跡するように感じていない場合は、プレイステーションプラスコレクションは、あなたがプレイステーション4でカバーしているとプロのタイトルのためのプレイステーションに依存している後方互換性モードではまだ利用可能です。
Number three Faster, low times Few things are more frustrating than having to look at a lengthy loading screen, especially after dying in a boss fight.
Number 3 Faster, low times 長いローディング画面を見なければならないことほどイライラするものはありません。
It always takes us out of the experience, but the PS five promises to make some significant improvements with the consoles.
High speed S S D.
ハイスピードS S D.
P S five MPs four games will reportedly have faster load times.
P S 5 MPs 4ゲームは、より高速なロード時間を持っていると報告されています。
How fast you ask.
Well, Astros, playroom and God fall are two games that various outlets tested prior to the consoles launch.
Based on the footage released, the respond time for both games was only a few seconds.
Granted, it's hard to say if this will be the standard for all PS five games, but Sony is clearly making strides.
The SSD is especially integral to the rapid dimension hopping and ratchet and clank ripped apart.
All right, Number two.
Dual sense controller.
Kind of mhm.
Speaking of Astros playroom, every PS five council will come with this platformer preloaded.
The game serves as a showcase for the duel Sense Controller, which offers a wide variety of new tricks.
While its appearance is more refined, the dual sense keeps most of the buttons from the dual shock 41 notable tweak is that the share button is now the create button.
その外観は、より洗練されていますが、デュアルセンスは、デュアルショックからボタンのほとんどを保持します 41 注目すべき微調整は、共有ボタンが今ではボタンを作成することです。
However, it's what's on the inside that sets the dual sense.
Apart from its predecessors, this controller has a built in microphone for players to communicate through and improved haptic feedback.
What's haptic feedback?
In a nutshell.
It uses the players sense of touch to create a more immersive experience.
For an additional fee, you can pick up a dual sense charging station for your wireless controllers Before we continue, Be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell To get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
追加料金については、あなたのワイヤレスコントローラのためのデュアルセンス充電ステーションを拾うことができます 我々は続ける前に, 私たちのチャンネルを購読し、ベルを鳴らすことを確認してください 私たちの最新のビデオについて通知を取得するには、時折ビデオまたはそれらのすべてのために通知されるようにオプションを持っています。
If you're on your phone, make sure to go into your settings and switch on notifications number one revamped user interface that is completely centered on you, the player connecting you with a great play and a passionate community of gamers.
Based on what we've seen, the PS five user interface might be Sony sleekest effort.
Yet from the control center, you can jump right back into your game in progress.
You'll also find a collection of cards, which provide new stories from developers.
You're following screenshots you've taken and most notably, activities through the activities Feature.
Players can keep track of progress that they've made and how far they have to go towards completing a specific task.
PlayStation Plus subscribers can even use the game help feature when they're stuck on certain games.
PlayStation Plusにご加入の方は、特定のゲームに行き詰った時にゲームヘルプ機能を利用することもできます。
Communicating with friends has never been more convenient, and the microphone provides a welcome alternative to typing out messages with an improved home page to boot, we can't wait to explore the PS five new You I.
友人とのコミュニケーションは、より便利になったことはありませんし、マイクは、ブートするために改善されたホームページでメッセージを入力するための歓迎の代替手段を提供していますが、我々はPS 5の新しいあなたを探索するのを待つことはできませんI.
The layout of the space is designed to present games and game content beautifully on a four K display in the mood for more awesome gaming content.