字幕表 動画を再生する
Swizz Beatz: I got it.
翻訳: Yoko Emori 校正: Riaki Poništ
So are you guys going to mute when I talk
so nothing interrupts it?
僕が話す時には 君たちはミュートして
Voice: Uhh, yes.
SB: Because once I'm in the flow, I like to stay in the flow.
Having some type of support
(スウィズ)ノってきたら そのままノり続けたいからね
is very necessary when you are creative.
クリエイティブな人たちには 何らかのサポートが絶対に必要だ
You know, there has to be something that's fueling that creativity,
創造力の糧になるものが どうしても必要だと思う
that's fueling that fire that you have inside.
内に秘めた火を 燃え続けさせるためだ
My love for music and creativity starts way back, way back.
僕が音楽や創造に のめり込んだのは ずっと ずっと昔のこと
Back in the South Bronx where I grew up,
building 700, apartment 2E.
ビルディング 700 アパート2E にいた頃だった
I would go outside and all I would hear is music.
外に出ると 必ず音楽が聞こえてきた
You go around to the back park, the DJs are playing,
裏の公園には DJが何人もいて音楽をかけていた
there's a basketball game going on,
but then you would look at the handball court,
and that handball court would have an amazing graffiti mural,
そこには すごいグラフィティの 壁画があった
I don't know if it's from Keith Haring or Fab 5 Freddy.
キース・ヘリングの作だったかな ファブ・ファイヴ・フレディーだったかな
I was instantly attracted to the creative.
すぐに クリエイティブな活動に 惹かれていった
Music has been my therapy since day one.
Anytime I get stressed out,
I go to the arts, I go to creativity, I go to music.
アートを求め 創造を求め 音楽を求める
Music makes people feel hugged, people feel loved.
音楽は 抱きしめてくれる 愛を感じさせてくれる
And then I remember one of my uncles saying,
伯父の一人が言っていたことを 思い出すんだ
"You should get into producing," I'm like, "What's producing?"
「プロデューサーになるといい」 「なにそれ?」って思った
You know, it started as a family-owned business,
最初は 家族経営のビジネスだった ラフ・ライダーズは僕の家族が作ったんだ
because Ruff Ryders was created by my family.
DMXを輩出し イヴを輩出し
It gave you DMX, it gave you Eve,
ドラッグ・オンを輩出し ザ・ロックスも出した
it gave you Drag-On, it gave you The LOX.
I've gotten every accolade in music that one can get.
ある時 こう思うにまで至った
It just came to the point where it's like, "You know what?
「ここまで来たらもう お返しができなきゃ面白くないな」
I'm no longer going to have fun with this unless I'm able to give back."
The Dean Collectionは もともと家族の博物館として始めた
You know, The Dean Collection started for me to create a museum for my family
and our name.
Something that my kids would have to be responsible
to pass through generations.
「でも ちょっと待てよ
I said, "Wait a minute,
The Dean Collectionは そこで終わってはいけない
The Dean Collection is not just for The Dean Collection,
The Dean Collection is for everyone."
There are some galleries now and places you walk in,
5万ドルの資金がなければ 話もしてくれない
if you don't have 50,000, there's nothing to talk about.
沢山の人が これを 言い訳に使ってる
And I felt that a lot of people were using that as an excuse
だからアートは出来ない って
to exit art.
アートは金待ちのためのものだと 思ってしまってる
They feel that art is only for rich people.
こんなのはやめないと 正さないといけない
We've got to stop this, we've got to fix this.
だから 妻と2人でこう言った
And that's what made me and my wife say,
「若い世代のための 入り口を作らないといけない
you know, we have to create an entry point to the younger generation
that didn't understand the art world,
didn't have their seat at the table,
それで 「No Commissions (手数料なし)」を始めた
and then we started "No Commissions."
It's a big event,
招待状の返事が毎回 3万通以上来る
you got 30-something-thousand RSVPs a night.
ドリンクは無料 食べ物も無料
The drinks are free, the food is free,
the concert's free.
The education is free,
and I feel that education should be free.
上海に行き ロンドンに行き
We went to Shanghai, we went to London,
we went to Berlin,
サウス・ブロンクスの うちのバックヤードでもやった
we did it right in my backyard in the South Bronx.
「No Commissions 」に来れば
You can come in to "No Commissions"
and get something for a couple of bucks,
or a couple hundred thousand.
アートを愛する人であれば 貴賎を問わず参加できる
There's a tier for every person that has love for art.
And what we're doing is something totally different from a gallery.
アーティストが 売り上げの100%を手にする
The artists keep 100 percent of the sales.
でも 「No Commissions 」後は
But what about after "No Commissions,"
どうやって持続し どうやって前に進むのか
how can you sustain, how can you move forward
without having to be trapped to sell your soul?
ある競売に関わったときは 親友の—
I was a part of the sale with my brother Sean "Diddy" Combs,
ショーン「ディディ」 コムズが 2,100万ドルでアートを落札した
the 21-million-dollar purchase,
which made Kerry James Marshall
生存中のアフリカ系アメリカ人の芸術家の 作品についた価格では過去最高額だった
the highest-selling African American living artist to today.
「おい 今記録を破ったぞ」 と言ったら
I'm like, "Man, you just broke the record,"
and the artist was like,
「喜んでいいやら 悲しんでいいやら 分からない」と言った
"Yeah, I don't know whether to be happy or to be sad."
その作品を最初に売った時は 10万ドルもつかなかったそうだ
He first sold that work, it was under 100,000.
So imagine a work that you made for under 100,000
10万ドルにもならなかった作品が 今 2,100万ドルで売れていく
is now being sold for 21 million,
それを 家で 指をくわえて 見ているしかないんだ
and you had to sit home and watch this.
And you couldn't even participate five percent.
When you look at it,
I'm a producer, I'm a songwriter,
every time it's played on the radio,
I get paid.
Every time it's played in a movie,
I get paid.
Every time it plays, period,
I get paid.
ビジュアル・アーティストは 一度しか収入にならない
Visual artists, they only get paid once.
なぜだろう? 絵が何回も売却・取引されても
How, when paintings are sold and traded multiple times?
And that's that artist's lifetime work,
他の人が 10倍 15倍
that other people are making 10, 15,
時には100倍も アーティスト本人より儲けているのに
sometimes 100 times more than the artist that created it.
そこで 作ったのが 名付けて 「Dean's Choice(ディーンの選択)」
So I created something called the Dean's Choice,
where if you're a seller,
or a collector,
例えばサザビーズ(競売会社)に 作品を持ち込む
and you bring in your work into, let's say, Sotheby's,
そこには書類があって こう書いてある 「皆さん このアーティストは生存しています
there's a paper that's there that says, "Hey, guys, you know,
this artist is still living.
You've made 300 percent on your investment
売り上げの中から アーティストに お好きな額を贈呈して下さい」
by working with this artist.
たった5人でも 実行すれば
You can choose to give the artist whatever you want of the sale."
I think that even if five people did it,
it'll start to change everything in the arts.
And this is happening in Europe already.
It happens in the music industry,
it's called publishing.
And artists are able to survive,
musicians are able to survive,
自分の出版の著作権から発生する 残余所得で生活できる
years after years,
off of the residual income of their publishing.
クリエイティブな人々が一緒になって お互いを祝福できるんだろうか?
So how can we take something that brings creatives together,
ティンバランドと一緒に 練っている考えがある
and celebrate each other?
Verzuzと言って もう3年も前から考えている
Myself and Timbaland have been working on this idea
それが こんなご時世になってしまい
called Verzuz for about three years now.
皆 ソーシャルメディアを使って
Then this trying time came,
and everybody started going to social media
そこで 僕は自分の人気曲を演奏し
to express themselves.
彼は 彼の人気曲を演奏し
So what we did was I played my top songs,
he played his top songs,
and we went on Instagram Live.
(ティンバランド)楽しんでるかい? これは文化のためになる
(Video) (Laughter)
Timbaland: You having fun?
This is so good for the culture.
世の中には ただでさえ 「バトル」が多いんだから
SB: A lot of people like to say "battle,"
we pulled back off of that word "battle,"
because we're battling enough in the world today.
僕とティンバランドが始めた時は 2万人だった
We call it educational celebration.
昨日現在では 75万人が一堂に会した
I think we're on our ninth or tenth one.
Me and Timbaland started out with 20,000 people.
As of yesterday, 750,000 people in one room.
Verzuzに貢献したアーティストに 起こる現象だ
So, we have this thing called the "Verzuz Effect."
例えば ベイビーフェイスや テディ・ライリー
And the "Verzuz Effect" is what happens to the artist
after they contribute to Verzuz.
どちらの曲も 再度 ヒットチャートに載った
We can go to the Babyface and Teddy Riley.
They both went up millions of views.
エリカ・バドゥと ジル・スコットの2人とも
Both of their songs reentered the charts.
トップ20のヒットチャートに 7曲ずつ載っている
And then we look at the first ladies Verzuz,
and both Erykah Badu and Jill Scott
表示回数がうなぎのぼりで もう何十億って数だよ
have seven positions in the top 20 charts.
This is the Verzuz Effect.
こういったアーティストは 自分の作品に対し 今 花束を受け取っているようなものだ
You know, billions and billions and billions of impressions.
素晴らしいことだと思う 生きている間に花を楽しめる
This is something I've never seen before.
And I felt that these artists are getting their flowers today,
which is a great thing, while they can smell them.
流行しては忘れられ それを100回は繰り返した
This was personal for me,
アーティストでも ビジネスを理解する必要があり
because many a times I've been counted out,
理解すれば 本来いけるレベルまで 昇っていくことができる
I've been hot and cold 100 times.
クリエイティブな人は ややもすると非常に感情優先で
You still have to understand the business as an artist,
「そんなこと(ビジネス)は 他の人に任せて 私はこっちに専念したい」と思いがちだからね
to elevate to your level that you deserve to be.
大切なのは 創造性だけではない 教育も大切だ
Because most creatives, we're very emotional,
だからこそ 僕は学校に戻り
we're very "let somebody else handle that, I want to stick to this."
30代半ばで 学業に勤しんだ
But not only creativity is key, education is key,
which is the reason why I went back to school
僕らに必要なのは もう少し深く掘り下げ
to sharpen my pencil in my mid-30s.
We have to know our business.
クリエイティブな人間を利用しようとする 世の中に備えるために
But it's going to take us digging in a little deeper
そうすれば 良い選択をすることができ
and pulling out the knowledge that we need to prepare ourselves
アーティストが貧困の中で 死んでいくなんてことはなくなる
for this world that's waiting to take advantage of the creatives.
Then we can make better choices,
then we can end that conversation of artists dying poor.
If we're not protecting the arts,
we're not protecting our future,
we're not protecting this world.
Creativity heals us.
What's these shades closing for?
(声)結構いけてた 良かったよ
Time out.
Voice: I kind of like that. That was cool.
SB: (Laughs)