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  • as the burden from its takeover of Monsanto Mounts Buyer has reported impairment charges of $10.8 billion the costs of being driven by weaker demand from farmers due to low bio fuel prices as well.

    モンサントマウントバイヤーの買収からの負担として108億ドルの減損費用を報告しています 低バイオ燃料価格だけでなく、低バイオ燃料価格に起因する農家からの弱い需要によって駆動されているコストを報告しています。

  • A settlement costs over claims it's roundup.


  • Weedkiller causes cancer, the German headquartered firm reported on Monday a loss before interest and tax of about $11 billion in the third quarter.


  • Buyer was caught up in litigation over round up based on the herbicide glyphosate as a result of its 2018 takeover off Monsanto.


  • The $63 billion deal made it the world's largest supplier of seeds and pesticides in June this year by a struck an outline agreement with US plaintiffs that was costed US $11 billion but a judge later took issue with a side arrangement on future cases that may still be lodged.


  • The company added that a massive depreciation of the Brazilian currency was weighing heavily on business, too.


  • Brazil is the world's second largest agricultural market by A.


as the burden from its takeover of Monsanto Mounts Buyer has reported impairment charges of $10.8 billion the costs of being driven by weaker demand from farmers due to low bio fuel prices as well.

モンサントマウントバイヤーの買収からの負担として108億ドルの減損費用を報告しています 低バイオ燃料価格だけでなく、低バイオ燃料価格に起因する農家からの弱い需要によって駆動されているコストを報告しています。

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