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  • Aw Yeah! Let's learn English with Nicole Kidman  in the award-winning series, Big Little Lies! Now  

  • this is an amazing series that I just recently  watched, with superb performances from Nicole  

  • Kidman, Reese Witherspoon, Meryl Streep, and moreAnd the clip that we've selected for you today is  

  • excellent, but it also covers the serious topic of  abuse, so if you're looking for something lighter,  

  • then I recommend you check out this playlist  up here! But, otherwise, let's watch the  

  • clipand if you're new here, every week we make  entertaining lessons just like this one so that  

  • you can understand fast-speaking natives without  getting lost, without missing the jokes, and  

  • without subtitles! Just like Cong, who says that  he's using our lessons to increase his vocabulary  

  • for the IELTS exam! So we'll help you to reach  your goals for English tooall you have to do  

  • is hit that subscribe button, and the bell down  below so you don't miss any of our new lessons.

  • Would you like to understand natives no matter how fast we speak?

  • And wouldn't you like to be able to watch your favorite movies and series without the subtitles?

  • Well, our Fluent with Friends course can help you a ton in reaching your goal and having a lot of fun along the way!

  • You will learn alongside the first two seasons of the TV series Friends,

  • which various academic studies show is the best series out there for learning English.

  • And you get PDF Power Lessons, vocabulary memorization software,

  • access to our Fluency Circle global community, and so much more!

  • And you can try for free right now with our 3-part master class!

  • What are you waiting for? Just click up here, or down in the description below, to learn more and sign up!

  • We look forward to meeting you inside!

Aw Yeah! Let's learn English with Nicole Kidman  in the award-winning series, Big Little Lies! Now  


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

Learn English With Nicole Kidman | Big Little Lies [Intermediate Lesson]

  • 12 2
    林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 11 月 03 日