字幕表 動画を再生する
(upbeat music)
- Never fear 'cause Orange is here
- 恐れずにオレンジはここにある
and as for Pear, he's right there. (laughs)
- Welcome back to "Fruits React", everyone.
- 皆さん、「Fruits React」にお帰りなさい。
Today we're reacting
to some of our old viral music video spoofs.
- Music videos, huh?
- ミュージックビデオか
Does that mean I get to
♪ Bust out my auto-tune ♪
(Orange laughs)
- No, there's plenty of you being auto-tuned
- いや、オートチューンされている君はたくさんいるよ
in the videos already.
♪ Ah, come on, Pear ♪
♪ Ah, come on, Pear ♪
Gimme that, ugh, I said, "No."
- Time to try our first viral music video
- 私たちの最初のバイラルミュージックビデオを試してみましょう
spoof on for Psy.
- Ugh, "Orange Nya Nya Style".
- うっ、「オレンジにゃにゃスタイル」。
Honestly, I'm not the biggest fan.
- But you know who is?
- でも誰か知ってる?
- Oh, that was terrible.
- ああ、あれはひどかった。
(Orange laughs)
♪ I hang out with Pear ♪
♪ in the kitchen everyday ♪
♪ in the kitchen everyday ♪
We really upped our costume game for this bit, didn't we?
- I'll say, my suit really blew me away. (laughs)
- 私のスーツには本当に驚かされました(笑)
- Oh, that reminds me,
- ああ、そういえばそうだったな。
I haven't seen Squash around in a while.
- I'm sure he'll drop in sooner or later. (laughs)
- そのうちに寄ってくるんじゃないかな?(笑)
- Wait, what the?
- 待って、何?
No, ew.
- Told ya. (laughs)
- 言っただろ。(笑)
- Oh.
- ああ
- I really don't know what's going on here, you guys.
- 本当に何がなんだかわからないんだよ、お前ら。
- Whoa, nice pear cut. (laughs)
- おっと、ナイスな梨のカット。(笑)
- I was just getting into the spirit of the video, okay?
- 動画の気合を入れてたんだよ?
- And how could you not?
- どうしてそうしないの?
This beat is thumpin', yo.
- I know, this is gonna be stuck in my head for days
- これは何日も頭から離れないわ
and I'm already dreading it.
- I wouldn't be so sure, Pear.
- それはどうかな、梨ちゃん
We've got another video coming up next
that's gonna be competing for your head space.
あなたの頭のスペースを 奪い合うことになるわ
The sock.
- Oh, boy.
- ああ
Aw, it's Baby Carrot.
I wonder what he's up to these days?
- I don't know, when it comes to Baby Carrot,
- ベビーキャロットに関しては、わからない。
I'm drawing a blankie. (laughs)
- Aw, why?
- なぜ?
♪ Fridge goes, "Hum." ♪
♪ Fridge goes, "Hum.♪
♪ Broom goes, "Swish." ♪
♪ Broom goes, "Swish"♪
Were there any kitchen sounds that didn't make the cut?
- Yeah, Cookbook tried to audition but he got page fright.
- クックブックはオーディションを受けようとしたけど ページ恐怖症になったのよ
(Orange laughs) - Wow.
オレンジが笑う) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・。
♪ What does the sock say? ♪
♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, ♪
This had to be a fun video to make, right?
- Oh, yeah, it rocked my socks off
- ああ、そうだな、俺の靴下を揺り動かしたんだ
and the fact that we pulled it off was quite the feat.
(Orange laughs) - Yeah.
(オレンジが笑う) - うん。
♪ Maybe in the laundry bin ♪
- Oh, this reminds me.
- ああ、これを見て思い出した。
I've gotta do laundry.
- Why's that?
- なんでだろう?
You don't wear any clothes.
- Oh, yeah, I forgot.
- あ、そうそう、忘れてた。
My Friday night just opened up.
Now I can spend it doing this.
♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪
♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, ♪
- You're poor, for crying out loud.
- 貧乏なんだよな、大声で言うと。
- (laughs) Okay, okay.
- (笑) わかった、わかった。
There is something else I can do with my Friday night.
- Anything else, anything would be less annoying than this.
- 他に何かあれば、これよりも迷惑なことはないだろう。
- You sure about that?
- 本当にいいのか?
♪ It's fry day ♪
- No. (Orange laughs)
- いや(オレンジ色の笑)。
No, I stand corrected.
いや 訂正する
- You know you love it.
- 好きなのはわかっているはずだ。
- I can actually say I do not love it.
- 実際に好きではないと言ってもいいくらいです。
♪ It's fry day Friday ♪
♪ Ketchin' up on fry day ♪
(Orange laughs) Hey,
(オレンジが笑う) ねぇ。
when did you get another auto-tuner?
- I picked it up on
- で拾ってきました。
♪ Fry day Friday ♪
(Orange laughs) (Pear groans)
(オレンジが笑う) (梨のうめき声)
♪ 7:45 we're flying through the sky ♪
♪ 7:45 we're flying through the sky ♪
- Friday, more like fly day.
- 金曜日は、どちらかというとフライの日。
Am I right? (laughs)
(Pear groans)
♪ Am I right? ♪
- Stop it.
- やめてくれ
♪ Stop what? ♪
♪ Stop what?
♪ Stop what, Pear? ♪
♪ Stop what, Pear ♪
(Pear cries)
Ah, yes, the roller blading pony.
I forgot how weird this video was.
- You know, I asked that pony
- あのね、あのポニーに聞いたんだけど
if he'd teach me how to roller blade.
ローラーブレードのやり方を 教えてくれたらな
- What did he say?
- 彼は何て言ったの?
- He said, "Get in line." (laughs)
- "列に並んで "と言われました。(笑)
- Oh, good grief.
- やれやれ。
- Hey, the little Apple rap bridge.
- おい、ちっちゃいアップルのラップブリッジ。
♪ Here I am from the front side ♪
♪ From the back side ♪
♪ 裏側から♪
♪ Nah, I'm on the driver's side ♪
♪ Nah, I'm on the driver's side ♪
- Whoa, I'd forgotten all about this part.
- おっと、この部分をすっかり忘れていた。
- That's easy to do.
- それは簡単なことです。
This section of the song is super short. (laughs)
(Pear groans)
- Hey, I heard that.
- おい、聞いたぞ。
- So I've always wondered about this part.
- なので、この部分はずっと気になっていました。
You know, where the potatoes get made into fries
and then we all chow down.
- Yeah, what about it?
- ああ、それがどうした?
- Well, doesn't it seem kind of, well,
- まあ、それはちょっと、まあ、と思わないか。
cannibalistic for us to be eating other food?
Like we're food, eating food.
- Huh, when you say it like that, it does sound pretty bad,
- はぁ、そう言われてみると、かなりヤバそうですね。
but it sounds way better when you say it like this
into an auto-tune mike.
♪ We're food eating food ♪
♪ We're food eating food ♪
(Orange laughs)
- That's it, gimme that thing.
- それだよ、それをよこせ。
♪ Never ♪
♪ Never ♪
Come back here.
♪ No way, Jose ♪
♪ No way, Jose ♪
(Pear groans) (Orange laughs)
♪ It's fry day Friday ♪
♪ Gotta ketchup on Friday ♪
♪ Gotta ketchup on Friday ♪
♪ Everybody's looking for a napkin, napkin ♪
♪みんなナプキンを探しているんだ ナプキン♪
♪ Fry day Friday ♪
♪ Ketchin' up on Friday ♪
♪ Ketchin' up on Friday ♪
♪ Everybody's looking for another napkin ♪