字幕表 動画を再生する
former Daily Show host Jon Stewart will be returning to television on Apple's video streaming service Apple TV, the company announced Tuesday.
元デイリーショーホストのジョン-スチュワートは、AppleのビデオストリーミングサービスのApple TVでテレビに戻ってくるだろう, 同社は火曜日に発表した.
Stuart will host and produce a current affairs Siris for Apple TV, plus a subscription based app that competes with companies like Netflix and Disney.
スチュアート氏は、Apple TV向けの時事問題のSirisをホストして制作するほか、Netflixやディズニーなどの企業と競合するサブスクリプションベースのアプリも提供する予定です。
Plus, this will be Stewart's first regular TV gig since his Emmy Award winning comedy talk show ended in 2015.
Apple hasn't announced the show's title or when it will air, but the company said each episode will be an hour.
The show will cover daily news topics alongside Stewart's advocacy work, which has included better healthcare access for wounded veterans and first responders in the 9 11 attacks.
Congress should be down here answering their questions.
Apple also announced a new podcast to accompany the show.
Stewart's irreverent brand of political satire launched him into the spotlight When The Daily Show first aired in the late 19 nineties, the Comedy Central Siri's reached a nightly audience of over two million people.
スチュワートの不遜な政治風刺のブランドは、彼をスポットライトの下に送り出しました デイリーショーが最初に放送された90年代後半には、コメディ・セントラルのシリは毎晩200万人以上の視聴者に達しました。