字幕表 動画を再生する
Oh, I am a e at Look at that.
E M Mm.
E M Mm.
Ah, Matt, look at that.
マット 見てみろよ
It is a mat amat.
Um, at a mat.
The mat is e M c A cat.
マットはe M c A catです。
Look at that.
It is a cat, a cat, a cat, a cat.
Their cats sat on the mat.
00 am are ah, rat.
00 amは、ああ、ラットです。
Look at that.
It is a rat.
A rat, a rat, a rat rat Wait, Rat a tat tat rat a tat tat rat a tat tat on the cat A cat sat on the mat e m b a Look at that.
It is a bat.
Bat, bat, bat the back.
Get that.
That that?
That That That on the rat rat rat rat on.
That That on the rat rat rat on.
Get on with.
You don't have to be a winner or a super star.
You can change the world just by being who you are.
A class, uh, slap.
Uh, lap, Clap your hands, Slap your thigh, flap your wings and pretend thio.
Come on, K eep skip, flip flip slipped downhill Slip on slide Flipped right over its way.
さあ、Keep skip, flip flip flip flip slipped downhill スリップオンスライド Slip on slide flipped right over its way.
Change it, Rearrange its on one and take one away.
Flag new cases.
Let's walk places Every single one of us has a part to play fit no matter what they say.
Let's walk places 私たち一人一人には、何を言われようともフィットしたプレーをするための役割があります。
Ah, Ram, Have you ever ridden on a ram back?
I prefer to take third a trunk everyone could see just by being me I made a difference Everyone can do it.
私は3番目のトランクを取ることを好む 私が私であることで、私は違いを作った 誰もがそれを行うことができます。
Go on, have a bash Even tiny moves can make a splash You don't have to be a winner or a superstar You can change the world just by being who you are above You can walk up and down with your head In a crown with us You can be king on the king the bell on your bike and be your shiny as you like it with the O You have to agree you're going thio engine.
頑張れ!小さな動きでも波紋を呼ぶことができる 勝者やスーパースターになる必要はない 自分が上にいるだけで世界を変えることができる 自分の頭を持って上下に歩いていくことができる 王様になって自転車に乗って王様になることができる Oで好きなように輝くことができる エンジンをかけることに同意しなければいけません。
You can shake that thing if you wanted to ring but with us it could go Ping The thing that goes Ping The bells in the tower can chime on the hour with us They can go ding, ding, ding me Try again If it goes wrong in the middle of a song with us they go ding dong, ding dong ding dong If he wants things thing If you want the best e You have to agree.
You're going to me, Angie, The thing that goes ping with me can go Oh, home hung Pim pom e o Sing sing I can sing I can sing Sing I can sing They can sing Psyllium sing, sing, sing, sing weakens I am a cake and sing Oh, hey, Leo Cat Someone way Hey, stop!
You're going to me, Angie, The thing that goes ping with me can go Oh, home hung Pim pom e o Sing Sing I can sing I can sing I can sing They can sing Psyllium sing, sing, sing, sing, sing weakens I am a cake and sing Oh, hey, Leo Cat Someone way Hey, stop
Sorry, e Someone sweep the stage sneer.
ごめんね、E 誰かがステージを掃除してくれた。
Oh, yeah, No!
Start again.
Oh, Oh Mm mm Oh Ooh!
Oh, no, no, no.
Oh, Moon my oh, my No way way We'll soon sort this out.
I just popped in Ooh mm.
Spoon a spoon.
Alfa blocks quick.
Much O e mm E way with e the station mhm above Mhm e Need you like a hiccup?
Much O e mm E way with e the station mhm above Mhm e Need you like a hiccup?
Needs a hick like a clock Needs a tic tac tic.
Stick by me and pick me.
Please be quick.
Oh, Kochi Tote.
I need you like a shoe.
Lace needs a shoe like a train.
Needs a track like a duck needs a back.
I need you like a king needs a queen.
王が王妃を必要とするように 私はあなたが必要なのです
I'm queuing up to be seen with you.
I'm for another quiz.
I'm quivering and quaking Feeling crazy Even if the questions are quite easy.
震えて震えて 気が狂いそうになる 質問が簡単なのに
I'm so quiet without you near me, no one could ever hear me.
Oh, what does a duck with the hiccups side quick e need you like a hiccup Needs a hick like a clock needs a tick tock Tick stick by may m pygmy play Be quick, e This is really a Nqakula need you like a shoe lace needs a shoe train needs and track like a dog needs a I need you back again Needs any way you end up to be seen with e feeling Even if questions are easy and quiet without you near me no one can ever hear me What times a duck Wake up that quack of dawn e Need you like a cup, Nita?
Oh, what does a duck with the hiccup side quick e need you like a hiccup Needs a hick like a clock needs a tick tock tick stick by may m pygmy play be quick.これは本当にNqakulaは靴のレースのようにあなたを必要としています 靴の列車のニーズと犬のようなトラックを必要としています 私はあなたが再び必要としている必要があります どのような方法であなた