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  • How much would you spend on a controller?


  • 50 60 bucks?

    50 60ドル?

  • What about $200?


  • The scuff vantage controller is packed full of features, back paddles, side buttons and tons of customization.


  • But all of those features don't come cheap.


  • But what about something cheaper?


  • More like $25.


  • The easy SMS controller is just that.


  • It's a cheap bailed with no fancy features.


  • I tried both of these controllers to find out if the scuff vantage is really eight times better than the Easy S M X.

    スカッフバンテージは本当にイージーS M Xの8倍の性能なのか、両方のコントローラーを試してみました。

  • So right off the bat, it feels a lot better than I expected.


  • It has a decent way to it, which will only get a little bit heavier when there are actually batteries installed.


  • It feels a little bit smaller than I'd like.


  • So this controller, it is wireless, but it doesn't use Bluetooth.


  • The dangles honestly, bigger than I was expecting.


  • It wouldn't matter if it was plugged in like a desktop PC, but on a laptop they might look pretty silly.


  • So next up is the scuff vantage controller.


  • It's a super large box.


  • I mean, compared to the easy s M X box, the difference is pretty substantial, So this controller has a ton of features.

    つまり、簡単なsのM Xの箱と比較すると、かなりの差があるので、このコントローラは機能のトンを持っています。

  • Some of those extras include these four bottom paddles you can see down here as well as thes side sacks.


  • Buttons.


  • This one feels way sturdier than the Easy S M X.

    イージーS M Xよりもこちらの方が頑丈に感じます。

  • That one almost felt hollow.


  • This feels like there is some weight to it.


  • You can't really take this controller in.


  • It's first iteration, because you can change a lot of this out to exactly what you want it to be.


  • It can work over either Bluetooth or, if you want, the lowest Leighton see possible with this controller.


  • You do have the option to use a wired connection.


  • I do like that.


  • It's an internal battery you don't have to worry about always having double A's or switching up double A's.


  • But there's actually a lot more included in this box, so you have different thumb sticks.


  • You also have longer triggers.


  • You could easily swap these in.


  • We're gonna test both these controllers out to see how the $200 scuffed vantage compares to the $25 easy S M X wireless controller.

    200ドルのVantageが25ドルのS M Xワイヤレスコントローラと比較して、どのように比較されるかを確認するために、両方のコントローラをテストしてみましょう。

  • So after using these controllers for a while, I got a pretty good idea about how they compared.


  • And honestly, the results surprised me.


  • This controller is really good, but it's not perfect.


  • And I almost expected to be at this price point.


  • I really loved the customization of this controller.


  • You have so many options.


  • And it was a lot of fun trying out each of the different control sticks and just seeing what I could do for each game insecure.


  • Oh, for example, I tried to remap things like one of the bottom paddles to using an item so I could easily heal while still controlling the camera with my right thumb.


  • But it still didn't feel super necessary when I was playing the game.


  • Normally with the Easy S M X, for example, I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything.

    普段はイージーSのM Xなどでは、何か物足りなさを感じることはありませんでしたが、今回のイージーSのM Xでは、そのようなことはありませんでした。

  • And the innermost paddles are actually really difficult depressed, and I didn't end up using them at all.


  • But with all of these added features, I'm still not sure if it's worth $200.


  • So now on to the cheaper controller, the Easy S M X, it feels like it's worth $25 but not much more.

    だから今では安いコントローラー、簡単なS M Xに、それは25ドルの価値があるように感じますが、あまり多くはありません。

  • The easy SMS controller gets the job done with literally no bells or whistles at all.

    容易な SMS のコントローラーは文字通り鐘かホイッスル無しで終る仕事を全く得ます。

  • This controller does feel kind of cheap, like it would probably break if you dropped it.


  • I don't think it would survive as long as the scuff would, but you kind of get used to that.


  • At least I did after half an hour to an hour of using it.


  • Although I will say that for a little less money.


  • If you don't need wireless, you're almost better off going with the wired option of this controller because you don't have this giant battery pack.


  • I can ignore it a little bit, but every so often, if I adjust my grip, you could just kind of feel it between your fingers.


  • But this is only part of the picture.


  • There are a lot of game genres that I just don't play.


  • So I asked two of my co workers to check these out.


  • So yeah, when I first picked up the Easy S M X clearly was an Xbox 3 60 knockoff.

    そうそう、私が最初にイージーS M Xを拾ったとき、明らかにXbox 3 60のノックオフだった。

  • Even within that doesn't have all the features of an Xbox 3 60 controller.

    その中でも、Xbox 3 60 コントローラーのすべての機能を持っていません。

  • It doesn't have the headphone jack.


  • It's still relies on double A batteries, and you need a wireless dongle to pair it.


  • I just want to point out for the sake of it, I think this controller actually has a better D pad than the original Xbox 3 61 because that was terrible and they should still be ashamed for the sake of accessibility.

    私はちょうどそれのために指摘したいのですが、私はそれが酷かったので、このコントローラは、実際にはオリジナルのXbox 3 61よりも優れたDパッドを持っていると思いますし、彼らはまだアクセシビリティのために恥じるべきである。

  • It's good that the stuff has all these modular options, but I don't know that the average person would be able to make use of all the different settings that there are.


  • I like using it for Apex legends, but it has, like these huge other problems where, for instance, aiming is floatie and inconsistent, and that's kind of something huge.


  • If you're playing a first person shooter, it's hard to understand the value of the stuff controller at $200.


  • If they both work, there is essentially no way that one is going to be eight times more valuable because they're accomplishing mostly the same things in general.


  • I didn't have any issues with the stuff, but I will say occasionally when I was switching out the thumb sticks, if I didn't press down one of them all the way, it would almost stick and it wouldn't pop back into place like that.


  • It's something like this is really not something you want to see on a $200 controller.


  • There were also little things like changing out the triggers.


  • You almost feel like you're going to break something when you're spending so much money on a controller.


  • I would be apprehensive to just yank these off all the time and switch them out.


  • I should note there were some firmware issues with the scuff vantage that was reported at launch.


  • But most of that seems to have been fixed in a firmware update released a couple months ago in terms of connectivity, and they both paired easily and there wasn't any noticeable Leighton see or lag.


  • I think the buttons on the easiest Mex controller are fine, but not very good, and it feels like the triggers have a lot of distance to travel before they're actually pressed down.


  • Also, l one and are one are super clicky.

    また、L oneとare oneは超クリッキーです。

  • The Easy S M X controller has really smooth thumb sticks, and it's a very stark contrast between the scuff vantage controller, which has extremely grippy thumb sticks.

    Easy S M Xコントローラは、親指のスティックが非常に滑らかで、非常にグリップ力のある親指のスティックを持つscuff vantageコントローラとのコントラストが非常に美しいです。

  • The D pad on the scuff vantage controller feels way better than the Easy S M X.

    スカスカのコントローラーのDパッドは、Easy S M Xよりも良い感じがします。

  • In terms of unique or standout features, the easiest MX doesn't really have any.


  • It's got a turbo button that says one different feature.


  • The scuff, on the other hand, is all about the customization.


  • You could spend more time customizing this controller than playing games with it.


  • But all of this customization and all these unique features are only useful if you will actually use them for context.


  • I bought my PS four for $200.


  • It seems kind of hard to justify a controller when you could spend the same amount of money and get an entire console that also comes with a controller.


  • If you pick up one and then you pick up the other, you can tell that there's a huge difference in quality and the Easy S M X feels a lot cheaper.

    片方を手に取ってもう片方を手に取ってみると、品質に大きな差があることが分かりますし、イージーS M Xの方がかなり安く感じます。

  • But if you play with one of them for a little while, that kind of goes away.


  • So without considering the price, the scuff wins.


  • Hands down.


  • But if I was shopping for a controller, I picked the easy S M X, not the scuff.

    でもコントローラーを買うならスカッフじゃなくてイージーS M Xを選んだ。

  • Do you remember when Homer made a car homer made a car on The Simpsons, and it just had, like, everything like it just had, like, a bunch of nonsense.


  • And it was more or less just like a bunch of innovation for the sake of innovation, but wasn't very good at being a car.


  • I feel like the vantage is that.


How much would you spend on a controller?


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