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So exactly, how does a lack of sleep impact our emotional brain?
Why does that lack of sleep make us so emotionally irrational and hyper-reactive?
なぜその睡眠不足が私たちを感情的に非合理的で過敏なのか? [科学と一緒に眠る]
Well, several years ago, we conducted a brain imaging study.
And we took a group of healthy adults.
And we either gave them a full night of sleep or we sleep-deprived them.
And then the next day, we placed them inside an MRI scanner, and we looked at how their emotional brain was reacting.
And we focused on one structure in particular, it's called the amygdala.
And the amygdala is one of the centerpiece regions for the generation of strong emotional reactions, including negative emotional reactions.
そして、扁桃体はその中心的な領域の一つです。強い感情の発生のために 否定的な感情反応を含む。
Now when we looked at those people who had a full night of sleep, what we saw was a nice, appropriate, moderate degree of reactivity from the amygdala.
さて、一晩中寝ていた人たちを見てみるとほどほどに 扁桃体からの反応性の
It wasn't as though there was no response at all, but it was an appropriate response.
Yet in those people who were sleep-deprived, that deep emotional brain center was in fact, hyperactive.
Indeed, the amygdala was almost 60 percent more responsive under conditions of a lack of sleep.
But why was that the case?
And what we went on to discover, is that there's another brain region that's involved.
This brain region is called the prefrontal cortex, and it sits directly above your eyes.
And you can think of the prefrontal cortex almost like the CEO of your brain.
It's very good at making high-level, executive, top-down control decisions and reactions.
In fact, it's one of the most evolved regions of our brain.
And one of the parts of the brain that it controls is this deep emotional center, the amygdala.
Now in those people who had a full night of sleep, there was a nice, strong communication and connection between the prefrontal cortex, regulating that deep emotional brain center.
さて、一晩中寝ていた人たちの中にはそこには、素敵な、強いコミュニケーションとつながりがありました。 前頭前野の間にある その深い感情の脳の中心を調整しています。
But in those people who were sleep-deprived, that communication, that connection between the prefrontal cortex and that deep amygdala emotional brain center had essentially been severed.
しかし、睡眠不足の人たちの中にはそのコミュニケーション、前頭前野とのつながり そして、その深い扁桃体の感情の脳の中心は 本質的に切断されていました。
And as a consequence, the amygdala was responding far more reactively due to a lack of sleep.
そして結果として扁桃体ははるかに反応的に反応していた 睡眠不足のため
It's almost as though without sleep we become all emotional accelerator pedal, and too little regulatory control brake.
眠らずにはいられない私たちは、すべての感情的なアクセルペダルになります。 と規制規制ブレーキが少なすぎる。
And that seems to be the reason that we become so unbuckled in terms of our emotional integrity when we haven't been sleeping well.
そして、それが原因のようです。私たちの感情的な完全性という意味では よく眠れていない時に
So that's the bad that can happen if I take sleep away from you.
But it turns out that there's something good that happens when you get your sleep back.
しかし、それが判明したのは縁がある 眠りを取り戻したら
And sleep, particularly rapid eye movement sleep, actually offers a form of emotional first aid.
Because it's during sleep at night that we take these difficult emotional experiences that we've been having during the day,
and that sleep acts almost like a nocturnal soothing balm, taking the sharp edges off those difficult experiences.
私たちは、これらの困難な感情的な経験を日中にあったことを そして、その睡眠はほとんど夜行性のなだめるバームのような働きをします。 困難な経験から鋭利なエッジを取る。
And so perhaps it's not time that heals all wounds, it's time during sleep that provides that form of emotional convalescence.
全ての傷を癒すのは 時間ではないのかもしれない睡眠中の時間は、感情の回復の形を提供してくれます。
So that when we come back the next day, we're able to cope with those emotional memories.