字幕表 動画を再生する
(lobster sighing)
- I don't know what to do.
- どうすればいいのかわからない。
It's so nice out.
Should I go on a nature hike or eat
and play at a backyard barbecue?
- Oh Elmo knows how to decide.
- エルモは決め方を知っている
- [Both] You do?
- そうなのか?
- Well maybe, we can decide with a rap battle!
- まあ、ラップバトルで決めるのもありかもしれませんね!
(exciting music)
- Hey why didn't I think of that?
- 何で思いつかなかったんだ?
Let's me, (hiccups) hey Elmo and Abby.
Let's me, (hiccup) hey Elmo and Abby.
Why don't you introduce everyone?
- Really?
- そうなんですか?
Okay, telling us everything to like
when you go on a hike, it's hiking boot.
- Everyone would want to take a hike after my rap.
- 誰もが私のラップの後にハイキングをしたいと思うだろう。
- And to tell us everything to do
- そして、私たちにすべてを伝えるために
at a backyard barbecue, it's Hamburger.
- Fire up the grill, it's party time.
- グリルに火をつけて、それはパーティーの時間です。
- Come on, let's take a hike with hiking boot.
- さあ、ハイキングブーツを履いてハイキングに出かけよう。
(crowd cheering) (upbeat music)
♪ Yo yo, put on my sunglasses ♪
♪ Put on my shirt going on a nature hike ♪
♪ Time to play in the dirt ♪
♪ See the bugs and caterpillars crawling around ♪
♪ And you can listen with your ears ♪
♪ And you can listen with your ears ♪
♪ You can hear the sounds ♪
♪ Put on some sunscreen to protect your skin ♪
♪ And watch all the trees blow in the wind ♪
♪ And if you feel sad our you feel stressed ♪
♪ And if you feel sad our feel you feel stressed ♪
♪ Take a deep breath, smell the air is fresh ♪
"深呼吸して 匂いを嗅いで" "新鮮な空気を
♪ Drink lots and lots of water, please don't forget ♪
♪ you don't have to walk alone ♪
♪ you don't have to walk alone ♪
♪ You can take your pet ♪
♪ And if you get tired it's no surprise ♪
♪ Because going for a hike is good exercise ♪
♪ Work it out now, if you like in the city ♪
"今すぐ仕事をしよう" "街の中で好きなら
♪ Or you live in a town, just go for a hike ♪
♪ And move your body around ♪
♪ Get right, and take a hike, yeah ♪
♪ Get right, and take a hike, yeah ♪
(crowd cheering and applauding)
- Nature hike sound amazing.
- ネイチャーハイクの音がすごい。
- Oh, don't pick yet, DJ Lobster.
- ああ、まだ選ぶなよ、DJロブスター。
Let's hear from Hamburger.
That's your cue, tell us about backyard barbecue.
(crowd cheering and applauding)
♪ Let's have fun, let's make a meal ♪
♪ Let's get some food put it on a grill ♪
♪ Let's get some food put it on a grill ♪
♪ You can make a cheeseburger, Oh, it's not a joke ♪
"チーズバーガーが作れるわ" "冗談じゃないわ
♪ Or put your chip in a dip made of artichokes ♪
♪ Or put your chip in a dip made of artichokes ♪
♪ We can play freeze tag or some hopscotch ♪
"フリーズ鬼ごっことか ホップスコッチとか
♪ Have a race with your friends use a stop watch ♪
"お友達とレースをしよう" "ストップウォッチを使おう
♪ and if it's real hot you can go swimming in the pool ♪
♪ But keep an umbrella so you can stay cool ♪
♪ Whoa whoa whoa ♪
♪ Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ♪
♪ We're gonna have a blast ♪
♪ We're gonna have a blast ♪
♪ Whoa whoa whoa let's make a big splash ♪
♪ Whoa whoa whoa whoa let's make a big splash ♪
♪ Whoa whoa whoa ♪
♪ Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa ♪
♪ Give your parents a call ♪
♪ To put up the net and play some volleyball ♪
♪ Have a slice of watermelon if you want dessert ♪
♪ And when the night comes you can see the fireworks ♪
♪ But no matter where you go, no matter what you doing ♪
♪ But no matter where you go, no matter what you doing ♪
♪ Everything's better when you're backyard barbecuing ♪
"裏庭でバーベキューをしていれば 何でも美味しくなる
(crowd cheering and applauding)
- Okay, DJ Lobster, are you going to take a nature hike
- さて、DJロブスター、あなたは自然のハイキングに行くつもりですか?
or have a backyard barbecue?
- I think it's time for a backyard barbecue.
- そろそろバックヤードでバーベキューをする時期だと思います。
(crowd cheering and applauding)
- Yeah.
- そうだな
- Yeah.
- そうだな
- Looks like I'm getting the boot.
- ブートを手に入れたようだ
- No way, there's enough food and fun for every one.
- まさか、一人一人に十分な食事と楽しみがある。
Come on.
(crowd cheering and applauding)