字幕表 動画を再生する
Okay, so as I told you guys previously,
Okay, so as I told you guys previously, 前回お伝えした通り!
I am getting my hair cut and colored in NY.
I am getting my hair cut and colored in NY. ニューヨークでカット&カラーをします!
It's #574 :)
Alright, let's go! We're going to be late!
Alright, let's go! We're going to be late! では、行きましょう!遅れちゃう!
So I found this salon online.
So I found this salon online こちらのサロンはネットで見つけました。
I called a few different places
I called a few different places いくつかのサロンに電話してみたのですが
I think they do well with color
I think they do well with color カラーは得意らしく
and they seemed very popular though the reviews so...
and they seemed very popular through the reviews so... レビューを見てたら人気そうだったので。
We will see! I'm excited!
We will see! I'm excited! どうなるでしょう??わくわく!
I have an appointment at 7:30.
I have an appointment at 7:30. 7時半に予約してます。
Okey, what was your name?
Okay, what was your name? お名前は?
Do you want to follow me over here? こちらにどうぞ。
Do you want to follow me over here?
Hi, I'm Amanda. Nice to meet you! こんにちは。アマンダです!初めまして!
Hi! I'm Amanda. Nice to meet you!
Have a seat, here. どうぞ、こちらに座ってください。
Have a seat, here.
I'm not sure if the receptionist told you 受付の方からお聞きしましたか、
I'm not sure if the receptionist told you
that I was going to be video taping 動画を撮ること? (今時 video tapingとは言わないね 笑 filmingかな?)
that I was going to be video taping (filming).
Don't zoom in on my face or anything. 顔にズームしたりしないでね。
Don't zoom in on my face or anything.
Because I don't really look good today. 今日はあまり綺麗じゃないから。
Because I don't really look good today.
You look fine! You look perfect! 全然大丈夫ですよ!完璧ですよ!
You look fine! You look perfect!
Anyway, lovely to meet you. とにかく、お会いできて嬉しいです。
Anyway, lovely to meet you.
Nice to meet you. こちらこそ。
Nice to meet you.
What are you doing? Balayage? 何をする?バレアージュ?
What are you doing? Balayage?
Yes, I have a few pictures. はい。いくつか写真があります。
Yes, I have a few pictures.
That's kind of what I was thinking. こんな感じで思ってたんですけど。
That's kind of what I was thinking.
I'm not quite sure what's possible with 実際可能かどうかわからなくて
I'm not quite sure what's possible with
the cut that I have now. 私の今のカットで。
the cut that I have now.
Do you want to do a single process on the roots? 根元はシングルカラー(一度塗り)で染める?
Do you want to do a single process on the roots?
Do you have any idea what you want to do with the roots? 根元をどうしたいとかある?
Do you have any idea what you want to do with the roots?
Because right here, you have some grey. ここに少し白髪があるからね。
Because right here, you have some grey.
If it bothers you or not. 気になれば...
If it bothers you or not.
Maybe it doesn't, I don't know. もしかしたら気にならないかも?どう?
Maybe it doesn't, I don't know.
It does. It definitely does. 気になる。確実に気になりますw
It does. It definitely does.
So that's a separate service to the balayage. それはバレアージュとは別のサービスになります。
So that's a separate service to the balayage.
so the single process is an extra 90 or so. シングルカラーは$90ぐらい。
so the single process is an extra 90 or so.
If that's okay? もしよければ。
If that's okay?
and how much is the balayage? バレアージュはいくらですか?
and how much is the balayage?
If you're doing the full head, it's 170. 髪全体をやるなら$170.
If you're doing the full head, it's 170.
Okay, that's fine. それで大丈夫です。
Okay, that's fine.
I would do it maybe even slightly darker 今より少し暗めにしてもいいかも。
I would do it maybe even slightly darker than what you have here.
than what you have here. 今より少し暗めにしてもいいかも。
Just to give it more depth.
Just to give it more depth. もっと奥行きを出すために。
and also, I actually was blonde a little while ago.
and also, I actually was blonde a little while ago. あと、少し前に金髪だったので
So this whole part is bleached.
So this whole part is bleached. この部分は全部ブリーチされてます。
You probably can tell by looking at it.
You probably can tell by looking at it. 見れば多分わかりますよね?
It feels a little bit kind of sensitized, yeah.
It feels a little bit kind of sensitized, yeah. うん、少し繊細になってるわね。
a little bit porous.
a little bit porous. ちょっとスカスカな感じね。
and to protect your hair
and to protect your hair 髪の毛を守るために
I would recommend doing Olaplex.
I would recommend doing Olaplex. オラプレックスをおすすめするわ。
Do you know what Olaplex is?
Do you know what Olaplex is? オラプレックスってわかる?
Okay, so it's a three-step treatment.
Okay, so it's a three-step treatment. 3段階のトリートメントで (step 3は自宅でやるトリートメントでした)
and you'd recommend that?
and you'd recommend that? それがおすすめですか?
I would recommend that, yes.
I would recommend that, yes. はい、それがおすすめ。
and then we'll get a nicer lift
and then we'll get a nicer lift そうすればより色が浮くし
because you want it quite bright.
because you want it quite bright. 結構明るいのがいいのよね?
Do you think that's too bright?
Do you think that's too bright? 明るすぎると思います?
No, I think it'll look great.
No, I think it'll look great. ううん、とてもいいと思うわ。
That's what I don't want it to look like.
That's what I don't want it to look like. こうはなりたくないんです。
Looks very similar, but..
Looks very similar, but.. 似てるんですけど...
Why do you not like that one?
Why do you not like that one? それの何が嫌い?
It looks a little too yellow.
It looks a little too yellow. 黄色っぽすぎる気がして。
Brassy, yeah.
Brassy, yeah. ブラス(黄銅)っぽい感じね。
and I'm also wanting a cut.
and I'm also wanting a cut. あと、カットもしたいんですが。
Not anything too drastic, but
Not anything too drastic, but そんなに変えなくて大丈夫です。
my bangs are getting in the way.
my bangs are getting in the way. ただ、前髪が邪魔になってて。
Your length...
Your length... 長さは...
How do you feel about your length, right now?
How do you feel about your length, right now? 今の長さはどう感じてる?
I'm trying to grow out my hair.
I'm trying to grow out my hair. 伸ばそうとしてるので
So I don't want to cut it too much,
So I don't want to cut it too much, あまり切りたくないです。
but it's getting a little... kind of annoying in the back.
but it's getting a little... kind of annoying in the back. でも、後ろが少しうっとうしくなってて。
Can I just introduce you really quick?
Can I just introduce you really quick? 簡単にご紹介してもいいですか?
This is Amanda!
This is Amanda! アマンダさんです!
and she's going to be doing my hair today.
and she's going to be doing my hair today. 今日は彼女が私の髪の毛を担当してくれます!
I'm so excited!
I'm so excited! 楽しみ!
So I have an Instagram page
So I have an Instagram page インスタグラムのページがあるんだけど
and it's amanda_does_my_hair [ amand_does_my_hair ]
and it's amanda_does_my_hair 「amand_does_my_hair 」
and there's an underscore between each word.
and there's an underscore between each word. 言葉の間にアンダースコアがあります。
I'm going to look at it right now, actually.
I'm going to look at it right now, actually. 今見ようっと。
I actually specialize in balayage.
I actually specialize in balayage. 私、実はバレアージュ専門なの。
This is what I specialize in.
This is what I specialize in. これの専門なのよ。
I came to the right person.
I came to the right person. じゃ、見つけるべき人を見つけたってことですね。
Have you been in New York for a long time?
Have you been in New York for a long time? ニューヨークは長いんですか?
I've been in New York for 3 years now.
I've been in New York for 3 years now. ニューヨークは3年経つわ。
Where were you before New York?
Where were you before New York? ニューヨークの前はどちらに?
I lived in Australia before here and...
I lived in Australia before here and... その前はオーストラリアに住んでたの。
for 8 years.
for 8 years. 8年間。
and I'm here for 3
and I'm here for 3 そしてこっちが3年。
but I'm originally from Ireland. From Dublin.
but I'm originally from Ireland. From Dublin. でも、出身はアイルランド。ダブリンなの。
We just did the first step
We just did the first step 今、ファーストステップが終わりました。
which is to single process
which is to single process シングルカラーですね。
where we color her roots a little big darker
where we color her roots a little big darker 彼女の根元を少し暗めにします。
to create more of a contrast
to create more of a contrast もっとコンタラストを作るために
and also just to cover just one or two greys.
and also just to cover just one or two greys. あと、1, 2本ある白髪をカバーするためにね。
Don't tell people!
Don't tell people! 言わないで!
Balayage is actually the French word for "sweep"
Balayage is actually the French word for "sweep" バレアージュは、フランス語で「掃く」と言う意味なの。
Those sun-kissed baby lights around the face
Those sun-kissed baby lights around the face 顔まわりに太陽で少し焼けた感じの髪を
It gets a little bit lighter towards the ends of the hair.
It gets a little bit lighter towards the ends of the hair. そして毛先に向けてより明るくなる。
It's the latest trend.
It's the latest trend. 最新の流行りよ。
It's literally taking the hair dressing world by storm.
It's literally taking the hair dressing world by storm. 冗談ぬき、今美容業界を風靡してるわ。
So we're just taking pieces now
So we're just taking pieces now 次は髪の毛を細かく別けながら
and just individually painting pieces like this.
and just individually painting pieces like this. 束ごとにブリーチを塗る(掃くように)
in more of a "V" shape.
in more of a "V" shape. Vの形に。
so it's gradually blending towards the ends of the hair.
so it's gradually blending towards the ends of the hair. 毛先に向けて徐々に馴染む感じで。
The good thing about balayage as well
The good thing about balayage as well バレアージュのいいところは
it's very low-maintenance.
it's very low-maintenance. メンテナンスがあまり掛からないこと。
because the whole point is, you have a regrowth.
because the whole point is, you have a regrowth. 根元が生えているスタイルだから。
You have a root, you know?
You have a root, you know? 根元が暗くていいの。わかる?
There's a lot going on, right?
There's a lot going on, right? 大掛かりよね?
Oh wow! It looks beautiful!
Oh wow! It looks beautiful! わ!綺麗!
Really? Excited!
Really? Excited! 本当に?わくわく!
We're going to take you over to the sink in just a moment.
We're going to take you over to the sink 間も無くシャンプー台で流しますね。
and get you rinsed.
in just a moment. 間も無くシャンプー台で流しますね。
Let's go!
and get you rinsed. 間も無くシャンプー台で流しますね。
Just take a seat down here.
Let's go! 行きましょう!
I'm just going to get some gloves.
Just take a seat down here. こちらにお座りください。
How's the temperature?
I'm just going to get some gloves. 手袋をとってくるわ。
Could be a little warmer.
How's the temperature? 温度はどう?
Oh, wow! It's looking good!
Could be a little warmer. もう少し温かくてもいいかも。
I'm going to use this blue shampoo.
Oh, wow! It's looking good! わ!いい感じ!
and that's what's going to help tone the hair too.
I'm going to use this blue shampoo. こちらの青いシャンプーを使います。
and it gets rid of that brassy look.
and that's what's going to help tone the hair too. 髪の毛にトーンをつけるのにも役立つの。 (少し色を調整する)
Looks incredible.
and it gets rid of that brassy look. あの黄色っぽさもなくなるわ。
I'm excited to see it!
Looks incredible. 本当に素敵。
So, let's go over. I'm going to give you a new cape.
I'm excited to see it! 早く見たい!
I'm just going to blow dry a section in the front
So, let's go over. I'm going to give you a new cape. じゃ、戻りましょう。新しいケープを渡します。
just to make sure you like the color
I'm just going to blow dry a section in the front 前の方だけ少し乾かしますね。
and that you're happy with it.
just to make sure you like the color この色でいいか確認するために。
A little bang trim, yeah?
and that you're happy with it. 満足してるかどうかね。
Do you want me to just texturize it a little?
A little bang trim, yeah? すこし前髪を切る?
Thin it out a little?
Do you want me to just texturize it a little? ちょっと段差を入れて、
Looks cool!
Thin it out a little? すく感じ?
You like it? Are you happy?
Looks cool! いい!
Yeah, I like it.
You like it? Are you happy? 気に入った?ハッピー?
Looks good!
Yeah, I like it. うん、気に入りました。
Looks very cute!
Looks good! いいわね!
I love your hair!
Looks very cute! とても可愛い!
Alright! So you did full balayge,
I love your hair! あなたの髪の毛もすごく素敵!
single process, bang trim, and the Olaplex, right?
Alright! So you did full balayge, では、フル・バレアージュと
What's the damage?
single process, bang trim, and the Olaplex, right? シングルカラー、前髪のカットとオラプレックス
So it is $346.08.
What's the damage? ダメージは? (高額が想定される時に使うフレーズ)
Would you like a copy of the receipt?
So it is $346.08.
Yes, please.
Would you like a copy of the receipt? レシートは必要ですか?
Alright, just sign that one for me.
Yes, please. はい、お願いします。
and there you go!
Alright, just sign that one for me. では、そちらにサインをお願いします。
Oh, is there a place for the tip?
and there you go! 完了です!
The tip is cash only.
Oh, is there a place for the tip? チップを書く欄は?
Perfect! Thank you! I'll give that to her for you.
The tip is cash only. チップは現金のみなんです。
Had a great time! Thank you!
Alright guys! I hope you enjoyed that!
Perfect! Thank you! I'll give that to her for you. 完璧。ありがとうございます。渡しておきます。
See you guys later!
Had a great time! Thank you! 楽しかった!ありがたおう!
Take care! Bye!
Alright guys! I hope you enjoyed that! みなさん、楽しんでもらえましたか?