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  • a legal blow to uber and Lyft, A California appeals court unanimously ruled Thursday that the right hailing companies must reclassify their drivers in the state as employees.

    uberとLyftへの法的打撃, カリフォルニア州の控訴裁判所は木曜日に全会一致で、右雹の会社が従業員として状態で彼らのドライバーを再分類しなければならないことを裁定した.

  • It all began in May.


  • That's when California sued the two companies for not complying with a state law that aims to reclassify at based workers as employees who are entitled to benefits such as unemployment insurance and the minimum wage.


  • A California judge in August ordered the companies to reclassify their drivers as employees.


  • Uber and Lyft filed an appeal threatening to leave the state.


  • The appeals court judges ruled ubers and lifts misclassification irreparably harmed drivers because they missed out on employee benefits as independent contractors.


  • Lyft and Uber said they were considering all legal options, including an appeal.


  • The court ruling will not go into effect before a November 3rd company sponsored ballot initiative that will let voters decide the future status of gig workers.


  • Still, the decision narrows the company's options should their ballot failed.


a legal blow to uber and Lyft, A California appeals court unanimously ruled Thursday that the right hailing companies must reclassify their drivers in the state as employees.

uberとLyftへの法的打撃, カリフォルニア州の控訴裁判所は木曜日に全会一致で、右雹の会社が従業員として状態で彼らのドライバーを再分類しなければならないことを裁定した.

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