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  • dozens of cafes, pubs and restaurants, as well as several councils have stepped in to offer free school meals for Children in England during half term after the government refused to fund them.


  • The footballer, Marcus Rushford, who's campaigned on the issue, says he will continue to press the government to change its mind.


  • Andi Offer Free Meals During School Holidays Here's our education correspondent Elaine Dunkley, in towns, villages and cities across the country.

    アンディは、学校の休日に無料の食事を提供しています 全国の市町村や都市で、教育特派員のエレイン・ダンクリーを紹介します。

  • Cafes, restaurants and pubs.


  • Volunteering to feed the most vulnerable Children, this cafe is offering a free hot meal to Children who need it during the half term holiday.


  • I think I have to do my bit for community on.


  • We got customers coming in giving us, um supermarket voucher Thio use for for next week.


  • We had a customer who came and paid for food without taking it and said, You can use the money for next week.


  • Marcus Rushford hasn't been able to convince the government to extend the free school meal voucher scheme that provided food over the summer holidays, but his campaign has had a huge impact on he has this message for his critics, you know, I know for sure that Ah, lot of them speak in the way that they speaking.

    マーカス・ラッシュフォードは政府を説得できませんでした 夏休み期間中の食事を提供する無料の学校給食バウチャー制度を延長するために しかし彼のキャンペーンは大きな影響を与えました 彼の批判者にこのメッセージを伝えています あなたは知っています 私は確かに知っています 彼らの多くは彼らが話す方法で話しています

  • It's so insensitive about the issue.


  • Andi have definitely not been through it themselves.


  • And so for me, it's I'll take that all day long as long as we start to see improvements going forward for the people that are in need of it now.


  • Theo government says that it is providing an additional £63 million to local authorities to support vulnerable families.


  • And some councils have now said that they will provide food vouchers over the holidays.


  • I want my families on minimum wage.


  • They already struggled a popular street primary school in order inshore half term is about to begin on.


  • Children are being sent home with food parcels.


  • How much pressure has this pandemic put on families?


  • I'm seeing a 50% increase in the numbers of Children who are now entitled to a benefits related free school meal.


  • That means an awful lot of families that weren't asking for that or weren't entitled to it, and I'm entitled to it.


  • Those people are working before the pandemic pandemic has caused hardship on a scale that I don't think this country seen since Wharton.

    彼らはパンデミックの前に働いています パンデミックはこの国がウォートン以来とは思えない規模の苦難を引き起こしました。

  • Fantastic.


  • Kylie, like many parents, is worried her family are relying on this donation.


  • Usually that skill most of the day, so you don't have to worry about meals feeding them at home.


  • You'll have to worry about yourself.


  • It's been really hard during the lock down on skill have been fantastic.


  • It helped us with food goods.


dozens of cafes, pubs and restaurants, as well as several councils have stepped in to offer free school meals for Children in England during half term after the government refused to fund them.


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ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級 日本語 給食 食事 無料 提供 カフェ 政府

政府はそれらに資金を供給することを拒否した後、公共および協議会は、子供たちに無料の食事を提供しています - BBCニュース (Public and councils offer free meals to children after government refuses to fund them - BBC News)

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 10 月 24 日