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  • - Put your hands, paws, and claws together

    - 手と足と爪を合わせて

  • for musical guest Lil Nas X.

    ミュージカルゲストのLil Nas Xのために。

  • (applause) (upbeat music)

    (拍手) (アップビートな音楽)

  • - Ha ha ha ha, hi. (laughs)

    - ははははは、ハイ。(笑)

  • Welcome to the show, Nas.

    ショーへようこそ ナス

  • - I'm happy to be here.

    - ここに来て良かったと思っています。

  • - Yeah. (laugh)

    - そうなんですよ。(笑)

  • Oh, did Lil Nas X have a good day or a bad day?


  • Elmo would like to know.


  • - Ah, I say my day's been pretty great.

    - 今日は最高の一日だったよ

  • I mean, I'm here with you and I know you like to sing.


  • - Yeah, Elmo does.

    - ああ エルモはそうだ

  • - I do too.

    - 私もそうです。

  • I like to rap, sing, and write all kinds of music.


  • But there's one song I've always wanted to sing.


  • - Oh, well what song is that?

    - そうか......何の曲だっけ?

  • - Your song, "Elmo's Song".

    - あなたの歌「エルモの歌」。

  • - Oh, boy! (applause)

    - おーい!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(拍手)

  • - Mama Bear, some music please?

    - ママ・ベア 音楽をお願いします

  • - Yeah! (upbeat music)

    - イェーイ!(アップビートな音楽)

  • (light jazzy music)


  • This is the song la la la la

    ♪ This is the song la la la la ♪

  • Elmo's song


  • La la la la la la la la


  • Elmo's song


  • La la la la la la la la la


  • Ooh look at you

    ♪ Ooh look at you ♪

  • La la la la la la la la la


  • He loves to sing la la la la

    "彼は歌うのが大好き" "ララララ

  • Elmo's song


  • La la la la la la la la


  • Elmo's song


  • He wrote the music


  • He wrote the words


  • That's Elmo's song


  • Yeah

    ♪ Yeah ♪

  • - Elmo? - Yes, Lil Nas X?

    - エルモ?

  • - I think we should try that again.

    - もう一回やってみようかな。

  • - Okay, but this time...

    - いいけど、今回は...

  • This is the song la la la la

    ♪ This is the song la la la la ♪

  • Lil Nas X song

    ♪Lil Nas Xの歌

  • La la la la la la la la


  • Lil Nas X song

    ♪Lil Nas Xの歌

  • La la la la la la la la la


  • Hey hey

    ♪ Hey hey hey ♪

  • La la la la la la la la la


  • La la la

    ♪ La la la la ♪

  • ♪ I love to sing la la la la

    ♪ 歌うのが大好き la la la la la la ♪

  • Lil Nas X song

    ♪Lil Nas Xの歌

  • La la la la la la la la


  • Lil Nas X song

    ♪Lil Nas Xの歌

  • ♪ I love the music


  • ♪ I love the words


  • And that's Lil Nas X song. ♪


  • - Ah ha ha, thank you! (applause)

    - あはははははは、ありがとうございます(拍手)

  • Thank you everybody!


- Put your hands, paws, and claws together

- 手と足と爪を合わせて

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