字幕表 動画を再生する
come along and experience the amazingly abstract, beautifully brilliant on the creative calmness of CBB s brand new show Tick Tack.
CBBの新しいショー「Tick Tack」の創造的な静けさの中で、驚くほど抽象的で美しく鮮やかなショーを体験しに来てください。
It's a sensory sensation for the eyes and ears of your little ones that will help them to engage and relax throughout the way.
Get ready to enjoy Brand new Tick Tack weekdays at 11 35 on C.
Cの11 35でBrand new Tick Tack平日を楽しむために準備をしてください。
B s and BBC I player.
B sとBBC Iプレーヤー。