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  • lol good weather black happy new year we are plenty already is

  • early already plenty and great deal on that then and Matt not feeling well

  • restoring I have met with us today we're starting off with

  • lone survivor but and go to spread get it conflicted about it

  • yeah I'm very conflicted about lone survivor this is the

  • a story of the team Navy SEALs a

  • I'll for a former set our center behind enemy lines to

  • kill and specific

  • askin warlord with ties to al Qaeda

  • Calvin ties well ties to the Taliban and

  • that okay although the I would that their question %um yes that it done

  • but they both counts I dangers man an enemy in there when we

  • kill this guy will win the war the calm that they don't suggest that but that is

  • something to think about I

  • anyway so these four guys who were sort of the front men on this mission

  • by ago deep into the sort of the

  • the lawless part both Afghanistan

  • which much the country is I an attempt to get this done

  • and the mission does not go as planned going up and i cant use guidelines

  • teaching about well I lessons never should've lost album

  • with a small-caliber bullet moderation is for cowards I'm a lover

  • I'm a fighter

  • on the you DT Navy SEAL dive

  • p Islam mind yeah

  • this office compromise

  • cookies

  • I'll

  • in moment to post that I'm gone

  • the loss after complaints I can play

  • because being the true story of marcus luttrell

  • yeah this is his autobiography he wrote it this

  • is intent this real experience is a beautifully shot I'm really glad I went

  • thought on the big screen as opposing on-screen because it is shot just bea

  • utiful Enur

  • intimately there without wearing a shot I was very curious

  • Yahoo I'm not sure but the there's a battle sequence in the middle of this

  • film that rivals the

  • opening segment love 7 pro in the forest

  • yeah and yet and the great use a sound design

  • very much the the sound a bit the the stunt team that has a lot of falling

  • down my god I'm on

  • I'm really like I don't know how they frenchie yeah just hit the lotto whoever

  • folio book

  • gusta its it's very very like

  • if they are not hard to turn a bad way but hard to sit through an intense way

  • there's a scene where Mark Wahlberg is pulling like shrapnel in shape out of

  • his lagging

  • work I I seriously was like that's why I couldn't look at it now it was horrible

  • on great chemistry between all the stars Mark Wahlberg

  • and Taylor Kitsch pinball roster

  • and Emile Hirsch just like those tiny in the main for their

  • rightly red bandana is there to here Alexander Ludwig you have a whole bunch

  • but

  • I and it's unprecedented the big massive moment understand that the sky is

  • and that the radar but also just the banter between all done

  • establishes their chemistry and their brotherhood and a very very believable

  • them yeah I believe all that I i liked the

  • I don't even think you I i would like to have seen it at theaters well I saw

  • disc/rear

  • but just to show that that getting the grantor ovett didn't

  • dissipated at all it was released that there were moments where I I had to stop

  • them

  • like War II in half because I think yeah

  • I didn't know more of what you missed did rather walk around I'd rather

  • terrible writer I smoke that's okay though because

  • so it was very dramatic very tense on

  • had Peter Berg directed the AICTE on other the battleship also did find it

  • but now I T A

  • the is the power so the castle what's the one with

  • with Jason a get a penny no to know about that one

  • know the one like the won't know the one with the guy from

  • the I can't think about anything I'm gonna let go let the dogs out with

  • development goes into the debate is a big man cave in saudi arabia the rescue

  • somebody here

  • yeah in your application rather peter bird

  • right and anything about the kingdom which should have came and let the

  • kingdom

  • was I thought extremely good and and that

  • and maybe that extremely good but very good was released tight as I do good

  • yeah

  • and the beginning at that came to where there's like an explanation of our

  • relationship with Saudi Arabia over the last 50 years

  • is great first three-and-a-half minute history lesson the latest animation

  • yeah I love her thank you that's okay I

  • totally forgot about that thank you very much I really like but I like the cake

  • came by the way a costarring

  • Kelly Oakley continue I don't need anything at the gate yet we're talking

  • about the hour began you're very torn on this 1i I am because of a prospectus

  • movie opens with like a recruiting video for

  • the Navy SEALs who are you know along with the Rangers and

  • and many Marines a you know really

  • ilene just soldiers fight ray or great fighters and

  • loyal to each other the way so many soldiers are

  • om and I as I was watching this

  • just got this sense in this that you talk about the Brotherhood and they get

  • that they don't want to leave

  • guys behind and their commitment the as it is with

  • if you've spoken to pretty much anybody is that battle is not so much to the

  • cause

  • or defeat the enemy but it's too protect the guy there I'm

  • together so and they and they feel that here but

  • there was lot apart additionally where I felt like this was this is the excuse

  • movie

  • for what lets us send young man

  • over on a friggin pointless mission to kill a dangerous

  • Afghan Taliban member right gonna be replaced by another dangerous Afghan

  • Taliban member

  • where we run the enormous risk author killing innocents

  • in the process turning more and more people against us and

  • it just this movie enables people to be like

  • yet these guys these guys guide for something and they they die for not

  • I think that clear the diaper now don't get me wrong I think that there is a

  • I i think it's I don't I don't think it's unclear

  • but and maybe that's the whole point but I I know and we know from the

  • the guy who wrote it the XD lone survivor

  • I'll the title is a spoiler but yeah I love his work there

  • on but did like there is there is a lot of just

  • it's not at all I don't even know that I blame the moving but there is a

  • mentality in this country

  • about like these guys they keep us safe and we just say it

  • and we say it we say it was said of course we should you know

  • respect the troops in no one no one disagrees with that seemed silly

  • to say but we live in a world where

  • where he is OK to do this and we justify it without

  • ever really examining as a country what we're doing over there

  • what our goals are what we hope to accomplish but friggin

  • upside to wedding yes I and I think that movies like this

  • play into that that because they accurately sort of portray

  • that mentality and I was bothered by that but I also thought it was

  • friggin great now I love it I think it it shows the upbeat 30 what they're

  • doing in that the thing at the cluster fuck from the very beginning

  • they are training they are ready but their communication problems

  • I everything goes wrong along the way spy had counted in the lead they are

  • I would be this is it is and how a movie as you were saying in that

  • yes they are dedicated yes they they are strong

  • and and noblemen but what they're doing it for the service if not

  • in the clear because they going to get the guy that they're going out now sorry

  • spoil no I

  • yeah I totally going to happen I truly believe in this

  • thinking wow that was a really powerful anti-war movement he got these guys who

  • are their incredible soldiers right

  • the whole thing is a fiasco and everything falls apart in the worst way

  • possible

  • and many lives are lost in the pursuit not much

  • and the the bat that battles in the dark but it's so intense that it's so

  • it's so I think the remedy for movies where

  • is war is in any way glamorize worry and hear what seems like his bravery think

  • it is

  • fucking terrifying and people were dying makes you a shit is blowing up

  • and you got covered in blood covered with your falling off a cliff and I was

  • like

  • handling oh and like and you know and your communications don't work they have

  • no idea what it was we can rescue you can't rescue

  • decisions to make in a heated battle yeah you you know the the thing hinges

  • on line

  • be you know they do they kill these goatherd to encounter them in the

  • mountains

  • a min to cover their tracks were they not kill them

  • and then letting the years until later this AM too great

  • tense conversation where they at the decided what to do and then let alone

  • and then later in the film when walberg is barely alive the only reason that he

  • is survived this whole thing is because

  • um the Afghani right other doubt the Taliban guys with the other ones who

  • come in helping

  • so I thought alright so this is a movie about people put himself in a horrible

  • situation

  • where there is no kinda glorious heroism

  • to kill the people who some of whom are actually gonna be the one to save you

  • so even if Peter Berg is making this as

  • like I super gun whole recruitment movie whatever

  • whether by accident or just by sheer did that how this material plays

  • I came out over thinking this is booking POW's glory this is an anti-war there ok

  • I workout has applied for jobs bill

  • because those were to me you know the you don't know ambiguity

  • on either those movies sure those are anti-war moves on

  • which by the way people who haven't seen should should see immediately

  • on I just didn't I was they said I was conflicted I mean I get

  • both there were parts that I love that set aside interrupt that that doesn't

  • deal with that that you mention the goat herders

  • and there's a wonderful scene where these four guys have to decide whether

  • to kill these three people because they have a

  • pretty good believe that these guys are gonna go down to reveal their position

  • that they know they let him go

  • they gotta get outta there and if they get they can but I'm up to die from

  • exposure there's like it's a really tough decision-making battling you get

  • both sides that argument there and and and that's part of the war again areas

  • that you are still you

  • get sick making these decisions that sucks either way the there's no

  • roll over my conduct a life-and-death decisions that are going to be terrible

  • the matter what you choose and so that's for me that I I came away thinking well

  • this is what war is and more is of horror and not noble and

  • should be avoided at all cost and he did getting down to Peter Berg's I

  • it he dead deadly conveyed the great admiration a great the great

  • appreciation for what these guys do

  • but he also makes you walk away thinking yeah and that

  • not pure pop wildlife a look you guys i mean i i male I waited by score to work

  • that that it was a really intense movie and i'm glad that that that that

  • i'm glad that you can come away with it thinking that that makes me feel better

  • okay will do you want to give your two numbers and I can you like to have a

  • sorta I just I would get part of its mild

  • exasperation with sort of how easy it is for us to just say

  • these get men and women they protect our freedoms without ever taking that

  • even a one-set spartan what freedom is a

  • exactly protect and being able to really not just

  • emotionally but intellectually separate

  • the admiration for the bravery I don't run I'm not prepared to

  • run into battle and risk by life to save my friend bro for the agenda what send

  • them there

  • first the agenda and the shorter the real anger administration after

  • administration that sends them there

  • without a clear plan whatever without any benefit a victory in that we keep

  • buying into this sort of

  • this propaganda machine that these guys are the braves the brain and therefore

  • they're doing something of great value when what they're the great value

  • they're doing is protecting each other

  • so while having a huge admiration for them I was frustrated by PayPoint

  • I get it three-and-a-half for propaganda 8

  • for movie and I made a halo the movie was but a weighted toward the movie

  • which made me really tense with paper get a great job

  • okay not so I have a6 a.m. University and have a long tradition

  • I give a 7.3 I think there were there's a really powerful stuff in there

  • some other characters are they could have been a little more fleshed out

  • in in even though contact to the way this film is being told

  • certainly on the Afghan side I think I and given the the role they wind up

  • playing in the plot but

  • it's a between singularly intense film in and I think people to check now

  • 7.6 for me it's really really well made and a lotta shakin cam

  • in those that the big bad thing you talk so great

  • Peter Berg I amplifies that crazy making and then all the better

  • likely lead content clearly has a lot going on here that is an

  • there's now a so I'm he made a visit to a shaky cam I get away sex

  • are averaging 7.2 is at fifty-five percent

  • on the train amir is merely fashion to middle and I get everyone on the

  • propaganda

  • I don't think so I'mma let him read much about that I don't know I just a

  • at the vid just as a war movie is good yet

lol good weather black happy new year we are plenty already is


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B1 中級

ローン・サバイバー(主演:マーク・ウォールバーグ&ベン・フォスター)映画レビュー (Lone Survivor (Starring Mark Wahlberg & Ben Foster) Movie Review)

  • 352 9
    Wallace に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日