字幕表 動画を再生する
[Plain] Now that this is happening,
付き合うなら ファラとのこと教えてよ
I need to know your story with Farrah.
2年生からの友達なんだ それだけさ
Farrah and I have been friends since second grade.
ステイシー 前とは別人みたい
Nothing's happened between us.
鼻の手術のこと 知ってるわよね
Stacey, you look so different.
小さなボタンみたいで可愛いし とても自然に見えるわ
You know I got my nose done.
It's cute as a little button. And so natural.
I forgot what your old one looked like.
思い出した ここに小さなイボがあったわね
-Farrah-- -Oh, right.
- なぜ ステイシーを嫌うの? - いろいろあったのよ
It had a little bump right here.
- これって君のパパ? - 信じられない
-Why do you hate Stacey Moorehead? -I have my reasons.
パパがステイシー・ムーアヘッドの ママとイチャついてる
-[Will] Is that your dad? -[Farrah] Oh, my God.
本物の水は左側に置いて 細工済みの方は右側だ
My dad's making out with Stacey Moorehead's mom.
So our real water goes here on the left
ボランティアに 持って来させますよ
and our loaded stuff on the right.
- こんなのアリ? - 一筋縄じゃいかないのさ
Would you like a flavored water?
I can have my volunteer here grab you one.
-Is that what I think it was? -Told you she wouldn't be easy.
What are you gonna do about it?
高校生はみんな 友情は一生続くと思ってる
I guess give her a cut.
そんなはずはない 友情にだって 終わりはある
[Farrah] It's sad when you think about it,
大学に進学したら 終わることだってある
but all these people actually believe
でもほとんどは もっと早く終わる
that these friendships are gonna last forever.
些細なことが重なって ヒビが入る友情もあれば
They won't. Some have a term limit
一回の大きなトラブルで 壊れてしまう友情だってある
that expires when their friends go to college,
だから 裏切りは 問題外
-but most of these friendships won't even last that long. -Hey.
敵は裏切ったりしない 裏切るのは仲間だけだ
Some fizzle out after a bunch of little cuts,
while others die from one big gash.
味方してくれる友達は 必ず存在する
That's why betrayal hurts so much.
今日は遅いじゃない 寝坊でもしたの?
It can't come from an enemy. It can only come from a friend.
But despite all the drama, there's always that one friend
うちの両親ったら 朝からお風呂でヤってたの
who will have your back no matter what.
You weren't waiting for me. Having a rough morning?
Try gross morning.
Pretty sure my parents had morning sex,
容疑者の車を発見 車内で性行為に及んでいる模様
in the shower, before I used it.
残念ながら 職質で おあずけね
-[laughter] -Where's Plain?
Doing all kinds of everything but.
[siren wails]
Oh, we got a 624 in progress, vehicular dry humping.
[imitates radio static] I'm gonna check this out
for a potential blue-ball situation.
- 何を没収してるの? - フックのパソコンみたい
You better not be lying to me.
Open the back there, please.
ねえ 何を没収されたの?
What's in the box?
- グミよ - ただのお菓子で逮捕?
Wait, what's happening?
- マリファナ入りでしょ - いくつ持ってたの?
You're under arrest.
- 5個か6個 - それでも麻薬所持よ
-What's he taking? -Looks like Hook's laptop.
- どういう意味? - 人生終わりって...
麻薬所持で逮捕はヤバいよ 大学進学は無理かも
そもそも なんで警察が来たのよ?
What did the cops take?
-Gummies. -Candy?
だって おかしいじゃない
-Weed gummies. -How many did he have?
駐車違反でもない車の トランクを調べるなんて
-Only like five or six. -That's still possession.
ジェーンの彼氏が 逮捕されたんだよ
-What does that mean? -It means he's fu--
探偵ごっこは やめてくれない?
[feedback interrupting dialogue]
♪ In a manner of speaking ♪
大丈夫よ ジェーン
♪ I don't think we'll be speaking at all ♪
真っ先にトランクを調べるなんて おかしいわ
An arrest for possession is huge.
何が入ってたか 知ってたはずよ
What college is gonna take him now?
Did the cop give a reason as to why he came up
フックを陥れたいのは 誰?
to the car in the first place?
- やめな - ファラ?
I mean, it just doesn't make any sense.
A cop comes up to a legally parked car
and decides he needs to look in the trunk?
今朝の駐車場の件は 私とは一切関係ないって
Plain's boyfriend just got arrested.
あんたのせいって 言ったっけ?
Can you maybe cool it with the Olivia Pope imitation?
でも あなたの考えは 察しが付くわ
私のファッションを真似して ジェーンたちと仲良くしたって
It's gonna be okay, Jane.
- 私の心は読めないわ - 真似なんかじゃない
Why did the cop check the trunk?
I mean, he went there immediately.
いまどき 誰のスタイルだって同じよ
He had to know something was back there already.
- あなたは関係ないでしょ? - やめて ファラ
You think somebody narced on him?
フックが逮捕されても 私には何の利益もないわ
Can you think of someone
あら本当? フックの売店に 手を出そうとしたじゃない
with a good reason to take Hook down?
彼がいなくなって 利益を独占できるみたいだけど
[marching band plays]
ビジネスの話なんてやめてよ 私たち高校生じゃない
-Don't. -Farrah?
まだ学校も始まってないのに もう疲れちゃった
What's up?
I just wanted to let you know that I had nothing
to do with what happened in the parking lot today.
本当に私のママなの? 顔がはっきり見えないんだけど
I don't recall saying that you did.
I know, but I've been watching you,
and I know how you think.
Just because you're biting off my style
はっきり言って 見当がつかない
and chatting up the Janes doesn't mean
-you know how I think. -This isn't exactly your style.
It's a little derivative, don't you think?
Okay, aren't all styles a little derivative at this point?
浮気がバレるのだって 悲惨だけど
-I'm sorry, why are you here? -Let's just go, Farrah.
実の子からバラされるなんて 最悪じゃない
I had nothing to gain from getting Hook arrested.
Oh, nothing? You already made a play
でも あなたのママと 私のパパが浮気してるなんて
at his share of the snack bar business.
Seems like with him gone, you could have the whole till.
This isn't corporate America, Farrah.
It's high school.
音声は消して 匿名でママに動画を送る
This is a lot to handle before 8:00.
- ファラ... - そしたら 私は関係ない
I'm gonna be late for homeroom.
でも すべてが壊れちゃう
[soft scoff]
あなたは好きなように 自分のパパに言えばいい
two... one.
[Stacey] Are you sure this is my mom?
そうだけど 一緒になんとかしよう
I mean, sh-- she's not really on the screen.
わかった パパに言うわ
I saw a lot more than what's on the video.
[学校内に内通者?] [君も危ないかも?]
Just turn it off.
So... what do we do?
I honestly have no clue.
- 麻薬取締局だろ - どっちにしろ ヤバいよ
Look, I have to tell my mom.
両親が留守中 フックのおかげで ビールが手に入った
I think that you should tell your dad.
We can't be the ones to tell them.
I mean, it's one thing to get caught cheating by your spouse,
but it's so much worse if the shit storm
アメフト試合の後は グミが必需品だ
-is created by your own kids. -I know.
未成年にマリファナの処方なんて あり得ないもんな
But I can't sleep in my house with my dad at night
knowing that he's doing your mom during the day.
フックが逮捕されて 警察に監視されたら うちの高校のパーティーは終わりだ
両親のせいで 家のシャワーが使えないからよ
where does that leave us?
- ホントにヤッてたの? - 間違いないわ
It leaves me muting the audio
シャワー室の手すりや シャンプーとかを見たら
and sending it to my mom anonymously.
ママが手すりにしがみつく姿しか 思い浮かばないわ
-Farrah-- -That way, I can stay innocent in all this.
フックが釈放されたって 数時間拘束されたみたいだけど
But everything's gonna change.
そのあとは 両親と弁護士に 身柄を引き渡されたって
Look, you can tell your dad any way you want.
容疑は麻薬所持? それとも販売の方?
Whatever makes it go down easier for you.
- 所持だけだったから助かった - よかったね
This is so screwed up.
Yeah, but at least we're in this together.
Okay, I'll tell him.
就職や引っ越しのたびに 身元調査が入るんだから
[cell phone chimes]
逮捕されちゃったから 一生 身元調査されるのよ
[sighs] What the hell, Cowher?
退学にもなるから 大学進学には大きな傷が2つ
I swear, the FBI will be here tomorrow.
私だってフックは好きよ でも ギャングとは言わないけど
-No, the DEA. -Either way, I'm freaking out.
Hook supplied the kegs when my parents went to Europe.
それで私は いろんなヤツらに しつこく聞かれるのよ
I bought stuff from him a lot.
フックのパソコンに 自分の名前があったかって
I know, I'm definitely in that laptop.
そんなの 相手にすることないわ
Man, I need Hook's gummies.
フックから何か買ったヤツら もう心配いらないわ
I can't even walk after football games.
それが まだ安心できないのよ パソコンは没収されたままなの
Yeah, it's not like a doc is gonna give
a 16-year-old a weed script.
-Man. -This sucks!
内通者が潜んでるって 大騒ぎよ
With Hook gone and a narc around here,
だから 新入生と怪しいヤツらを リストにしたの
the party at Ro' High is dead.
みんなで手分けして 内通者を燻り出すわよ
Since when do you shower after gym?
麻薬の裏切りは 燻りってわけね
Since my parents sullied mine.
-It's a little over-the-top. -Mm, is it?
There's a metal bar in the bathroom that the shampoo
みんなの不安を煽って 魔女狩りさせようなんて
and stuff rest on, and now all I can picture
is my mom just gripping it tightly.
- ベーグルだよ - 別の匂いよ
Hook's home.
あら 可愛いじゃない
They just kept him for a couple of hours,
この匂いで ハンナの気を引くつもり?
and then they released him to his parents and their lawyer.
Was it possession or selling?
それともアダルト向け フェロモン香水?
-Just possession, thank God. -That's great news.
ここに来たのは 僕をいじめるため?
Then it'll probably just be a fine.
それとも 内通者の件?
Possession is still a huge deal.
内通者なんて いないわ
Every background check, every employer,
少なくとも 映画に出てくるような 内通者はいない
every time he wants to rent an apartment.
- 別の話よ - また「別の話」かよ
It stays with him forever. He got arrested.
なんでマリファナグミが そんなに大切なのよ?
And expelled, which are two huge blemishes on the college app.
みんなの気が逸れるような 投稿をしてほしいのか?
I love Hook, too, and I know he's not Narcos,
手遅れよ 話はとっくに広まった
but he is kind of a drug dealer.
Yeah, which is why I can't go two steps without some jackass
好き勝手にやれって言ったくせに 怒ってるの?
asking me if their name is on his laptop.
スローアン・デイビスの ヨガパンツでも投稿すれば?
I mean, can you blame them?
どうにかなるかもよ? その悪臭もなんとかして
Anyone who bought anything from him
should've been shitting eggrolls.
友達はみんな 俺のパソコンに 名前がないか聞いてくるし
Actually, they still should be.
They kept his laptop.
お先真っ暗だ すべて終わりだよ
Why would they keep his laptop?
酒も麻薬も終わりだ 人生メチャクチャだよ
I don't know.
メチャクチャだなんてやめて そんなの...今だけの話よ
The schools freaking out that we have a narc,
so I made a list of all the new students in school
いじめっ子に腕を折られたとき キャンディを奢ってくれたでしょ
and other narcish suspects.
パパが家出したときだって キャラメル持って来てくれた
We can split it up and weed them out.
Weed, clever.
ねえ 何してるの?
Seems like a plan.
フックに会いに来ただけ どうして?
Nice narc post.
やあ ジェーン
Way to cause mass hysteria and now a witch hunt.
ここに来るって さっきは言ってなかったから
What is that smell?
-It's an everything bagel. -No, not that.
[sniffs] Oh, so cute.
進展なしよ そっちは?
A new scent to woo Hannah?
Is it store-bought or did you order it off
one of those porn pheromone ads?
私よりずっといいじゃない 邪魔者は消えるわ
Did you come here to bust my balls
なんで警察はパソコンを 返してくれないの?
or talk about the narc situation?
There is no narc situation,
あんなパソコンからは 何も出てこないよ
at least not in a Jump Street,
学校支給のパソコンになんて 重要なデータを保存しないだろ?
Channing Tatum-pretending- to-be-a-teen kind of way.
-It's something else. -It's always something else.
OK もう行くわ バイバイ
Why would a narc go after a kid with a few gummies in his trunk?
あの目つきは 絶対に何か考えてるよ
What do you want me to do, post something shiny and diversionary
なんで警察はパソコンを 返さないわけ?
that will shift everyone's attention away from the narc?
- それに 誰が通報したの? - エロ動画で抜いてるとか?
No, it's too late. The perception's already out there.
その香水には チンコも参ってるわよ
You can't unring that bell.
パソコンが なんだって?
First you tell me to post what I want,
- 学校支給のものなのよ - それで?
and now you're pissed at me for doing it.
通報者がいなければ 警察が学校の敷地に乗り込んで
Fine, post some dumb shit about Sloan Davis's yoga pants.
生徒の車のトランクを 開けさせるはずないわ
It could help. And tone down that stench.
通報者? うちの母親のこと? 僕を利用する気か
[thunder rumbling]
My dad wants to kill me.
Every friend I have is calling
just to find out if their name is on my laptop.
できないし 嫌だからだ こんなのヒドい
"Friend" in quotes..
Yeah. I'm done. With all of it.
彼女のサッカーの試合を 応援しに行くんでしょ?
Alcohol, everything. My life is totally fubar.
靴なんか履いちゃってさ この部屋じゃ 履かないくせに
Your life is not totally fubar.
It's just... temporarily fubar.
あなたの力が必要なの 邪魔はしないから
We both know that's bullshit.
学校ではジェーンが あなたのママを見張ってるし
You brought me a sour apple Blow Pop
職員会議が終わったらすぐに 知らせてくれるわ
when Callie Jackman broke my arm in fourth grade.
君のことは一番信用してるけど 相手は僕の母親だ
You showed up at my house with salted malted caramel
校長のパソコンは このトレーラーから出さない
when you found out my dad left.
I know the kind of person you are.
あなたがクロッチだって わかった理由を教えてあげる
Hey. What are you doing here?
どうして麻薬の売人なんか 助けようとするんだよ?
Just came to see Hook. Why?
昔からの友達だし 私のせいでもあるから
Hey, babe.
彼が商売できるように 私が手を貸したの
No reason, it's just you didn't mention
車で麻薬を売るまでは 助けなかっただろ?
that you were coming over here at lunch or anything.
わかってる それでも私の仲間なの
I didn't know I was at the time.
How'd you do with your narc list?
ハッカーがここに来ると 僕たちの関係だって...バレちゃうよ
I came up empty. You?
ええ 構わない
わかった 好きにしていい
Well, you have company now.
でも ハッカーの正体を まず教えてよ
Better company than me.
So, I'll let you two get to it.
Do you have any idea why the cops
might have kept your laptop?
ピンクのパソコンを持った ただの女の子なんだから
Don't know.
じゃあ 始めましょうか
They're not gonna find anything on it anyway.
You think I'd be stupid enough to put anything important
校長のメールを 読み取れって言うの?
on a school-issued laptop?
本当に大丈夫? このせいで...
最終ログイン記録も 閲覧記録も残らない
Okay. I'm really going now.
指紋だって同じよ まるでオバケみたいにね
Bye, guys.
でも 気になるわね あなたたちが取引なんて
I've seen that look in her eyes.
えっと... あなたの目的は?カウハー
She's definitely on to something.
Why did the cops keep Hook's laptop?
中学のときから ロッカーが隣同士なのよ
-And who told them about it? -What, no masturbation joke?
だから お互い助け合ってるだけ
Even your own dick would be turned off
あっそ 少し時間がかかるわよ
by that much body spray.
ここで監視するより マシなことできるんじゃない?
Okay, what-- what about Hook's laptop?
ええ そうね
-It was school-issued. -So what?
- 女子サッカーの試合を見に行くの - そうだっけ?
So there's no way a cop pulls into a campus lot,
知らなかった? 私だって 女子チームのサポーターよ
approaches a random student's car,
行っていいよ 探し物はわかってるし
and asks to look inside the trunk
- 待って 校長はどこ? - ジェーンが見張ってる
without someone at the school knowing about it.
Someone? You mean my mom. You're here to manipulate me.
終わったら 食卓に パソコンを置いてくれ
I want to break into her e-mail.
わかった じゃあね
First of all, no.
Because you can't or because you won't?
Because I can't and I won't. This is insane.
校長が動いたら連絡して [ジェーン]
You don't even have to be here.
わかった ここでお別れね
I mean, you're on the way to the soccer game
さっきまで友達だったのに もう一緒にいたくないの?
to watch your honey play, right?
私と一緒にいたいの? じゃあどうぞ
You have shoes on.
You never wear shoes in your self-love den.
Hannah's not my honey.
なんでみんな ファラに 好き放題させてるの?
I need you to help me. No distractions.
Plain is at the school right now watching your mom so she can
信じないと思うけど ファラって性格悪くないわよ
let us know exactly when she leaves the faculty meeting.
冗談でしょ? あなたへの態度だって最低よ
Farrah, I trust you more than anyone, but this is my mother.
いいの 私は大丈夫
Her laptop never has to leave the trailer.
去年までは親友だったのに 今はあなたを敵視してる
そんなに寛大じゃないし 偉そうに歩き回ってるけど
Look, if you do this for me,
なんて言うか... 仲良しの子には優しいの
I'll tell you how I found out you're The Crotch.
まだ かばうつもり? 一体何をやらかしたの?
Why is saving a drug dealer so important to you?
Because he's an old friend, and I had a part in this.
I cleared the way for him to do what he does.
ファラ 言ったじゃない フックの邪魔はしてないって
You didn't make him sell drugs out of the back of his car.
でも 分け前を要求したじゃない
I know. But he's one of my guys.
Just like you are.
You realize if your e-mail hacker comes here,
使用料ですって わかったわ グレース
then he's gonna know that we-- that we talk.
- ファラ 待って - 何の用?
Yes, I'll deal with it.
グレースはフックの件と 一切関係ないわ
Fine. Her laptop is yours.
さっきも聞いたわ グレースに頼まれたの?
But I have to see who it is first.
それに あんたを信用しろと?
ファラ 聞いて...
She's your hacker?
信用できないし これからも信じることはない
Don't call me a hacker.
ファラ2号が待ってるわよ あっちと仲良すれば?
I'm just a chick with a pink laptop.
All right, let's see.
- こっちは最悪だったけど - わかってる ごめん
Holy shit!
You want me to break into the principal's e-mail.
こっちはママに動画を送ったのに そっちは何もしなかった
Are you sure this won't show that we--
- 約束だってわかってるけど... - もう破ったじゃない
No last login, no digital footprint,
私の人生はメチャクチャなのに そっちは全然変化なし
not even a fingerprint, kinda like a ghost.
I am curious, though, about this little arrangement.
だから 二人の姿を見て つらい思いをするのは私だけ
What's, uh-- what's in it for you, Cowher?
でも それでもいいって思ってる
No arrangement here.
裏切ったわね そんな嘘までついて
Cowher's locker's been next to mine since middle school.
そのくせ 私の同情を買おうなんて 本当に傷つくんだけど
So, this is just friends helping friends.
そんなに ムカつくなら 私の家族にも動画を送りなさいよ
All right, yeah, well, this is gonna take a while.
あなたの家族に送れって 本気で言ってるわけ?
Pretty sure you guys have something better to do
私のこと 全然わかってない
-than stare at me. -Actually, we do.
[ジェーン] 校長が会議室から出てくるわ
-We're going to the girls' soccer game. -We are?
完璧ね ありがと あとで電話するわ
Haven't you been paying attention? I support the girls' teams.
待って これでフックは助かるの?
Go, I know what I'm looking for.
-Wait, what about Principal Cowher? -Plain's tracking her.
- 大丈夫?声がなんだか... - 切るね
The kitchen door is open.
Put her laptop on the kitchen table
僕の妄想女子サッカーチームに ぜひ引き抜きたい
on the orange placemat when you're done.
って言っても冗談だよ でも キモいかな
Orange placemat. Got it. Bye-bye.
Let's go.
グラウンドにいると 落ち着いて見えるね
ここでの自分はとても好きなの うまく言えないけど
[keyboard clacking]
存在意義を感じられれば 僕だって普通の人間さ
[locker closing]
少しキモいジョークだって 全然言わないし
Hit me up the second she leaves.
-[Plain] You got it. -You're on your own.
今度 出掛けない? 僕と...一緒に
We were just friends a minute ago.
ええ いいわよ
Now I can't be seen with you?
You wanna walk in with me? Fine.
That won't send mixed signals to Hannah at all.
- 急いだ方がいいわ - もう少しなの
[music playing]
カウハーを捕まえて 戻るわ
I just don't get how everyone
ヤバい もう帰って来た 例の場所に行くから
lets her push them around like that.
早く 早く...
Look, I feel like I've known Farrah the longest
other than Hurley, and I know it sounds crazy,
アイロの妹とデートなんて どんな手を使ったの?
but she's not an awful person.
How could you of all people say that?
- みんなそうだろ - 不安症の話?
She's horrible to you.
それもあったけど どうして?
-It's fine, I can take it. -You guys were best friends
チャドウィックのデータのおかげで いろいろわかったんでしょ
like last year, and now she looks at you
like she wants to claw your eyes out.
She may not be the most forgiving person, and, yeah,
それに そっちこそ 情報をフル活用してるじゃないか
she walks around like she owns the place,
but I don't know, she's good to who she's good to,
僕よりマシだって? それともボロクソに言ってるだけ?
if that makes sense.
私があんたに嫉妬だなんて 失笑物ね
God, you still defend her. What did you do?
大ニュースよ ほら これ見て
It's complicated.
あなたのママと教育長と ケルベロスとかってヤツが
You selling any special waters?
何度もやりとりしてるの 見つけちゃった
I told you, Farrah, I was not
あの世の門番 三つの頭の犬のことだよ
and I'm still not after Hook's business.
知ってるわよ 私もギリシャ神話習ったから
Oh, yet you asked for a cut.
It's just a facility fee.
クロッチを突き止めるため ケルベロスを雇うって
I'd never actually sell the stuff myself.
それで? クロッチは見つかったの?
A facility fee. [laughs] Okay, Grace.
-Farrah, wait. -Yes?
Grace had nothing to do with the Hook thing.
「クロッチの正体は まだ掴めない
Uh, it's not enough for her to tell me twice?
でも 他の問題児リストを見れば
She had to get you to vouch for her, too?
Sorry, but you're not exactly the most trustworthy voucher.
それで 生徒の名前が載った データも見つけたの
Farrah, listen--
I don't trust you, and I never will trust you.
違法行為やカンニング 悪事を暴く写真付き
You have Farrah Lite over there,
つまり フックはその中でも 一番ヒドかったのね
so why don't you go hang out with her.
Did you have a nice family dinner last night?
どの写真も 自宅の車庫で 内側から撮られてる
-Because I sure didn't. -I know. I'm sorry.
どうやって そんな写真を撮れるわけ?
We made a deal to do it together.
I sent my mom the video, and you did nothing on your end.
-I know we made a pact-- -No, you broke a pact.
ケルベロスが私たちを監視して 学校側にタレ込んでたんだわ
And now my world is in pieces
相当なプライバシーの侵害ね クロッチに教えてあげなきゃ
while your family is totally fine.
あなたのママ 帰宅が早すぎて パソコンはそのままよ
Listen, my dad lives for my mom, okay?
So I have to deal with knowing what I know
every time I see them together,
but that's something I'm willing to do.
バレなかったから大丈夫 でも かなりヤバかった
You betrayed me, and that's bullshit.
こんなこと もう続けられない
But it is really insulting that you're trying
私 見ちゃったの あんたがロッカーを開けて
to get sympathy from me for being a snake.
去年のクロッチからの手紙と ハードディスクを見つけたのを
Well, if it pisses you off so much,
どうして中身がわかった? 紙袋に入ってたのに
you have the most obvious way to make me and my family
-as angry as you are. -Are you really asking
誰かは知らないけど 最初に頼まれたのは私なの
why I don't send your mother and father the affair video?
God, you don't know me at all.
手紙には「嫌だったら 紙袋を図書館に隠せっ」て
- だからそうした - 僕は違った
[cell phone rings]
私が目撃したのは ただの偶然よ
[Plain] Principal Cowher's pulling out of the teachers' lot right now.
Perfect, thanks, I'll call you later.
Wait, you think whatever you're doing
-is going to help Hook? -I don't know yet.
この話が広まったら 僕の母親はクビになるかも
-Are you okay? You sound-- -I gotta go.
めちゃくちゃにしたりしない これからも約束は守る
[whistle blows]
まずはYに相談させてね これは私たちの秘密
One goal, one assist.
僕の母親は善人だし 仕事だってデキる人だ
I wish I'd drafted you on my high school
girls' soccer fantasy team.
僕を突き止めるために 人を雇ったみたいだけど
That's a joke, by the way.
Probably a creepy one, at that.
It was creepy-adjacent, at worst.
Well, you seem very, um, at home on the field.
私だって 知りたくもない事実を 知った経験があるから
Yeah, it's where I feel like my favorite me,
それも 両親のこと
-if that makes sense. -It does.
Whenever I'm in a place where I feel like I have a purpose,
「最後になりますが カウハー校長
I'm a totally normal person
スパイ行為をやめて 退学処分を取り消せば
who does not tell creepy-adjacent jokes, like, at all.
学生へのスパイ行為について 情報が漏れることは一切ありません
Um, so...
常に監視しています 親愛なるクロッチより」
would you want to hang out sometime with me?
今朝は シャワー室で 何事もなかったの?
Yeah. That sounds good.
Great. [chuckles]
あなたの家庭事情も考えず 無神経だったって
[cell phone buzzes]
- いいのよ - よくないよ
The faculty meeting must have let out early.
両親が愛し合ってて つまり...ありがたいと思うべきだって
-So you better hurry. -Almost done.
One last transfer.
私に気を使うのは やめて欲しいわ
I'm gonna grab Cowher and head out.
-[car approaches] -Shit, she's here.
I'll meet you at the place.
クロッチを見つけようとした カウハー校長のせいで
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
プライバシー侵害の一件が 明るみになったなんて 皮肉な話だ
-[computer bleeps] -Yes.
You're going on a date with Ilo's sister.
How'd you finagle that?
Talked about things we have in common.
カウハー校長は あわや失職だったが
-That's what people do. -Like anxiety stuff?
身近に潜むクロッチのおかげで 危機を免れた
Some, why?
それが 最愛の息子だったてわけ
You only know about that stuff because of Chadwick's tapes.
Kind of pervy, don't you think?
- ハント警部補ですか? - ええ どうしました?
It's a gray area.
Besides, you're all about leveraging information.
違法な捜査と押収を理由に 警察が起訴を取り下げたんだ
-Not to get laid. -So you're above it now.
校長が父に電話して 退学処分も取り消しだよ
Or are you just that way
なぜだろう 不思議だよ
when it's about me and anyone other than you?
ええ 本当に不思議ね
It's so cute when you think I'm jealous of your love life.
とにかく ありがとう
Wait till you see what I got. Here, check this out.
誰にだって 信頼できる 守るべき仲間がいる
There's a whole e-mail thread between your mother,
Superintendent Moorehead, and someone named Cerberus.
おい 例の水ってある?
That's a three-headed dog that protects the gates of hell.
2本だけ残ってる 処分しちゃおう
Yes, I know, I took mythology in sixth grade, too.
So this whole back-and-forth is about them
hiring this Cerberus hack to track down The Crotch.
つらい目に遭っても 全力で戦ってくれる仲間がいる
And were they successful? Did they find The Crotch?
何をしたのか 知らないけど あなたはすごいわ
Um... doesn't seem that way.
What does this have to do with Hook?
仲間とお互いに助け合う 大事なのはそれだけだ
This is from Cerberus.
"Closing in on The Crotch. Not there yet.
[コリン : アイス食べた?]
But to prove I'm worth the hire,
[ハンナ : 一緒に食べる?]
here's some others polluting your school."
[非通知設定 : 正体は知ってる 監視してるぞ ケルベロス]
And then there's a whole bunch of PDFs
今回のエピソードの 挿入歌はこちら
-with students' names on them. -Shit.
All the PDFs contain photo captures of kids
doing illegal stuff or cheating or something bad.
Let me guess, Hook's is the largest of them all.
All photos of him selling.
These photos all look like they were taken inside his garage.
How could they possibly get photos of him inside his garage?
Every photo in these files was taken from laptop-cam POV.
The school-issued ones.
Cerberus has been watching us and telling the administration.
It's a huge invasion of privacy.
We need to leak this to The Crotch.
Oh, and your mother got home too fast,
so I left her laptop in your trailer.
[door opens, keys jangle]
What are you doing here?
She didn't notice. It's fine.
That was a close call.
I can't keep doing shit like this.
I was there the day you opened your locker
and found the drive and letter from last year's Crotch.
How did you know what it was?
It was wrapped in, like, a paper bag.
'Cause I opened it the day before.
Whoever The Crotch was, they asked me first.
-And you said no? -It came with a letter
that said if I didn't want the responsibility to hide
the package behind the "C" encyclopedia in the library.
-So I did. -But I didn't.
It was just a coincidence
that I saw you pull out the same package.
You don't believe in coincidence.
Believe me or don't.
This is a scandal.
My mom could lose her job if we expose this.
I told you I would never screw you, and I won't.
Let me talk to Jayne, okay? This stays between us.
So you know, my mom is a good person,
-and she's good at her job. -Yeah, I know she is.
Even though she did hire a guy basically to find me.
Yeah, that's definitely a problem.
We'll figure that one out later.
Look, I-- I know how it feels
to discover something you didn't want to find.
Especially about your parents.
I know you do.
[Farrah] "In closing, Principal Cowher,
this violation of students' rights
will not be a headline,
nor will it be leaked to any press
so long as you cease this practice
and reverse the expulsion.
We have eyes all over. Sincerely, The Crotch."
[class bell rings]
So, did your parents turn it out in the shower this morning?
[chuckles] I wanted to talk to you about that.
I realized I was being a little tone deaf
with my parents' thing given what you're going through.
-No, it's fine. -No, it's not.
I should be happy that they're in love and... showing it.
Thanks for saying that, but you don't ever
have to feel like you have to censor yourself around me.
I like your brand of crazy.
[laughs] Here comes Gabe.
[Farrah] The irony is that the only reason
those laptop pics ever surfaced was because Principal Cowher
hired someone to find The Crotch.
You left this in my trailer.
Thank you.
For everything.
And in the end, the only thing saving Principal Cowher
from a full-on Spygate scandal
that could have destroyed her career
is that The Crotch is actually one of her people.
Really, her main person.
[telephone rings]
[Man] Central Rochester, precinct three.
-Lieutenant Hunt? -Yes, how can I help you?
I have Principal Cowher on the phone for you.
So, the cops dropped the charges
because of illegal search and seizure.
Principal called my dad and reinstated me, too.
Completely out of nowhere.
Yep. Completely out of nowhere.
Thank you. For whatever you did.
We all have our people, the ones we'd fight hard for,
-the ones that we trust. -Hey.
Hey. Do you have any special water?
We only have two left.
Might as well get rid of them.
[boy] Yeah...
Twenty bucks.
That was easy.
♪ When the sky is falling ♪
♪ I will pick it up again ♪
♪ If I hear you calling... ♪
We have our people that we know if it ever came down to it
would fight just as hard for us.
I don't know what you did for Hook this week, but you're my hero.
It's nice how you protect yours.
Having your friends' backs, and them having yours,
that's all that matters.
That's everything.
♪ If I hear you calling ♪
♪ I will be the one to stand ♪
♪ I won't give up, won't give up ♪
♪ Won't give up to find a better way ♪
♪ When the sky is falling ♪
♪ I will pick it up again ♪
♪ If I hear you calling ♪
♪ I will be the one to stand ♪
♪ I won't give up, won't give up ♪
-♪ Won't give up... ♪ -[cell phone chimes]
Music featured in this episode of Youth & Consequences:
♪ Climb the wall brick by brick ♪
♪ We'll jump off ♪
[indistinct techno mix lyrics]
[vocalists singing in French]