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  • check it out.


  • Sometimes an album creates the perfect storm to become both a cultural and financial phenomenon.


  • Welcome to Watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 Billboard record setting albums.

    Watch Mojoへようこそ!今日は、ビルボードの記録を更新するアルバムのトップ10に選ばれた作品をカウントダウンしています。

  • Wait, don't stop for this list.


  • We're looking at the records that dominated the Billboard 200 charts and reached heights that were unprecedented.


  • We're basing our choices on a mix of time on the charts.


  • Monumental firsts and shifts within the charts that seemed impossible were also excluding achievements by the Rolling Stones, the Beatles and BTS that air based on multiple albums, as opposed to the success of one Number 10 Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy Elton John.


  • Even with classic number one albums like Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John didn't debut at Number one on the Billboard 200 until 1975.


  • Here I have done a lot longer line.


  • In fact, his record Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy, was the first album toe ever debut at number one.


  • Instead of climbing the charts to get there, the autobiographical records Feet is all the more impressive considering it's on Lee Big Single was someone saved my life tonight with the momentum of a greatest hits record behind him, John even managed to debut at number one again with Rock of the Westies later that same year.


  • Number nine West Side Story.

    9番 ウェストサイドストーリー

  • Various artists Almost a year after West Side Story came out in 1961 it's soundtrack went all the way to number one on Billboard's album charts.

    様々なアーティスト 1961年にウエスト・サイド・ストーリーが発売されてからほぼ1年後、そのサウンドトラックはビルボードのアルバム・チャートで1位を獲得した。

  • Over the course of the next year, the album held its spot to have the longest run it number one on the chart.


  • West Side Story even won a Grammy, which definitely didn't hurt its extended reign.


  • This'll 54 Week Hold is a combined total from the mono and stereo album charts, which at the time were charted separately.

    This'll 54 Week Holdは、当時別々にチャートされていたモノラルとステレオのアルバムチャートの合計。

  • In fact, it was only dethroned in August of 1963 when the two charts were combined.


  • Gee, Officer Krupke were very Upset Way never had the love that every child oughta get Number eight licensed to ill Beastie Boys holding Now, while artists like Grandmaster Flash and Run DMC helped drive hip hop, it was the Beastie Boys who first hit Number one with a rap album licensed to ill had plenty of help from massive singles like Fight for Your Right and Brass Monkey, which both put it on the map.

    Gee, Officer Krupkeは非常にアップセット・ウェイは、すべての子供がナンバー8のライセンスを取得するべきだという愛を持っていなかった ビースティー・ボーイズを保持している今、Grandmaster FlashやRun DMCのようなアーティストがヒップホップを駆動するのに役立ちましたが、それは最初にナンバー1をヒットさせたのはビースティー・ボーイズだったラップ・アルバムでライセンスを取得したイルは、両方の地図上にそれを置いたファイト・フォー・ユア・ライトやブラスモンキーのような大規模なシン

  • No, and it wasn't too long after that.


  • The political voices behind N.


  • W.


  • A had the first hard core album to go.


  • Number one, licensed to Ill, even stayed on top for seven weeks and spent a whopping 73 weeks on the charts.


  • Plus, they would later hit number 18 and 2012 after em.


  • SIA's Death Number seven Beyonce, Beyonce E Remember B E Needed Beyonce Knowles self titled fifth album was a landmark release for her and broke handfuls of records within a few days of its release.

    SIAのデスナンバー7ビヨンセ、ビヨンセEリメンバーB Eニード Bビヨンセ・ノウルズのセルフタイトルの5枚目のアルバムは、彼女にとって画期的なリリースであり、リリースから数日のうちに一握りのレコードを破った。

  • The album debuted at Number one Making Knows the First Woman to have her first five albums debut at the top of the charts.


  • But so good Thea album landed at number one after selling over 600,000 copies in a few days, making it one of the biggest sales weeks of 2013.


  • ITunes even reported Beyonce as its fastest selling album ever internationally.


  • Knowles fifth record was also the second digital only album toe ever.


  • Top the Billboard 200.


  • It's a e leg number six tapestry.


  • Carole King, looking out on the morning rain Carole King's Tapestry, debuted on the Billboard 200 at 79 in 1971 and didn't leave the charts until 1977.

    朝の雨を眺めているキャロル・キング キャロル・キングの『タペストリー』は、1971年に79歳でビルボード200にデビューし、1977年までチャートを離れていなかった。

  • This incredible longevity gave King the longest consecutive run on the charts by a female artist with a whopping 302 weeks on the Billboard 200 E E Down.


  • Carol's album also spent 15 consecutive weeks at number one, which earned her the longest consecutive female rain until Whitney Houston dethroned her in 1993.


  • 1 more song about E Way, though Adele's 21 would break many of these records.

    アデルの21はこれらのレコードの多くを破るだろうが、E Wayについての1曲を追加しました。

  • Tapestry has returned to the chart as recently as 2016 thanks to its strong song writing and Gilmore Girls, using where You lead as a theme song anywhere that you tell me to Number five Vitality.


  • Pearl Jam.


  • While CDs had taken over the music industry by the nineties, Pearl Jam decided to first released vitality on vinyl.


  • Vitality ended up debuting on the Billboard 255 making it the first vinyl album to enter the charts, and CDs took over the market.


  • Though it slipped to 1 73 it made the massive leap to number one the week the CD version finally came out.

    1 73まで落ちたものの、ついにCD版が発売された週には1位に大躍進。

  • It Vitality held the largest chart position climb until Biggie's Life after Death went from 1 76 to Number one.


  • The album also had the most vinyl sales for one week until Jack White's Lazaretto broke the record two decades later.


  • Number four Rumors Fleetwood Mac.

    4位 噂のフリートウッド・マック

  • Now there You Go Again You Say You Want Your Freedom.

    Now there You Go Again You Say You Want Your Freedom.

  • After 10 increasingly successful albums, Fleetwood Mac made their most successful release ever with rumors.


  • The album quickly hit Number one and stayed there for an impressive 31 nonconsecutive Weeks.


  • Don't Stop its second single, Dreams also became the band's Onley song to ever top the U.

    Don't Stopの2枚目のシングルであるDreamsは、バンドのオンリーの曲としては史上最高のU.S.A.C.のトップになった。

  • S.


  • Billboard 100.


  • Thanks to hit singles like Go Your Own Way and Don't Stop, the album topped charts worldwide.

    Go Your Own Way」や「Don't Stop」などのヒットシングルのおかげで、アルバムは世界中のチャートでトップになりました。

  • It even hit number 11 on the Billboard 202,011 thanks to songs from it being used on glee.


  • Been down two times.


  • We owe never going back again.


  • With enough sales to go, Diamond rumors has become an essential part of any record collection.


  • E number three dark side of the Moon Pink Floyd.

    Eナンバー3 ダークサイド・オブ・ムーン ピンク・フロイド

  • Since it landed on the Billboard charts in 1973 Pink Floyd's classic Dark Side of the Moon has made Billboard chart history.

    1973年にビルボードチャートに登場して以来、ピンク・フロイドの名曲「Dark Side of the Moon」はビルボードチャートの歴史に名を刻んできた。

  • In fact, the album stayed on the Billboard 200 for a whopping 14 years, or 741 weeks until it finally stepped off in 1988.


  • You're and just to after older or catalog albums were allowed back onto the charts in 2009.


  • The album has continued well above 900 weeks.


  • On the charts.


  • Dark Side has the longest day on the Billboard 200 while runner at Bob Marley's Legend only has 600 weeks.


  • The album even gained a minor boost in sales during 20 seventeen's Total Solar Eclipse Number 2 21.

    このアルバムは、20セブンティーンの「皆既日食ナンバー2 21」の間にも売り上げを伸ばした。

  • Adele.


  • There's a Starting in My Heart, though it was a massive hit when it came out, Adele's 21 has continued to rule Billboard charts as the years go on, 21 spent its 1st 78 weeks on the Billboard 200 in the top 10 and went on to spend a total of 24 nonconsecutive weeks at number one Way.

    There's a Starting in My Heartが出た時には大ヒットしたが、アデルの「21」はビルボードチャートを支配し続けている。

  • Adele beat out Whitney Houston for the longest female number one rain on the 200 Houston beat out Carole King, 21 spent 353 consecutive weeks on the chart from its debut in 2011 until late 2017.


  • Never find so thank you.


  • Additionally, 21 is actually the first album by a woman to earn 450 weeks on the chart overall.


  • But to the before we unveil our number one pick, Here are some honorable mentions.


  • Coloring Book Chance.


  • The Rapper Future and Hendrix Future for E.


  • Percocet.


  • My Purposes.


  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos.


  • You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.


  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.


  • Number one thriller.


  • Michael Jackson.


  • Just with singles like Billie Jean beat it and its own title track, Michael Jackson had an easy hit with thriller Theobald Um easily topped the charts and has spent 37 weeks at number one.

    ビリー・ジーンがそれを破ったようなシングルと、その独自のタイトルトラックを持つだけで、マイケル・ジャクソンは、簡単にチャートのトップを飾ったスリラーTheobald Umとの簡単なヒットを持っていたし、ナンバーワンで37週を過ごしています。

  • Michael Jackson still holds the longest number one rain for any artist on the Billboard 200.


  • Given that West Side Story is a compilation, Thea album has remained the best selling album of all time, with an estimated 66 million albums sold worldwide.


  • US.


  • Sales account for 33 million, which makes Thriller 33 times platinum.


  • The endless sales have also earned Thriller over 400 weeks and counting on the Billboard 200.


  • We owe Do you agree with our picks?


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