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  • The World Wide Web,

  • where you're likely watching this video,

  • is used by millions of people every day

  • for everything from

  • checking the weather,

  • ordering food,

  • and chatting with friends

  • to raising funds,

  • sharing news,

  • or starting revolutions.

  • We use it from our computers, our phones, even our cars.

  • It's just there,

  • all around us, all the time.

  • But what is it exactly?

  • Well first of all, the World Wide Web is not the Internet,

  • even though the terms are often used interchangeably.

  • The Internet is simply the way computers connect to each other

  • in order to share information.

  • When the Internet first emerged,

  • computers actually made direct calls to each other.

  • Today, networks are all around us,

  • so computers can communicate seamlessly.

  • The communication enabled through the Internet

  • has many uses,

  • such as email, file transfer, and conferencing.

  • But the most common use

  • is accessing the World Wide Web.

  • Think of the Web as a bunch of skyscrapers,

  • each representing a web server,

  • a computer always connected to the Internet,

  • specifically designed to store information and share it.

  • When someone starts a website,

  • they are renting a room in this skyscraper,

  • filling it with information

  • and linking that information together

  • in an organized way for others to access.

  • The people who own these skyscrapers

  • and rent space in them

  • are called web hosts,

  • but anyone can set up a web server

  • with the right equipment a bit of know-how.

  • There's another part to having a website,

  • without which we would be lost in the city

  • with no way of finding what we need.

  • This is the website address,

  • which consists of domain names.

  • Just like with a real life address,

  • a website address lets you get where you want to go.

  • The information stored in the websites

  • is in web languages,

  • such as HTML and JavaScript.

  • When we find the website we're looking for,

  • our web browser is able to take all the code on the site

  • and turn it into words, graphics, and videos.

  • We don't need to know any special computer languages

  • because the web browser creates a graphic interface for us.

  • So, in a lot of ways,

  • the World Wide Web is a big virtual city

  • where we communicate with each other

  • in web languages,

  • with browsers acting as our translators.

  • And just like no one owns a city,

  • no one owns the Web;

  • it belongs to all of us.

  • Anyone can move in and set up shop.

  • We might have to pay an Internet service provider

  • to gain access,

  • a hosting company to rent web space,

  • or a registrar to reserve our web address.

  • Like utility companies in a city,

  • these companies provide crucial services,

  • but in the end,

  • not even they own the Web.

  • But what really makes the Web so special

  • lies in its very name.

  • Prior to the Web,

  • we used to consume most information

  • in a linear fashion.

  • In a book or newspaper article,

  • each sentence was read from beginning to end,

  • page by page,

  • in a straight line until you reached the end.

  • But that isn't how our brains actually work.

  • Each of our thoughts is linked to other thoughts,

  • memories, and emotions

  • in a loose interconnected network, like a web.

  • Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the World Wide Web,

  • understood that we needed a way to organize information

  • that mirrored this natural arrangement.

  • And the Web accomplishes this through hyperlinks.

  • By linking several pages within a website

  • or even redirecting you to other websites

  • to expand on information or ideas immediately

  • as you encounter them,

  • hyperlinks allow the Web

  • to operate along the same lines as our thought patterns.

  • The Web is so much a part of our lives

  • because in content and structure,

  • it reflects both the wider society

  • and our individual minds.

  • And it connects those minds

  • across all boundaries,

  • not only enthnicity, gender, and age

  • but even time and space.

The World Wide Web,


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

TED-Ed】ワールド・ワイド・ウェブとは何か?- トワイラキャンプ (【TED-Ed】What is the World Wide Web? - Twila Camp)

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    VoiceTube に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日