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  • We're more than 750 students have tested positive for the coronavirus at Northumbria University in Newcastle.

    ニューカッスルのノーサンブリア大学で 750人以上の学生が コロナウイルスに陽性反応を示しました

  • Almost all of them showed no symptoms.


  • It's the biggest outbreak so far at any university in the UK Well, our correspondent Danny Savage is in Newcastle for us tonight.

    英国の大学で最大の発生です ダニー・サベージ特派員が 今夜ニューカッスルに来てくれました

  • Danny Clive, If you talk to students in Newcastle tonight, you certainly get the impression that coronavirus is rife among the community.

    ダニー・クライヴ 今夜ニューカッスルの学生に話を聞くと コロナウイルスが蔓延しているという印象を受けるでしょう

  • Everybody seems to know somebody who's got it.


  • The slightly better news, though, is that the 770 Northumbria students who have tested positive only something like 78 of them are showing symptoms at the moment.


  • But you do get the feeling that there are many, many hundreds, if not thousands, of students in this city who are having to stay behind closed doors at the moment on will do for some days yet.

    しかし、多くの多くの、多くの数百、数千ではなく、何千人もの学生がクローズド ドアの後ろに滞在する必要があるこの都市では、まだいくつかの日のために行いますがあることを感じて取得します。

  • Rebecca Hey, how are you?

    レベッカ 元気だった?

  • A student house in a student street in Newcastle tonight away.


  • The people in this terrorist home of tested positive for co vid under isolating on the neighbors have had it two way thought we were like some dangerous households and we've got cut would stay away that we were like they were like we've already had it.

    このテロリストの家の人たちは... コ・ヴィドの陽性反応が出て... 隣人に隔離されていて... 危険な家庭のように 思われていましたが... 私たちがカットされたことで...

  • You think it's pretty widespread in student housing?


  • It's widespread completely, just also, with everybody going back on like the kind of the night out, seeing what whatever is left of it.


  • Second year students.


  • They've only been back in Newcastle for a week.


  • Onda.


  • Sure they weren't infected before they arrived.


  • Do you think the advice should have been different at the beginning of term?


  • On reflection now I think that they definitely had a lot of time.


  • The plan and I think some precautions on quite good that could have bean students coming back the halls.


  • It's they're all just throw him back in there and it's shot back up.


  • Well, I don't regret it at the moment.


  • We're still having a good time in the household, and we're working through it quite well.


  • There are so many students isolating that food parcels are now having to be sent out.


  • This is now a huge operation to look after them.


  • This week in total will have supported both in university accommodation on private accommodation, 1000 students.


  • We're working with partners in the Students Union on the City Council to make sure that those students have supplies.


  • This is a hall of residence for Northumbria University.


  • There are scores of cases in this one city center Hall University says 770 students have tested positive.


  • Back in the terraced street, this is the strangest of Friday night's How are you?

    段々畑通りに戻ると、これが金曜の夜の変な感じの「How are you?

  • We will bean, you know, bit rough, but I think we're all on the men now.


  • They've got another week of this before they could go out again.


  • The concern is that case numbers will increase.


  • The hope is that this is a peak and things will improve.


  • Danny Savage, BBC News Newcastle The first Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, says she's made it crystal clear to the disgraced MP Margaret Ferrier that she should stand down from her seat.

    ダニー・サベージ、BBCニュース・ニューカッスル スコットランドの第一大臣、ニコラ・スタージョンは、彼女が彼女の席から身を引くべきであることを不名誉なMPマーガレット・フェリエに明確にしたと述べています。

  • Miss Ferrier was suspended from the SNP for traveling from Scotland to London by train despite experiencing covered symptoms and then returning back to Scotland by train after testing positive.


  • The Metropolitan Police is now investigating.


  • Here's our Scotland editor, Sarah Smith Fangio.


  • Nichola Sturgeon says Margaret Ferrier is a friend, but she's not attempting to defend what she's called a monumental, almost incomprehensible error of judgment.

    ニコラ・スタージョンは マーガレット・フェリエは友人だと言っているが、彼女は彼女の言う記念碑的な、ほとんど理解できない判断ミスを擁護しようとしているわけではない。

  • Her actions were reckless, dangerous on completely indefensible.


  • And I I feel very angry on behalf of all of you.


  • Every single day I stand here and I ask you to make horrendous sacrifices as part of our collective efforts against Covert.

    私は毎日ここに立っています そして、私はあなたにお願いします 恐ろしい犠牲を払ってください 私たちの共同の努力の一部として コバートに対抗するために。

  • I've also spoken to her directly and made crystal clear to her that I think she should now resign as an MP.


  • On Saturday, Margaret Ferrier took a test after showing symptoms of coronavirus, Yet she traveled by train from Glasgow to London on Monday.


  • On Monday evening, she received a positive test result and then she took a train back to Scotland knowing she had covered 19.


  • It wasn't until Wednesday that she informed the SNP chief whip, who immediately told the parliamentary authorities.


  • I cannot believe the behavior, remember apartment it with complete shock, that somebody could be so rat Lis with the stuff of the House of Commons with the fellow member MPs but also traveling on public transport as well, completely reckless behavior totally on Mac Settle and I'm very angry that the house has being put at risk really very, very angry about this.

    私はこの行動を信じることはできません、完全なショックでアパートのそれを覚えている、誰かが仲間の議員と下院のものとネズミのリスになる可能性がありますが、また、公共交通機関にも旅行、完全にMac Settleに完全に無謀な行動と私は非常に怒っている家が危険にさらされていることを非常に非常に非常に怒っている、このことについて。

  • Madam Speaker on MP making a speech about coronavirus after having taken a test has shocked her colleagues.


  • A d u P m p who sat with her at dinner is now self isolating.

    夕食時に一緒に座っていたd u P m pは、今では自己孤立しています。

  • The real concern is that what Margaret Ferrier has done undermines the public health message that anyone with Kovar 19 symptoms has to isolate immediately, not even pop to the shops, let alone take a lengthy train journey.

    本当の懸念は、マーガレット ・ フェリエが行ったことは、コバール 19 の症状を持つ誰もがすぐに隔離する必要があるという公衆衛生のメッセージを損なうことです。

  • Miss Ferrier admits she made a huge mistake.


  • But people here in our constituency people right across the country might well be asking if she could do it.

    しかし、ここにいる全国の人々は、彼女にできるかどうかを 尋ねているかもしれません。

  • Why can't I?


  • Yeah, I think she she don't know him.


  • Bear.


  • Yeah, they, you know, after all of the kids are back skill know the rules and she should know that else.

    子供たちが戻ってきた後に ルールを知っているから 彼女も知っておくべきだ

  • I am an SNP member.


  • I I'm just very sad about all very disappointed.


  • Miss Ferrier is being investigated by the Metropolitan Police on the British Transport Police as well as the Common Standards Commissioner.


  • She may face a fine and could be suspended from Parliament.


  • Sarah Smith, BBC News Campus line While the latest government figures show there were 6968 new coronavirus infections recorded in the latest 24 hour period.

    サラ・スミス、BBCニュースキャンパスライン 最新の政府の数字は、最新の24時間の期間に記録された6968の新しいコロナウイルス感染症があったことを示していますが。

  • That means the average number of new cases reported per day in the last week, it's 6273.


  • On average, 372 people were admitted to hospital every day.


  • This number doesn't include Scotland.


  • 66 deaths were reported that's of people who died within 28 days of a positive curve in 19 test.


  • That means on average, in the past week, 47 deaths were announced every day, which takes the total number across the UK to 42,268.


  • Right now, different parts of the UK have had mixed fortunes when it comes to tackling coronavirus.


  • Luton was praised by the prime minister this week for its efforts but is now back on an official watch list.


  • Other councils are faring better.


  • A czar, health editor Hugh Pym, now explains it was an area with a co vid 19 problem.

    ツァール、健康エディターのヒュー・ピムは、今、それはco vid 19の問題を持つ領域だったと説明しています。

  • That's why hearts mere council in Hartford sure put out this video a month ago assed part of a wide ranging publicity campaign, And should you show any symptoms self isolate on, it's had the desired effect.


  • Infections have fallen on the areas being taken off the official watch list.


  • Three council leader told me how others had helped to get the message is out Way had 27 community leaders on a call a few weeks ago who had a reach of between four and 6000 people through email lists.

    3つの協議会のリーダーは、他の人がメッセージを得るために助けていた方法を私に言った ウェイは、電子メールのリストを介して4と6000人の間のリーチを持っていた数週間前の呼び出しで27のコミュニティのリーダーを持っていた。

  • So it's identifying the right people to speak Thio and then get them to disseminating Cascade the information down.


  • And it certainly worked here in heart smear on.


  • I hope it will work elsewhere.


  • Coming off the watch list doesn't mean the virus threat has gone away far from it.

    監視リストから外れたからといって ウイルスの脅威が遠のいてしまったわけではない

  • Here in Luton, they were on the official hotspots list, Various community initiatives were taken on, infections fell and they came off it.


  • But this week, Luton has been put back on as an area of concern.


  • Luytens weekly case numbers fell back in August but are now about six times higher than they were.


  • Some of that has bean about more people mixing mawr, people being out and about more on bond.


  • We What we're trying to do is encourage people to think about how many people that they meet with.


  • Lucia runs a hair salon in the town.


  • She has strict limits on numbers on temperature checks on customers.


  • If I'm totally honest, I feel safe in here because I have a say in how I I'm in charge of people's behaviors in here.


  • However, when you know I have been out and about because it had gluten had Bean come off the danger list, so to speak with alcohol comes the more relaxed attitude.


  • Also on the latest watch list for England, Rotherham's Bean added on Sheffield moved to a higher level of support.


  • Cheshire, Western Chester Aunt Cheshire East Have Bean added along with Barrow in Furness.


  • Wakefield joins others in West Yorkshire on the list.


  • The Welsh government, meanwhile, will allow people living alone in areas with tougher restrictions to meet one other household indoors.


  • The first minister has also called on people from areas of England with restrictions not to travel to parts of Wales without extra measures.


We're more than 750 students have tested positive for the coronavirus at Northumbria University in Newcastle.

ニューカッスルのノーサンブリア大学で 750人以上の学生が コロナウイルスに陽性反応を示しました

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