字幕表 動画を再生する 英語字幕をプリント Ok, here I go It is my absolute belief that Foreign language learning as a separate subject should not exist. Let me repeat that: Foreign language learning as a separate subject should not exist. Language is not teachable Nobody has ever learned a foreign language in the classroom Let me say that one last time Foreign language learning as a separate subject should not exist Learn English, learn French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese are hollow concepts it's the wrong mindset. Learn English. People say: I want to learn English I want to learn the English language. What is language? The vast majority of people say: Language is a tool for communication What is a tool for communication? By a tool for communication most people think: Speaking Speak the language Speak English People say: I want to speak English well, fluently Here is one of the biggest mistakes language learners make. I want to speak English is too broad, is not clear enough. instead of: I want to speak English You should say: I want to speak about ... in English And here you need to be as specific and clear as possible. Don't say: I want to speak about my life/country/job in English No these topics are too broad, too vague. Be as specific and clear as you possibly can For example: I want speak about France in the 18th century in English I want to talk about my company's product, which is vitamin pills in English I want to talk about cryptocurrency in English You get the point Make as many examples as you want, as many as you want just make sure your examples are clear and specific. I want to talk about the movie Joker in English what is the difference between I want to speak English I want to speak about France in the 18th century in English? The big difference is that, the second sentence clearly shows what you need to do if you want to be able to talk about 18th century France in English. You need to learn about 18th century France. You need to acquire that piece of knowledge and you need to acquire it in English not in your native language. And if you want to talk about the movie Joker in English is not enough to have seen the movie but you also need to know how other people talk about movies discuss movies. The language they use to discuss performances, cinematography, special effects and so on and so forth. And you need all that information, in English, if you want to talk about movies/Joker in English So once again What is language? I strongly believe that Language is Knowledge Language is Knowledge/Information/Content Language = Knowledge And vice versa Knowledge is Language Let that sink in for a moment There is no knowledge without language, nor there is language without knowledge Let me repeat that: Language doesn't exist without Knowledge Neither does Knowledge without Language What do I mean? For instance: History is Language History equals Language Think about it Does history exist without language? Does tomorrow exist without language? The sun will rise tomorrow, with or without language but my question is: Does the concept of tomorrow, the way we homo sapiens understand it exist without language? Is there tomorrow for the pen, for the veg, for the monkey? Physics is language Art is language Mathematics, medicine is language Marketing, programming, fashion is all language. Everything you see around you is language. Knowledge is Language Language is Knowledge Language is fashion, Language is marketing, Language is medicine, Language is history and so on and so forth. You learn History through Language and Language through History. You learn Medicine through Language and Language through Medicine and so on and so forth. There is a strong correlation between the size of your vocabulary and the size of the knowledge you possess For instance Listening to a physicist talk about quantum physics, or string theory, in your native language, sounds like listening to a foreign language, because you lack the knowledge and vocabulary that goes with it. You learn Physics through Language and Language thought Physics. You can't cram all those scientific terms, without understanding the subject. nor can you learn the subject without the scientific terms. Knowledge doesn't exist without Language Knowledge equals Language Language = Knowledge no Knowledge, no Language No question about that So my question is: What's taking place in the language classroom? What are people learning in language schools? What is the language teacher, teaching exactly? Language? Language without substance, without the knowledge. So what we get is: Language is Language A complete nonsense, emptiness, nothing. zero, zilch, nada Language teachers use language to teach language. It doesn't make sense. Teachers use language to teach knowledge, things like art, philosophy, mathematics, history. But using language to teach language makes no sense. Using one's native language to teach a foreign language, makes no sense they cancel each other out. And even in a monolingual language classroom. teaching English using English. Teaching what exactly? Vocabulary wholesale 10 ways to say Sorry The 10 most common phrasal verbs Top 10 business idioms. No substance, just random words just fake mini stories, fake situational dialogues, telephone English, restaurant English, airport English TOEFL English, TOEIC English Hollow, empty concepts no substance, no context no compelling content. Any teacher who promises to teach you business English, or telephone English, or conversational English, is either delusional or dishonest. Language is Knowledge, on a certain topic. You need to know about that very same topic in order to talk about it. Knowledge first, Language second or I should say Knowledge through Language. Language is first and foremost a tool for acquiring knowledge. Let me repeat that: language is a tool for acquiring knowledge So instead of saying: I want to learn a foreign language you should say: