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  • (upbeat musical intro)


  • S: So we are here in Kurume Ramen Sei Yo Ken


  • S: We have travelled out of Tokyo all the way down to Fukuoka, and then we went from Fukuoka to Kurume


  • S: So we are having Tonkotsu Ramen today.


  • M: This place is beyond legit. It started in 1952.


  • M: Someone started a street stall, and they started this original kind of Ramen.


  • M: They have this recipe that's been passed on forever, S: Uh-huh, yeah M: it's older than us.

    M: 昔から伝えられてきたレシピがあるんですよ、S: うんうん、M: 私たちよりも古いんです。

  • M: I feel like this is the first official real Japanese Ramen video we're putting out there, aren't we?


  • S: We have been in Japan for a year now, and we didn't want to rush a Ramen kind of video... but here comes the ramen!


  • M: Simon's like, "I don't want to rush it!" (sheep noise?)

    M:シモンは "急ぎたくない!"みたいな。(羊の鳴き声?)

  • (waiter talking, S&M thanking)


  • (porn-like Oooing and Ahhhing noises)


  • (rewinding tape noise)


  • (dramatic music)


  • (music gets funky B) )

    (音楽がファンキーになるB) )

  • M: So we ordered their two special Ramens on the menu.


  • M: This one here is one that's actually richer, so they use kinda like the pork fat from the back,

    M: こちらの方が実は濃厚で、豚の脂身のようなものを使っています。

  • (S: uh-huh)


  • M: and they boil it down and then they add it into it to make it like, much creamier.

    M: それを煮詰めて、それを加えて、よりクリーミーにするんだよ。

  • M: ...and Simon has the one that doesn't have that in it, so it's not as rich.


  • S: Okay, so here's the deal


  • (M: obviously gonna share)


  • S: ...we have to start eating this right away because Ramen has a very fast time limit,


  • S: it starts going soggy if you talk for too long, so let's just eat this and show you what it's about.


  • M: The noodles get all bloated and everything.


  • S: Okay. Don't be grossed out, but the pork bone that we're actually eating is pork skull.

    S:S: わかった。気持ち悪いと思わないでください、でも実際に食べているのは豚骨です。

  • S: So in their - M: [we're] not eating the skull, but...

    S: だから、彼らの中では... M: [私たちは] 頭蓋骨を食べているわけではないのですが...。

  • S: In their vat of broth is just water, and the skull of a pig. (M: mmm-hmm)

    S:彼らのスープの桶の中には水と豚の頭蓋骨が入っているだけです。(M: mmm-hmm)

  • S: ...and they left in the brain and they left in the eyes, because it gives a sweetness to the broth,


  • S: and that's all the seasoning that you have!


  • M: How amazing is the restaurant, they have a little basket with hair elastics!


  • S: Hey, you know that a girl is serious if she looks in the eyes, puts her hair back in a ponytail, and starts slurping down some wet noodles.

    S: ねえ、女の子が目を見て、髪をポニーテールに戻して、ヌルヌルの麺をすすり始めたら、その子は本気だとわかるでしょ。

  • M: Yeah.

    M: うん。

  • S: You know what I'm talkin' 'bout.

    S: 私が何を話しているか知っているでしょう。

  • S: I'm only talking about Ramen, get your head out of the gutter.


  • S: Let's start! (Itadakimasu) M: Itadakimasu!

    S:始めましょう!(いただきます(いただきます) M:いただきます!

  • M: OOoh I can see little pieces of the pork fat floating 'round in here!

    M: おっと、豚の脂が少し浮いているのが見えますね。

  • S: Aaaaaahh yeahh.


  • (S: (slurping)) M: Ohhh my god!


  • S: Lemme try. M: Oh my god.

    S:やってみるよ。M: なんてことだ。

  • M: ...this is like... S: I don't have any in mine! M: That's because you didn't get the rich one. Try this, ready?

    M: ...これは...。S: 僕のは入ってないよ!?M: それはあなたが金持ちのものを手に入れなかったからよ。試してみて、いい?

  • S: Those are like, little, fried bits... M: Little tiny fried bits of like, pork rind magic.

    S:それらは、小さな、小さな、揚げ物のようなものです...M: 豚肉の皮の魔法のような小さな小さな揚げ物です。

  • S: Ehyooo... M: Right?


  • S: That tastes like pork rinds. M: It is pork rinds!

    S:それは豚の皮みたいな味だね。M: 豚の皮だよ。

  • S: It's just pork rinds in the soup. (M: It is pork rinds.)


  • (M: Oh my god) S: It's so... ri- I don't know how to explain this flavor, because I don't really have broths like this back in North America.

    (M: Oh my god) S: It's so... ri- この味をどう説明したらいいのかわからないわ。

  • S: It's creamy, and rich, but it's not like, milk creamy. (M: mmhmm.)


  • S: The closest equivalent is like a cream of mushroom soup. That's the... that's the only taste that I remember, that... that this is kind of like. M: (continuous yummy noises)

    S:一番近いのは、きのこのクリームスープみたいな感じ。あれは...これは...これは...という感じの味しか覚えていません。 M:(美味しそうな音が続く

  • M: Well, the key with this kind of soup is the collagen.


  • M: So this particular shop boils it, for like, three days, until everything has broken down.


  • M: It's actually pretty healthy for you, technically.

    M: 技術的にはかなり健康的ですよね。

  • M: All those nutritions, and then carbs and noodles.


  • S: Can you say it's pretty healthy with all those S&M: Carbs and noodles?


  • S: I gotta say I'm really embarrassed, when it comes to eating Ramen noodles, because I don't know how to do it right.


  • S: All of my friends, they can just put a bunch in their mouth, slurp it down-


  • S: And the whole point of slurping is that you don't want to wait for it to cool down, so you're breathing in so that it cools it down.


  • S: ...but I just keep on choking on my noodles

    S: ...でも、私はただ麺を詰まらせているだけ。

  • M: You really can't do it? S: Mm-mm.

    M:本当にできないんですか?S: うーん。

  • M: Okay watch. Take it like this, I grab it with my teeth, and I pull the noodles up the bottom, while I catch it in my teeth doing this: (sucks in at through teeth) that.

    M: オーケー、見てて。こうやって、歯で掴んで、麺を下に引っ張り上げて、歯で掴んで、こうやって。(歯で吸い込む) ...こんな感じで。

  • S: Okay, show me. M: Okay. Ready? Watch.

    S:よし、見せてくれ。M: オーケー。準備はいい?見てて

  • (romantic tune overlaying Martina slurping grossly)


  • (S&M mm-hmm'ing)


  • M: No? S: Mmmmm-hmmm. (sarcastically)


  • M: Why're you making a face like that? S: No!

    M:なんでそんな顔してるの?S: ダメだよ。

  • M: ...and what has to be one of our all time favorite additions is a' the hanjku tamago.

    M: ...そして、私たちの一番のお気に入りは、ハンジュクの玉子です。

  • M: A perfectly soft boiled-ish egg (music in background: Handel's 'Hallelujah Chorus')

    M: やわらかいゆで卵(BGMはヘンデルの「ハレルヤの合唱」)。

  • M: with...I don't know how they make this magical center look like this.


  • S: Ramen eggs make me so happy.


  • M: Now, one of the things about Ramen that's so amazing it that it really changes according to where you are.

    M: さて、ラーメンのすごいところは、場所によってラーメンの味が変わるところですね。

  • M: So Tokyo noodles are different, than noodles that you might found[find] like out in Fukuoka, versus Kyoto.

    M: 東京の麺は、福岡の麺と京都の麺とでは違うんですね。

  • S: (slurping)


  • M: The noodles here are cut really, really thin, (S: slurping continuously)


  • M: ...and supposedly, that's because originally it started by a bunch of guys that were down by the docks that were fishermen, wanting to eat their stuff quickly.


  • M: ...and so if you have a thick noodle it's difficult to eat, but if they're thin, you can just kinda shovel that down. S: (slurping loudly)

    M: ...だから、太い麺だと食べにくいけど、細い麺だと、それをそのまま突っ込んで食べることができるんだよね。S: (大声ですすりながら)

  • S: So that's apparently where the thin, straight cut noodles came from here.


  • M: This is actually my style of noodle when it comes to Ramen. This is what I prefer.


  • S: ...and everybody has a different preference when it comes to Ramen.


  • S: A lot of our Japanese friends aren't that fond of Tonkotsu Ramen, they prefer something like a Shio or a Shoyu


  • S: ...because they fine Tonkotsu Ramen too rich and too thick.


  • S: ...and I think they're crazy because this is just insanely delicious. M: (mm's in agreement)

    S:......これがめちゃくちゃ美味しいんだから、頭おかしいんじゃない?M: (mm's in agreement)

  • S: The... the other kinds of ramen that I had like Shio or Shoyu are... all right.... but I always prefer Tonkotsu.

    S:ラーメンは...他にも塩とか醤油とか...わかった.... でも私はいつもとんこつの方が好きです。

  • S: ...and supposedly, according to my Japanese friends, most Westerners prefer Tonkotsu.

    S: ...そして、日本人の友人によると、欧米人の多くはとんこつを好むそうです。

  • M: ...and we've had Tonkotsu Ramen before in Tokyo. I found it really heavy, and oily,

    M: ........で、東京で食べたことがあるんですよ。私は重くて脂っこい感じがしました。

  • S: Yes!


  • M: So when I ate it... it was like eating fat gob-lets on top. (S: slurping in agreement)


  • M: It always made my stomach feel a bit ill.


  • S: (noises of agreement) M: This is very different.

    S:(同意の雑音) M: これはかなり違う。

  • M: This almost tastes like a chicken soup.


  • M: Like that kind of homemade chicken flavor. It doesn't have a heavy, greasy taste whatsoever.


  • M: Simon's about to chow down on what looks like some kind of noodle or meat, but it is not, it is actually a bamboo shoot.

    M: サイモンは麺や肉のようなものを食べようとしていますが、そうではありません。

  • M: This is Menma. S: I love Menma. Martina's not fond of it, so she doesn't have that much in her's.


  • M: It depends on the location! So, some places I find the Menma is quite over powering, because it's usually like a fermented one,


  • M: or it's been soaked in a sauce, while other places I find it quite fresh and crunchy.


  • M: ...and that's what's cool about Ramen, is you can get a lot of them customizable.


  • M: This is Chyashu, which I'm sure I'm not pronouncing properly.


  • M: But basically it's just a really thinly sliced pork that goes into it.


  • M: If you're at a bad location, it'll be tough, it'll be chewy... it'll taste like it's just been way over cooked and you're like; (nyang nyang nyang (tough chewing noises))


  • M: If you're at a great place, like this, it's gonna fall apart in your mouth.


  • S: Aahhh


  • M: Ahhh~


  • S (deep sexy voice): Oh baby you understand me, don't you? Yes you do.


  • (M: ...?)

    (M: ...?)

  • S (deep sexy voice): Put you in my stomach and remember you forever.


  • S (deep sexy voice): You know what? I'm not even going to go to the bathroom, I'm gonna hold it in for you.


  • S (deep sexy voice): I'm gonna keep you with me forever.


  • M: Ah- are you talking to me or the Ramen?


  • S: To you!!! Of course... my love......


  • S: You gonna finish that?


  • S: I will say though - uh - what I just did is a little bit strange, because in most of the Ramen shops that I've gone to,

    S: 今まで行ったことのあるラーメン屋さんのほとんどが、今やったことはちょっと変わっていると思うんです。

  • S: I see people finish the noodles and then pretty much leave the broth behind,


  • S: but I don't know how they could do that, this is so delicious.


  • S: Maybe because it's not super healthy, or whatnot, so people just want to have the noodles instead,


  • S: but I think I'm like one of the only people that I know that finishes my broth.

    S: でも、私は私のスープを完食する唯一の人のようなものだと思っています。

  • M: What you have to do, is book a plane ticket, you need to fly to Japan, S: Look, come all the way here.

    M: あなたがしなければならないことは、飛行機のチケットを予約すること、日本に飛ぶ必要がある、S: ほら、わざわざここに来て。

  • M: you come to Fukuoka, ok, you come to Kurume, and then you order the soup, (S: Yes, yes, yes...)


  • M: and then you go, oh my god, I know what you're talking about now! S: I understand now, I understand.


  • M: ...and you'll join our club.

    M: ...そして、あなたは私たちのクラブに参加します。

  • M: Mmm! S: You know what, I don't think we actually... um...

    M:うーん!?S: あのね、私たち、実は...えっと...。

  • (sad music) M: (humming) S: filmed enough? Should we get another bowl, just in case?

    (悲しい音楽) M:(鼻歌) S:十分に撮影した?念のためにおかわりした方がいいのかな?

  • S: because people... wanna know... M: Right! Um... the card might have... corrupted and so...

    S: だって、みんなが...知りたがっているから...そうだ。あの...カードが...破損しているかもしれない。

  • S: Did we... did we record that properly?


  • S&M: I'm not sure... M: ...if we...

    S&M:...どうかな...。M: ...もし、私たちが...

  • S&M: (happy cheering-like noises)


  • (waiter talking)


  • S&M: (thanking)


  • S: Um, so, are we supposed to say more about this?


  • S: Uhh.... M: Oh, we just wanted to... shovel it down?

    S:Uhh....M: ああ、私たちはただ...それを掘り下げたかっただけなんだけど?

  • S: We just wanna eat this. Here's for you... M: I see how this is.


  • S: Is this one bowl gonna be enough for us?


  • S: Oh no, we're not have a (mumbles) M: err... didn't press record...

    S:M: あーあ、これはダメだ(つぶやく) M: あーあ...レコードを押してなかった...。

  • S&M: (mumbling & ermergerd'ing)


  • M: I'm sure if anyone saw this right now, they're like, "look at that couple sharing a Ramen bowl together because they can't finish it."

    M:今、これを見た人がいたら、"あのカップルがラーメンを食べきれなくて、一緒にラーメン丼を食べている姿を見て "って思うと思うんですよ。

  • M: And we're like, yes! Sharing....! S: It's our third bowl of Ramen...

    M: そして、私たちは、イエス!という感じです。シェア....!S:3杯目のラーメンなんだけど...。

  • S: Sharing! M: Sharing it...

    S: 共有!?M: 共有して...

  • S: Yes

    S: はい

  • S: I'm ready for some warm snuggles.

    S: 私は暖かいナプキンの準備ができています。

  • S: 'bout to get naked, curl up in da bed M: In the middle of a Ramen shop? Really? S: and go to sleep.

    S:裸になってベッドで丸くなってM:ラーメン屋のど真ん中で?そうなんですか?S: で、寝る。

  • S: I love you gurl! M: Oh no, Simon's got the... Simon's got the food happies again.

    S: I love you gurl!M: やばい、サイモンが...サイモンがまた食べ物のハピネスを手に入れた。

  • (noises muffled because of Martina being squished against Simon's mic)


  • M: ??? ...really happy with food. (laughing)

    M: ???...食べ物で本当に幸せ。笑)。

  • S: You're the love of my life, you know that?


  • M: What about ramen? S: I'm so happy that I married you!


  • M: I thought you were talking about... are you talking to Ramen or me?


  • S: Thank you for coming to Japan with me.


  • S: ...and participating in these food adventures.

    S: ...そして、これらの食の冒険に参加しています。

  • (S: kiss noise) M: Are you food drunk? S: I just love you so much gurl.

    (S:キス音) M:食べ物に酔ってるの?S: 私はあなたのことをとても愛しています。

  • M: He's food drunk, people.


  • S: You're the best thing that ever happened to me~ M(whisper): Food drunk!!!


  • S: I like your smell. You smell like snuggles.


  • M (whisper): For sure food drunk.


  • S: Hush girl.

    S: Hush girl.

  • S: Whoo, alright, snuggle up.


  • S: (slurp)


  • S: mmm-hmm M: (gasp)


  • M (whisper): He's eating it! S: No, no I'm just whispering (blows)


  • S: (blows) That's- (blows)- that's what it is. (blows)

    S:(吹いた) それは... (吹いた) そうなんだよ。(吹雪)

  • (now just happy background music)


  • (wet willy noise) M: ~ah!~

    (濡れたウィリーノイズ) M:~あ!?

  • (next segment: Martina's sexy food porn voice)


  • Oooh what's that? You though this video wouldn't have any sexy food porn voice talking?


  • Well, you were wrong. It's time to embarrass you in front of your family.


  • What's that, they're watching right now? Oooooh!!


  • What are these noises coming from the computer?


  • It's all about food baby, it's all about food.


  • Bet'cha wish you had headphones on now don't'cha?


  • You wanna see something sexy? Take a look at that meat, that beautiful piece of meat.


  • OOU! I love the way you drop into that hot white milky liquid.


  • Oh, just like that.


  • Open it up, open it up, open it up!


  • OOOOHHHH! Gently place it in... fantastic!


  • (slurping noise)


  • Oooh I could eat that every single day.


  • Okay, it's safe now.


  • You can take off your headphones, and turn the volume back up.


  • Ha ha, I was lying! Did you know this restaurant did Fried Rice using the leftover pork from the Ramen?


  • Oh my god, look at it being tossed in that machine!


  • Just whipped around, back and forth, oooh what a naughty wok.


  • Throw that all over my rice covered body oooohhhhh, yeah,


  • just like that, I love it when you beat that egg in that hot, sizzling wok, OOOHHHHHHH


  • (fading) add those onions in as well... ooh you're such a bad, bad, chef...aren't you?

  • That's right, serve that rice up into that box.


  • OH! Look at it shaking, my God, with those flavors, uh! I could have that every day.


  • Okay, now I'm done.


  • Was it good for you?


(upbeat musical intro)


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