字幕表 動画を再生する
hi everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your pronunciation question we have
こんにちはみんなジェニファーあなたの発音の質問とタールスピーチから我々 は持っています。
two words today data and total so data is information that you do have and
total means complete okay so let's take a look at our words what these words
合計は完全なものです それでは私たちの言葉を見てみましょう
have in common and the mistake that I hear the most is that when people want
to sound a little more native is they say a T for both of these T's we're
もう少しネイティブに聞こえるようにするには... 2つのTを合わせてTと言うんだ
going to use the flap T for this which I teach as a very quick D sound all right
so what do we do at the beginning at the beginning we are going to start data
with the word day we're gonna have a nice long vowel there so to say that
start with the D d tip of the tongue behind the back of the top front teeth
and then move to the a by opening wide and then smiling day and then we're
gonna end with da yes that's super short uh sound day da I do hear people say
day ta and that is fine and I also hear people say Dada da and that is fine the
日 ta とそれは良いですし、私はまた、人々がダダダと言うのを聞くと、それは良いです...
mistake that I think you want to avoid is saying da da which sounds like a
little child saying daddy or Dad so again super long syllable one and
super short syllable two day da data data data again you have options key is always
making sure people understand you if that's what's most important and then
for total we're gonna say the word toe and to do that touch the tip of your
"つま先 "という言葉を使って、つま先の先端を触ってみましょう。
tongue to the back of your top front teeth and then move to that o sound by
opening your mouth and then puckering your lips toe and then we're gonna end
口を開けて 唇をつんざくようにして 終わりにしましょう
move to that D d and then let the tongue go down and then come back up for
そのD dに移動して、舌を下に下げてから上に戻ってきて
that l so dl dl dl
yeah you do hear a little bit of a vowel there I just caution you not to try to
add too much of a vowel because then it'll make that second syllable sound
incorrect so let's put that together toe dl toe dl total total data data data
total total total and now for a sentence data entry requires total concentration
give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference you found this
それを試してみてください 私は人々があなたがこれを見つけた違いに気づくだろうと知っています。
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on google play itunes and our classes at tarle speech thanks so much everyone
google play itunesとtarle speechの授業をご覧ください。
take care