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  • hey everybody Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question


  • today's lesson is a little bit more about word stress which is a part of


  • pronunciation and the question is how do I pronounce the word jewelry like a


  • necklace or a bracelet or a ring and diamond the precious stone there are two


  • ways to pronounce these words one you can say them with two syllables and

    これらの単語を発音する方法 1 つは、2 つの音節とそれらを言うことができます。

  • option number two you can say that with three syllables that fantastic schwa


  • sound that everybody loves so let's go ahead and take a look so our words are


  • jewelry and diamond I actually say these words with two beats jewel ree and die mund

    ジュエリーとダイヤモンド私は実際に二拍子揃ってこれらの言葉を言う ジュエル・リーとダイ・ムンド

  • but it is totally acceptable to say three beats jewel uh re or die uh mund I


  • don't hear it diamund all that often but I do hear it so you can say either


  • option so let's go ahead and try the two beat version jewel REE jewel REE jewelry


  • and die Mond die Mond diamond so again those are two beats jewel ree die mund


  • great now let's do option number two with three beats and the schwa sound

    いいね それではオプション2を3拍子とシュワの音でやってみよう

  • remember for the schwa sound you want to make this sound very short very


  • unstressed not very loud and not high in pitch just a short quick uh sound another


  • great tip is to try to connect the schwa sound to the first syllable you don't


  • want to say jewel uh re connect it to that first syllable jewela jewela

    "宝石 "と言いたいなら......それを最初の音節につなげて.............

  • jewela jewelry and same thing with diamund it's not die a mund those are

    jewela jewelry and same thing with diamund it's not die a mund those are.

  • all equal we want to connect it and make it a little bit shorter connect it to


  • syllable one daiya daiya diamund diamund so let's give all four of those a try


  • jewelry jewelry diamond diamond and then


  • for your three-syllable option jewelry jewelry diamond

    あなたの3つの音節のオプションのために ジュエリージュエリージュエリーダイヤモンド

  • diamond so let's give those a try one more time


  • jewelry diamond jewelry diamonds

    ジュエリー ダイヤモンド ジュエリーダイヤモンド

  • The diamond jewelry was beautiful give it a try I know people are going to notice the


  • difference if you found this helpful we would love a like and a share with your


  • friends don't forget to subscribe if you're looking for products to practice


  • please check out all of our products on Google Play and iTunes the links are in

    Google Play と iTunes で当社の製品をすべてチェックアウトしてください。

  • the description below thank you so much and I'll see you again soon


hey everybody Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question


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